Thursday, August 24, 2006
fun paper after paper
everytime after a paper it's like celebration for me.
FridayIt seems almost like we ended our exams. Lunch at crystal jade then it was taking neoprints and movie.
Inside the theater

wenD, wan qiu, me, ying hui

adeline alone...
MondayLunch at Naked Fish. Then replenishing my energy till tuesday night before i start mugging. I thought i was late, but wan qiu beat it! Started even later than me. woohOO~
WednesdayDinner.Walking around marina square.Slacking and talking about anything and everything at esplanade's roof garden.Walking again in the middle of the night.Clubbing.Kboxing.Walking again.Somewhere, we were, sitted and talking about life till dawn.
My God.. there's totally no night life in Singapore. The only thing u can do 3am in the morning in Singapore is to fix the road. sigh.

at the roof garden...
Adeline is damn funny and blur. She wanted email address to send us the pictures. And I told her: wendy one is *******
and in her send list she send to: me, wendyoneis********
11:59 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn