Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Ahh... i just love entertaining lijuan and myself on msn.
Made our panda names using emoticons. Seems like i'm doing it just to kill time and have fun. But.. but... there's a story behind all of these.
Last semester, had EOC ica and my topic was on Olympics. Lijuan, Frawely and I made a team. Was really fun. Preparing for the ica. Coming up with loads of hilarious ideas. Lijuan was best at that. She's the daring one.
Remember the time when u came my house and made the torch? And the mask... and everything. So much fun!! Felt like i was back in primary school doing art and craft with my best buddy. lol! My, i miss those days! =D
Enough said. You know what i mean. Time for pictures!! Everyone's favourite part. hehe. Here goes.......

my best partner in crime. hehe

that's of cos me, the mastermind of lameness!
Presenting the Phantoms of the Opera! lol

GUess who's who. Hahaa.. no prize though. =p
So...... the Phantoms unmasked:

Arrr... it feels good to look back at times. (=
*ps To those who are concern about the welfare of the pandas. Please do not worry. They are safely shipped back to China, Beijing.
11:39 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn