Friday, April 22, 2005
... the weekends is coming. =)
Oh ya, to the rest of my friends who does not study in NYP. I'm posted to ARDC ( applied research n development center). Bbasically, jus doing researches on economics, political, current affairs... etc. Very boring job. And the hours are long. 8.30 to 6 daily except for fri where i get to end at 5.30. HOpefully 2mths pass quickly and i can get to go to another center. =D
Anyway, many dumb things happened in this whole week. Actually nothing much to blog about..... getting dry here. zzZZzz
Aiya, some pictures...
WHo's that girl??(correct ans will be rewarded. LOL)

Took this picture before Leo's club meeting.

sy, wen, me, lj
8:46 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn