Friday, June 17, 2005
oo la la...oo la la..oola oola leh...oola oola.. oola leh...
Everything ended in ARDC with our final presentation. Glad and looking forward to my new stopover - CRM CC2. =)
Today was like photo taking session. Everyone snapping pictures of themselves with their buddies. Guess we took somewhere near 200 pictures? Not including those we deleted.
Anyway let the pictures do the talking!

it's dark and errie..

that's where they like to lock prisoners up

the place i lived in. where my torturing ordeal began..

from left to right:
liqin, wendy, mich, lijuan, steven(the staff who always mend the IBRC counter), me, shiying.

from left to right:
Raymond Wong(the lecturer who was cursed by me upside down), wendy, liqin, mich, me, lijuan, Jennifer Tan(lecturer. i like her 'cause i think she's nice)

look at our butts!

their lameness has outshined me.. =(

shiying always has the killer look on her face. i bet she was a murderer in her past life. And i was one of her victim.

we have some slight problems with our knees. pls bear with us. =D

there, my two buddies. know why there's a space on the right? cos it's meant for me. LOL!
(shiying did i do a good job in covering up for your poor photogrpahy skills? =p )

jovin(a nice and sweet girl. one of my attachment mate) and shiying

monster.. monster

take me! no me! not u! me !! me!! mE!! ME!!!!!

she was .... *faint*

*ahem* i do DO my work you know?

we work! yes we do!

merl(National floorball player. woohoo~) and shiying(Nation's maid. hehe.. jus kidding.)

merl and me --> both daisy's friends. lol. what a small world!

now you see it...

now you don't!

prettay prettay picture!

3 in 1. We come as a package. Take it or leave it.

again. us. again. sigh.
"again!! change people leh!!" screams the user behind the computer.


lijuan & liqin(the pervert who always lift my skirt)

TRYING to be working. lol!

eugene(the BIG JOKER) & me!

we are serious at times..

but most of the time we are not!

puffer fish just bit her hence she's pufferwoman! (jus like spiderman)


yes! foursome!

sexy legs with a not so sexy pose. wakaka

it's a culture there to show off our legs. LOL!

mel and merl. what's the diff anyway?

jovin & mel

jovin & lijuan

merl & lijuan

this was for lunch! now watch that saliva of yours!

7mth was brought forward. did ya know that? If you don't, well now you DO!

stunt of the day: sticking up the straw up her nostrils


all she knows is eat

she eats again.


let's drink!

mich munch munch~

jovin with hre pizza

finally her wish came true. she always wanted a hat like this.

lijuan's drunk drinking 100plus

liqin. trying to stuff the whole piece of pizza into her mouth. jus kidding!

i didn't dared to use fire. so i used pizza.

my hat!

see the bread crumbs ? muhahaha

what's so funny mich? *look at liqin~*


shiying with her big big hat

after lunch. just look at their "tummy"
Damn tired already. Cannot post anymore. Waiting for mich to send me the remaining pictures. till then~
9:32 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn