Sunday, July 31, 2005
find me there.....
- in lalaland -
everything has a solution to it. doesn't it?
but right now, it doesn't seemed to be the case.
i chose to live in silence, because in silence i find no rejection
2:19 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, July 28, 2005
photoshop.. my life
Did some photoshop today. Practice making the puzzle 5 times. Now i know it like the back of my palm. =D

11:35 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
I know i haven't been updating my blog for ages. Tied up with reports and presentations. Couldn't even find time to kill a mosquito
Endless work. I don't know why.
Endless editing. I don't know why.
It seems like everyday I make mistakes I just can't get it right
They say when you do a good deed you get paid back twice. How true!
Was teaching
them how to get around doing the
stuff and I ended up practically doing it on their behalf + my own part. Darn.
I must be the biggest fool breathing in this earth.
Can't wait for my new specs to come. Getting sick and tired of the giddy-ness. Damn pissed by current specs broke. Hopefully it can be repaired, or maybe another new frameless specs.
you know what, I just want my 2months break. I need it more than I need oxygen right now.
12:03 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, July 24, 2005
life's like that
4:11 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Garlic paste i made:

Dropped a piece of bread on the floor while making the bread. Milo came looking as if he wanted it very much. So i gave him instead of throwing it away. Guess what that darn dog did?

He left it on the other side of the floor..
MIlo at crime scene:

12:13 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, July 16, 2005
life is ...
... just a game where you always yearn to be in control
certain things are simply outta our control...
that is what life is all about
2:59 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Bad day.
Total disaster.
Give me 3 wishes and i would.............................
1) kill her
2) kill her
3) bomb cc2
signing off as an angel =)
9:00 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, July 11, 2005
Anyone seen their newest bus ad? Well i saw them twice. I thought it was super pretty. Love it to the max. Simply touch my heart. Haha.. and i guess if i ever call their customer hotline, i'd be enquiring where they got their dog model from. =D
Couldn't get the picture of it though. ='(
Anyway, they used a shih tzu pup as their model. But the size of the dog, logically, doesn't fit the catch phrase, "World's smallest breed". Nevertheless, it's still so damn cute.
i wish i such a big print of that ad in my room!
here how's a shih tzu looks like in case you didn't know. =p

look at tt ribbon on its head! even a dog is much more vain then me. =X

They used a dog with smiliar color to this =)

Arrrr!! so cute !!! Gimme one too !!
I think i'm gonna drag my mom to the pet shop now. Yea now. 12mn. Another impulsive buying. Children please do not learn.
11:52 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, July 08, 2005

I'm da Queen of Hearts
dino-jackpot. Wakakakaka
Bow to the 3 Goddess
Presenting the famous Olympians:
11:26 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Before you proceed reading on my blog be aware that the contents are not so pleasant
to both the eyes and the mind. Close this window if you're so holy and cannot take a
single word of vulgarities.
You've been warned!I must be damn fucking unlucky today. Was damn pissed off with everything that happened in school but things didn't get better even after school. Right after wendy left the bus, a indian school girl came over and sat beside me. I mean wtf man, there's like a totally empty seat right in front of me. Why can't she put her ass there? Why me? She stinks like real bad. BO + oil smell. And she is damn irritating. Kept talking in her tongue twisting language while shifting her butt nearer and nearer to me. At that moment i had a sudden urge push her off the seat. She smell really pungent. I have already stuck my face to the window but somehow her smell is still so strong. Then i couldn't help it but to cover my nose with my hand. BUT her bloody smell still penetrate through my fingers!!! FUCK! I wished for that moment i wasn't alive. I wished someone who come over and stab me or fire a shot right through my head. But no. Nothing of that happened. Sadly. And that's why i'm writing this here. Sigh.
to wai kiat:You're one mother fucker. That's all i can say about you. Don't you feel least ashamed of yourself? Leaving early by yourself, making 28 others wait for you to come back so that we can leave for home? This is the second consecutive time you had done that. Don't you fucking feel ashamed of yourself? Go toilet huh? What kind of fucking lie is that? Even a 3 year old kid won't take that kind of lie. To think you even try to kid 28 of us with it. I'm sure you're not that stupid to come out with such an lousy lie. Come up with a better lie next time. Unless you are really that stupid and this is the best lie you can give, then one advice. Take your fucking lie and scram with your cock face. Bastard.
I'm practically living in total hell. I bet no one knows how life in hell is like except me.
7:30 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Finally came to a conclusion. Gonna quit the school team
for good. Finally i came to a decision without depending on my mom(didn't feel good though). Of course i didn't come to the decision all by myself. Heed alot of advice from people around me; Peggie, Johnny, Lijuan(though she wasn't of much help. lol!!) etc. Thanks to all !! But of course it's not just under the influence of peers that i quit. In fact they encourage me to carry on. Did alot of reflection of what i want and what i can acheive in my sporting area. And yea, i guess my peak period has ended. No point carry on training so hard if i can't make it big there. So yea.
Lijuan's been lamenting how fickle minded i am. When i told her that i'm quiting badminton she goes:
"haiz. why you like that one? Always like that. San(1) Xing(1) Liang(3) Yi(1)..." And she goes on...and on.Yea i agree i am. But it seemed like
fickle-mindedness-phorosis flowed in my blood.
Personal selling lecture wasn't that fun. Went in there made fun of the stuffs that were being presented. Laughed. Giggled. But still it wasn't that fun. Looking forward for the next review session. XD
Photoshop lab session was totally time wasting. The photoshop in school is version 4.0. How lousy can that be? And guess what excuse was given?
"Oh we are not testing you on your knowledge on the newest technology, we're testing you on your creativity." Now how much lousier can that be? Geez, i mean don't give me that crap when you don't even intention to provide your student with the proper application. No wonder NYP never make it big. And the worst thing is the tutor teaches the class the hard way of doing things. I mean he's doing them more harm then help. Try imagining 7/8 of the class sticking their face 3cm away from the monitor struggling to crop a image using the very useless lasso tool. They could have simply finish it in 2 steps without having the need to strain their eyes. LMAO.
Today's Shi Ying's birthday. =D Although there's no big party or lavishing celebration it was still fun and filled with warmth. Here's what happened:1) Rushed to school and had a birthday slide placed up on the crmcc2 tv screen.1.1) Lied to her that she could see her previous stopover results from the screen. Hehe.. hope it was quite a surprise. lol !2) Gave her a little prank. Had her tearing off 18 pieces of paper with different motivational words on each of them. What lies under was something she didn't like to eat. Muhahahaha.. Best part was we had her to finish part of them. 3) Placed her real present on her chair. Watched her digging for her presents in the box. =D4) Had a few people singing birthday song for her before the lesson ends. (suffered a few scratches from her when she was trying to stop me from clapping. Eh seriously you should just cut off the entire nails on your fingers LOL! )Did a few personality test with lijuan. The results are 95% accurate and it can be quite freaky and amazing. All in all it was quite fun because in a way you get to understand you friend better. =D Went to love calculator site and lijuan was so psyched up. lol! Boosting to me how high the percentage was and stuff like that. HAhahahahaha...
Went to this particular website with the love thermometer. Was joking about the thermometer exploding when she was calculating her lust. Wahahaha..
One word.
8:58 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, July 04, 2005
contradictions within
Somehow i don't wish to train for the coming IVP.
But what's with the strong inner feeling telling me to have sportsmanship?
I don't want to be out of the school's badminton team.. it took me great pain to get in. Now that i am in, i don't cherish what i've got. This place is something lots of people would vie for. Why do humans work this way? Can someone show me the right way out?
Feeling damn mixed up right now.
I hate every point of my life when i have to make decisions.
Perhaps i'm afraid to make the wrong decision.
I am afraid to make a mistake.
I am afraid to face the consequences thereafter.
I am afraid to fall because i don't know if i can stand again after the fall.
On the brighter note, with the help of my enthusiastic team mate, i managed to get hold of quite a bit of information on... ahem* Well, those who know will know. Hah ! =D
10:44 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, July 02, 2005

she's happy that i'm sad. =S
nothing much to share... or rather to lazy to. Check out
lijuan's blog for the pictures and
shiying's blog to understand how terrible life has been in crmcc2.
7:38 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn