Friday, April 29, 2005
long weekend !!! woohoo !! hurray !!!
Finally, another week has past. NOthing much happened during the week. Usual crapping and gossips and jokes.
**Eugene Toh is a damn funny guy!!! He NEVER fail to make me laugh everyday.
Oh ya, sorry i broke ur stretch ur limit band. Didn't mean it okay.. =p
Had presentation today, each group are to present for 15mins. Heard from lijuan my group took 30mins. Thanks to the dicussion... it took a long long time. Anyway, glad it's over. Can slack over the weekend now. =D Eugene told us his encounter in the mrt. Made me laugh till i cried. Argghh !! OH ya, this guy's character has a close resemblance of my brother!! Think i'll go mad soon. Laughing in school and at home.
And yes, my fav part... taking pictures!! I don't know why.. i use to hate to take pictures last time... but now i like. Arrr... i should shut up and post the pics instead.

from left to right: shiying, lujuan, liqin, adidas paper bag (=

wendy and lijuan ^-^

wendy insisted on the messy hair shot.

i love this picture! Jus look at her facial expression!! lol
i love it!!
Okay... more pictures are with shiying. Waiting for her to transfer to her computer n send me. Till then. I wanna watch tv.
7:51 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn