Tuesday, April 12, 2005
TEP orientation
was... a total disaster. super boring. People laughed for don't know what reason. Apparently i wasn't paying much attention. bah, nothing interesting about it. First center was ARDC (applied research and development centre). Another zZz thing. I think the only interesting thing that happened was the stupid fellow who was nodding off to sleep. He sat at the
front row and he
was sleeping. Or maybe half-sleeping. If it wasn't for wendy, i wouldn't have noticed him. He's head was shaking off in all directions. He seemed like he's on a sinking boat or something. Darn hilarious.
Dimissed around 11.30? Had lunch with lijuan, shiying and wendy.
Ate......... talked............. ate.......... talked..........
Decided to go shopping today. Went a few places like suntec, orchard, ps and bugis. Went a few adidas shops. Quite disappointing cause there wasn't the right sized adidas wallet.
This is the wallet i'm talking about. But when i see it there, it's
way bigger than this.

All *ahem's* fault. lol. kiddin'
*ps rmb to check with ur fren the size. where she got it. =]
Oh ya, wanted to go queensway, but not familiar with the area there.. go skip the idea. JOAN !!!!! U must bring shiying and me there one day. muhahaha
Anyway, walked n walked n walked. I think i'm getting better. I can walk
much more now.
Shopping with shiying is.... like.... fun. Cause i think we disagree alot when we shop. Oh ya, we walk like we own the roads... Haha. rmb the car?
Oh ya, some pictures when my sis n i went swimming. Lazy to upload gallery anymore.

drying up

There are much more pics when we went jogging... but lazy to upload. I'm such a bum.
Oh yea, ice-skating is on thurs. Junxiong, herry's going. So that means u'll be going right? See ya then. Timing should be ard 1pm. Confirm with u guys via sms tml.
6:59 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn