Saturday, October 01, 2005
before i start working on my flash... let me blog.. oh yea..
last friday marks the start of my freedom! mUhahaha.. and jean that means u're gonna get real "busy" already! lol!!
Dumb stuff i did on friday:
- Got myself really bloated from the heavy breakfast. Close to vomitting. Shiying next time we eat again oK? LOL!- slept in eldc. the air con was just right for sleeping after a heavy meal! no wonder i'm getting fatter.. -.-- wend's events team was having a farewell party for the DBI students.. and i was the gate crasher. lol! anyway, took some pictures. hehe
left to right: me, wend, vanynce

left to right: me, wend, vanynce

i'm already in da mood for christmas~

do i look like a christmas treE? a slanting one...

wend why u don't like this? i think u look cute la! haha.. took it some time ago in eldc..

i know i posted this before.. but i really love the duck la~ make me feel like a child again. hehe.
Today's children day!!!
wahahahaa ~~
where's my prezzie?oi! don't pretend you never read this part of the post and closed the window ar~hahahahahahaahhaha
12:19 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn