Sunday, December 31, 2006
early morning exercise

I step out of the house at 7am. The maids washing the cars got a shock. Usually they don't see me till late afternoon. And today.. 7am!!Even milo was surprised to see me. Usually he has to wake me up. Haa... Perhaps they thought i'm gonna wash the car too.

Anyway, i decided to breathe some fresh air. Feeling so unhealthy to cope at home staring at raindrops from my window. I walked out to buy newspaper and breakfast for my family. My legs are aching like hell but i needed to get out.

7.15am and the road lamps are still on. It's like damn bright already. Wasting national resources!
I practically walked the whole neighbour cos i can't find a stall that sells bee hoon. In the end i decided to walk all the way in to that famous fried bee hoon stall. And i tell ya, carrying 6 packets of fried bee hoon with a pair of aching legs is like .. i leave that to your imagination. Oh did i mention that i love fried bee hoon to bits?
9:39 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn