Thursday, February 01, 2007

everything that is dumb:

Nanyang poly the innovative polytechnic. Oh yes we are, besides the fact that we produce top notch porn stars we also give away innovative freebies. Look i'm so proud of my school!

Oh yea, did i mention one f_cking jackass cabbie i met? I would like to stomp my feet on his face the next time. Damn $12 (not $12 actually, read on) ride from school back home. It's like the MOST expensive ride ever (from school to home). Even when i cab down to school during peak hours it's only like 8-9 bucks.

Anyhow, the fare wasn't exactly 12 bucks. That f_cking cabbie thought that cheating me by traveling the extra long way home isn't enough so he decided to play with figures. Kns. Maybe i looked tired(which i was) so he decided to try his luck and cheat me.

$8.90 + $2 = $10.9 but he decided to tell me "$11.90 miss". I was tired and prolly couldn't calculate properly so i dug out 12 bucks and handed him without hesitation. His action was damn slow... i think he was trying to not return me my 10cents change. I didn't want the 10cents change anyway so i alighted. Just before i alight the cab i saw the meter jump to $9. Then i was thinking... eh 9+2= $11.


It's not that i can't part with $1. But i don't like to be cheated. NB. That was the worst ride ever considering that the cab smelt like there's some decaying corpse at the boots. Oh did i mention it's a SMRT cabbie? That's the reason why i always insist on taking Comfort cab only. Comfort cabbies are definitely nicer and the cab smells better too.

As for today, surprising my dad didn't resist when i told him i wanted KFC for lunch. In fact he even drove me there and ate KFC for lunch too. Thank God that he was willing to let me have KFC for lunch. It has been ages since i last ate KFC cause i was avoiding it... all the oil... fats... yikes!

Those who knows know that my dad is a health freak. KFC for lunch? Hmmm... questionable doubts here. Possibilities why he actually agreed could be that:

1. he has long forgotten how fried chicken taste like
2. sudden mouth watering craving when i mention fried chicken
3. exceptionally good mood
4. tired of chinese cuisines
5. .....

Anyway the point is that tasty food are always unhealthy. Sad isn't it? I mean you can count with ten fingers (may not necessarily use all of them) the number healthy food that actually taste good.

12:44 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn



a little mystery is good. go figure.

i speak

sometimes i love all these pain i'm going through cause they remind me how much a failure i am.



chocolate; herself


cockroaches; someone


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#o2.Shi Ying


