Friday, January 05, 2007
the battle
For seconds, minutes, and hours i tried my best to concentrate on report writing. But damn, my mind simply drifted. It feels as if i have no control over my limbs as i tried to stop myself from pressing the Blogger tab.

Damn those projects. And oh, not forgetting those tests too. *Whines pathetically* Now where is superman when i need him most?
7.49am and i'm feeling hungry now. There's no edible food at home that i can call a decent breakfast. Decent breakfast = pipping hot porridge or fried bee hoon. *slurps* If don't even dare to lay my hands on those food at home if not i might end up bingeing. Oh oh!! I hate bread for breakfast. I can't swallow.
Sticking my head out, i took a peep before stepping on the icy cold titles of the kitchen. My usual practice - to scan the surroundings for enemies. Ah ha! I knew it! Right there was my most hatred enemy loitering.
With skipping heart as fast as milli seconds run, i approached my enemy with utmost caution. I stared at my enemy with eagle eyes as i drew my deadliest weapon of mass destruction. Sensing a little trouble, my enemy starts making quick small movements. Shifting itself to the best position it starts to look out for any signal or danger that lurks around.

Carefully and slowly i took aim. With confidence i gave my shot. With months of training, nothing should go wrong in a moment like this! In such a situation only one survives. It's either IT or ME.
I did the evil smile as i watched my enemy twitched in agony. I watched it struggle for a few seconds before giving it another taste of my mass destruction - boiling water. This time it twitched with more violence. It looked like it was trying to fight back.
No! You don't fight back with me. Here's another round of boiling water for you! This time it gradually stopped its protest, as if it has accepted its fate, and falls into a deep sleep. One that it would never wake up from.

Too late puny brain! You got pwned!
Now probably dead and on the way to hell, I gave my enemy another dose of mass destruction just for satisfaction sake. From a safe distance I squatted down and looked at my dead enemy. I spent at least 20 seconds glaring at my enemy that laid so still, there was a need to confirm it's death.
I muttered to myself: "You suck!" With contentment i left the war zone.
That battle that lasted a few seconds seemed like forever. But it was worth it to watch my enemy crumble and fall. One down and many more to go. One day the world will be cockroach free...
What a victorious battle of the day! Ownage!
8:27 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn