Saturday, June 10, 2006
hello break !
Finally my 2weeks break has come! Muahaha...
Anyway i'm tired to do much talking.
Last week at ah ma's hse, she made these:


Ready for steaming

I dunno what it's called but it taste real good. No machine smell.
Went out for dinner with adeline, wan qiu and wendy after napfa:

a peek at wend dinner.. looks nice

and mine ~~~

looking for a fight with the 'pi jiu mei'.. lol


i was just bored with the books
Talking abt napfa...

only if i had one more of this..
Worldcup 2006 !!!!!!!!!
1st match: Germany vs Costa Rica ----------> 4 - 2
the time has feast my eyes on cute players :)
2:25 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn