Sunday, August 28, 2005
what a weekend!
Have been
so busy since i've been up this morning... or rather afternoon (12.13pm).
MMD.. MMD.. MDD.. it's taking up so much of my time!
So many things to think about,
So many things to complete,
So many things to take into consideration,
So many things to finalise,
So many things to understand...
So many "so many things to..." I need to catch my breath!
Very afraid i
left something out on Monday... so i came out with this:

rare eh? I've never done this except for examination period.
Now i understand why it isn't fun to take on too many responsibility.
Right now i'm more relaxed... But still i need to come out with
something good for
miss pretty flower's MMD. Something really good because she's gonna be the 2nd presenter. Better come out with something that will leave a lasting impression.. i better do a good job since i
promised to help her with it. Better do... better do...
Looked through all the perfume website...
why ain't the inspiration here yet?30mins to zhen qing. I better come out with something!!!!
Someone give me a bottle of elixir of creativity please!!oh yea, angeline sms-ed me this morning.. was very surprised and touched. Miss you too~ =D
4:07 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn