After watching television, i realised that our local advertisements are getting from bad to worst. Anyone saw KFC's new advertisement for their Fish Ole yet? Jesus Christ! Totally copying the concept of McDonald's rice burger. BUT that's not the worst. What is worst than copying someone else's work and doing doing better than them? Low budget advertisement without a proper looking model, a nice catchy song. Seems like they just want to do something the same, that's it. I bet McDonald is laughing their ass off when they sees KFC's advertisement. The whole advertisement just makes me want to avoid eating Fish Ole for the rest of my life. Thumbs down. I've never eaten both burgers before. But judging from the advert, i think i rather go for McDonald's Fantastic.
Let's talk about the television shows. This time not about how our local television has copied other shows. We all know that too well don't we? Anyway, i was watching this Taiwan variety show
The Cool Team ( 盖酷兵团) hosted by Tuo Zhong Kang and Constant Winning. Actually i don't know who is who, i just got it off Channel U's website. heh. Main point is, WTF?!? Isn't this a Taiwanese version Dangyunghaji? (a korean variety show) Yet another lousy copy. The participants are not sarcastic enough, the games ain't nice enough, it doesn't makes you laugh enough. Boo! I rather stick to my Danhyunghaji on YouTube.
Just 2 hours of TV and i've seen the worst stuff in my life. Now i know why some of my friends don't watch TV at all.