Sunday, April 16, 2006
the specs hunt
Went on a last minute "excursion" with wenD. Heh.. Guess who we met on our way to the specs shop? Steven Lim. Yucks. And he approached us. wenD was kinda excited... ahahah. BUT that's not important... important thing is..... omg.. infactuation with another specs!!
Auntie Annie let me bring this home to try + show my mom. hehe

two colors~

Yes fickle. But i think this looks nicer....... :p

look at the cool design on the side!! Yikes!! i realise my finger looks swollen. oh shit!
woot!!! i want to change!
Maybe i shld take picture of me wearing it. Heh.. going to slp anyway. tata =D
11:37 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn