Monday, February 12, 2007

food food food

It's has been such an unhealthy week - insufficient sleep and overworked body, and yet i had to aggravate the situation by eating unhealthy food like now. I'm swallowing this very plate of fats, oil, and more fats, and whatever unhealthy content that's in there.

But wow, it taste good i tell you. Who cares how much more it's gonna add to the waistline? I'll do the throw up exercise later. -- haha i was just kidding. i'm just trying to imitate my bulimic friend.

My dad used to say: "good stuff are never nice to eat." But that's when we were young, now he seldom give a hoot about what we shove down out throat. Uh-oh.. a little too literal here. Keep your mind on track please. This aint some sex post.

Probably this is my 'healthiest' food? Mixed vegetables.. if you have seen it when you were young.. or in the marts. I like them. All. The carrot, the green pea, the corn. Esp the last one. hahaa.

Anyway it's boiled. You add salt if u want too. For me i boil it w/o salt and i mix it with low fat maragine. It's like cup corn kinda thing.. but it's cup veggie?? Okay.. nvm, let's not chase away the non-veggie lovers.

It's strange how come people resist green peas. Like my brother and sister for instance. Green pea is so nice and it doesn't taste weird at all. For goodness sake, eat some peas.

Ok.. how about some other 'healthy' food i ate.. like:


tuna + apple + tomatoes. erm u can't see the tomatoe cos it's already in my stomach.

Right now i'm starting to recall if i ever had a proper meal for the past week.

Oh, i remember now. I do. I had like sliced fish soup for 3 consecutive meals. Yes 3 consecutive meals - i insisted on it. Sliced fish soup is the next thing to chicken rice that i won't get sick of. But of course sliced fish soup is healthier.

Let me recall... if memory serves my right i fell in love with this when i was in sec 2? My dad brought me to this stall at Circuit Road who sells superb sliced fish soup. I can still remember vividly that the uncle had a weird mole with hair sticking out on his chin. But that's not the point. The point is that the food is nice!

Oh that reminds me.. CNY is coming again. For me CNY revolves around two things:

Bak Kwa

I got a feeling that wenD is thinking abt the cancerous charred part of the Bak Kwa. Anyway it's called herterocyclic amines.. that increases the risk of cancer. Whatever... One life, live it!

and this.. i don't know what it's called but i like it ALOT

6:35 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn



a little mystery is good. go figure.

i speak

sometimes i love all these pain i'm going through cause they remind me how much a failure i am.



chocolate; herself


cockroaches; someone


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#o2.Shi Ying


