Friday, December 08, 2006
a note to santa
Dear Santa,
I must confess that i haven't been good this year. I've done alot of bad things:
1. stole a sip from my mom's coffee
2. denied eating the last cookie
3. made my dog eat poo
4. made a 2 year old kid cried
5. told a lie on how my goldfish died (actually it died because i made it swim out of water)
So i rate myself:
angelic rating: 30%
devil rating: 70%
But Santa, i still want you to creep in at night to put presents under the x'mas tree.

Oh! Do remember to drop some nice candies in my stocking. This year i had it placed on the right hand side of my bed.

i promise to be good next year. hehe
with love,
jiaxin :)
2:09 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn