Sunday, March 12, 2006
freebies week
Took loads of things home from work. Just to share:

Group product shot.

Robbie Williams Calendar - given to me by my supervisor

Portable charger for Nokia, Siemens, Motorola and Sony Ericsson phone

And this A-Du thing.. his concert stuff i think.. No idea how to use this.. can be put into the computer and watch it..

And this Narnda watch... there's a Narnda umbrella too... but i never bring home.. if u know me well enough, u know why. ahhahahaaha

Another manager gave me this.......and i had double share of rubbish =/
And there is pen which i didn't take picture of it. So many things on my desk.. how to work. No wonder everyone's reaction when they recieve this kind of thing is "What is this ar..who put it here??" Oh ya, why they don't have buffer stock for all models of handphones???
What a fruitful week it was! hahaha my arse!
Eh.................................saw andy thiong on the train sometime last week and it was gossip time!! Muhahaha...
2:05 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn