Saturday, January 06, 2007
Oi, when i can get start

It seems almost impossible to get started with work when everything around me is a form of distraction. Projects are so boring that i wouldn't even want to look at it.
So i decided to pick my my new book and do some reading. *winks* Yes yes it's a korean phrasebook. No i am not a hard core korean fan - oh no, i can sense some disappointment in wenD - but i think it's interesting to pick up a little bit of korean.
Anyway reading the book is like reading chinese. I don't understand a shit. So just when i am about to soak into the mood for project something pops up.

17 participants from stomp! We were discussing who is that Mr. M lurking around. My my... how to concentrate like this? Concentrating on the conversation is hard enough when you have 17 people all speaking at the same time.
For a moment i'm busy accepting friend's request on msn. Whee.. my msn list has grown again. I'm not sure if it's a good thing, but it gets kinda frustrating when i've to scroll up and down to check people out.
As i contemplate whether to close the window or not, someone said something hilarious. I really love these stompers! *grinz*
Everytime i open up my mozilla, it's this page. Research never takes another step further!! I've tons to read up on but i'm feeling so so lazy.

Did you know that procrastination is actually a very dangerous thing? Procrastination can be a persistent and debilitating disorder in some people, causing significant psychological disability and dysfunction. These individuals may actually be suffering from an underlying mental health problem such as depression or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
Here's what they have to say about academic procrastination:
"While academic procrastination is not a special type of procrastination, procrastination is thought to be particularly prevalent in the academic setting, where students are required to meet deadlines for assignments and tests in an environment full of events and activities which compete for the students' time and attention. More specifically, a 1992 study showed that "52% of surveyed students indicated having a moderate to high need for help concerning procrastination"[4]. "
"Some students struggle with procrastination due to a lack of time management or study skills, stress, or feeling overwhelmed with their work."Yes i am overwhelmed with the amount of work at hand! Burn them all! Burn them all!! Report writing really sucks big time. The first time i feel so lost when writing an executive summary. *rolleyes*
And i think too much sleeping can harm/kill the brain cells. I slept like godknowshowmanyhours and right now i can't think. And the most shitty thing is twinkle bell is pouring the
sleeping dust over me!! Hey, i don't need that i need a dose of diligence!
3:06 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn