Monday, February 12, 2007


Right, so i just had 2 presentations. Presentations for a year 3 student would be like rice.. it's no stranger. But somehow i felt nervous before presenting RW. Nair is like.. super picky, super fussy and super critical. It's so damn hard to fathom what's on her mind. Basically the worst nightmare of every student. Okay, maybe she's second. Noi takes the first place.

Just now i got news from Wan Qiu that Nair said the executive summary should be written the normal way. HUH.......... excuse me? I thought she say we'll die if we didn't add headings and references for ica3? My GOD !!! Sometimes i feel like strangling her. I mean it. I never thought i would leave the school feeling so confused about writing an executive summary.

IB presentation left me confused. The Q&A session was prolly the longest ever in my life. Questions after questions.. the tutor had to ask super challenging questions that made us(maybe just me) walk back to our seats stunned. Then she gave a speech.. and credited our grp for doing a good job and putting facts into our presentation. So... did we do well or not? Hard to gauge.

You know, one think i like abt the IB tutor is that she accept the way we are - a quiet class. And she gave us credit for what we deserved. Not like some biased freak... Can't understand her, but anyway i ain't interested to understand her either.

4:49 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn



a little mystery is good. go figure.

i speak

sometimes i love all these pain i'm going through cause they remind me how much a failure i am.



chocolate; herself


cockroaches; someone


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#o2.Shi Ying


