Friday, October 06, 2006
what girls do: shop, eat, gossip!
OH NO! I didn't went to work today. Yes, AGAIN! Looks like I only went to work for 1.5 days for this week. I really wanted to go for work today, but I felt really tired.. so tired that I couldn't even pull myself off the bed. I don't know why but this few weeks I've been feeling super tired. I even dozed off while typing vouchers.
I keep telling myself:
"this is a new month, you better make sure you go to work everyday and see how much you can earn." But on the devil side it says:
"Hey don't worry, there's a ATM right at home. Just relax!!"Seems like I've prioritize relaxing above earning money. My mom was like:
"How can you be like that? Next time when you get a perm job you cannot do this you know?!" Argh! I think if I ever find a job I must really find one that I have passion in.
Anyway... a super impromptu decision to meet this 2 fella after meeting YC.

some very serious discussion over at Starbucks
Too tempted to try these though we were super full after dinner.

It's called creamy chocolate something... though i never liked creamy stuff, it really tasted damn good with the whipped cream :)

I forgot what this is called. But anyway it's caffine based. Not bad!
And of course we had to take some pictures ^^

And this impatient woman.

On my way home the haze got really bad. How to
shang yue like that? All i see are road lamps.

Previously when i met adeline....outdated pictures

I don't know why but she had to do this lousy pose. Not much potential to be a porn star. haa
Oh yea, it's the mooncake festival so i better have something to comment. (thinks hard: Hmm.. Ok i got one) I really love it when my mom buys mooncake that comes in a nice box. Because i can use them to store all my 'treasures'. hahahaha.. Here's one example:

Think it's from Prima Deli... a give from some client

I like this box cause it looks like a palace door.

What's inside: gifts & cards from friends (:
Of course 1 box is not enough to store all my 'treasures'. I'm gonna steal the other box that my mom just bought =p
11:58 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn