Friday, November 24, 2006
Complusive Buying Disorder

Quek Poh Li (above) is commonly known as Vanessa in school and among her friends. The bespectacled 19 year old looks just like any normal teenager on the streets. She loves shopping, perms her hair to look mature, idolises Jay Chou (a Taiwanese singer), and pet phrase is
"An Jing Lah" (Sh*t Up in Chinese) which derives from the one of Jay's songs. Currently schooling in a local polytechnic^, Vanessa has no plans to work upon graduation. Parents are heart-broken to come to terms with daughter's compulsive spending disorder.
"My husband and I believe that our daughter will one day come to her senses. At the meantime we will continue to feed and care for her as she is our flesh and blood", said Mdm Quek.
Vanessa's parents first noticed her compulsive buying behaviour when she started asking for more shopping money. Vanessa would also often buy things that she did not need and come up with excuses to deny her compulsive buying disorder. When interviewed, Vanessa claimed that "there is like an evil (aura) in the shop or something that made me spend. It isn't really my fault."
Compulsive buying disorder is a commonly found in teenagers and young adults. With the urge to lead a high life, these younger generations often indulge themselves in branded apparels and fine dining.
Dr Sun a renowned psychiatrist commented,
"Often this disorder is caused by peer influences. Parents often neglect this disorder. There are some cases where the parents actually slog their life to feed their child's disorder."In recent months, there was a case of a young adult# that actually took her compulsive spending disorder overseas. The case had caused a big hoo-haa. Especially with the hike of GST to 7%, parents with children suffering from such disorder should expect to receive a hefty bill. Parents are advised to keep a close eye on their children spending pattern.
- ZigZagTimes^ Name of the polytechnic will not be disclosed.
# Name will not be disclosed to protect the author.
12:45 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn