For weeks it was left on the top of the shelve. Safe and looking good. That unfortunate night i had to lay my hands on it. And as i uncover the box my little red car fell out. Shit! Why did i forgot that the car was not 'locked' on the display box? Probably due to the inadequate rest.
It was my fault - definitely. My sheer carelessness has caused the windscreen came off making the car look so imperfect. Damn myself for touching it. Thank god the windscreen didn't shatter though. Slowly i placed the windscreen back on the car and proceeded to safe lock the bottom of the car on the display box. Sigh. For awhile i sat there admiring my little red car. It still looked so perfect in that display box. The 'defect' was least noticeable. No one would probably know such imperfection lies within it.
How i wish i could return to the days when i was just 16. No doubt there is school to attend, but school work was way less challenging and there aren't any projects to work at. When i was 16, life was a breeze. Almost. The only thing to fret about was just the big 'O' levels. 3 years down the road i'm racking my brains over some dumb projects. I certainly didn't see that coming!

How envious i am of my sister. There i am in front of the computer, pulling my hair out while figuring what i should do and she's standing in front of the mirror admiring her face.
Annoyed so i took this scandalous picture of her. I need to show the world that idiots exist! I had to! *sudden upsurge of righteousness* I'm just kidding. Maybe...
And shut up! I'm not jealous.
My sister is almost the direct opposite of me. Well, i'm smart but she's not. I rock and she rot. Probably the only thing we have in common is that we share the same set of parent. Get the gist?
My sister is really a pain in the ass. Sometimes i wish some alien would bring her away. The worst thing someone can ever tell me is that my sister and i look alike. Over the years i have received many comments that this. And it irritates me to the max. I'd give my standard reply: "
wtf! (omit if talking to senior or strangers)
Hello?! Are you blind? (change to 'sure' if talking to senior or strangers)?"

What? Maybe we look alike cause we both have black hair. *shrugs* Look alike is like NEVER in my dictionary. I'm just... way cuter than her. People who say we look alike has poor judgmental skills and they should all hang themselves and die.
Maybe i should make it a taboo for people to say we both share a close resemblance. Whoever whose next to say that will get a bitch slap from me.
Aye! What a day it has been. Rumor has it that my poly mates A and B are together. Now we don't really want nor are we interested to listen to them denying the 'fact' that they are an item. Well lo and behold! I caught them both together today. Hmmm it seems like nowadays i'm bumping into a lot of juicy gossips. What kind of luck it this called? Haha. Ok let's not digress from the main point.
When i saw A and B it wasn't just them standing together. Well initially it was but as i approached them, A did a big action that somehow or rather confirm the rumor. I bet you are dying to know what it is but i ain't telling. Beg me.
As i look through my photo album i came across a picture. A picture that made me realise how come my parents are asking me to eat more because i look pale. And why wenD keep saying that i am "
bai bai neng neng".

Erm. I still remember how i used to hate those fair skin kids in school. Okay they are not fair skin, they are pale. Reason was because i felt that they look as if they are malnutrition. This picture makes me look 70% like what i claim to hate. But i'm definitely not malnutrition judging from the amount of food i consume. lol
I wonder if i am the only one. But i notice that there might just be a stage when we feel that different skin tone is beautiful. When i was younger i thought tan was cool. And now i rather be fair, but not too fair.
Fair is nice too. I remember this badminton mate of mine during secondary school. She's an Indonesian and she came over Singapore to study. She's fair and she has rosy cheek. Rosy cheeks that are 100% natural. *hint hint* I aspire to be like her. I think all girls should have rosy cheeks. Cause it makes us look healthy and cute. lol. *starts searching for tomatoes*