I used to have 'a lot' of things to do when i'm on my computer. Now days i realised the only use of lappie is to blast music.

Ever since i started work i never fail to hurt myself. I've people asking me: "Are you working or fighting everyday?" My colleagues beg me to be careful. My mom tells me not to work.
Sometimes i try my best to be very careful of every movement i make. But somehow i'd get injured. What amazes me the most is 80% of the time i don't know where the cut comes from.
I think those that retail Handiplast loves me a whole lot now. Cause i stock up a lot of plasters and medication, both at work and at home.
Oh did i mention that recently i've been getting bruises out of no where? Every morning i'll make a new discovery. haa.
I really want to say that i hate hamster cages that come with extensions. If, in future, my child buys one home i'll slap him/her and throw away the damn cage. It's fucking hard to fix and if you're not careful you'll get a cut like mine
(left). Worst thing, it's sold at a pretty low price. Arghh!
But sometimes it's fun to fix those cages. Cause it means that you need not entertain customers, and you get to sit at one corner of the shop and just fix the cages at your own pace. Practically wasting as much time as possible. Mondays are the best days to fix cages cause Mondays are equivalent to 'flies smacking day'.
Sometimes it's not so fun to fix the cages cause it can get quite demoralizing. Imagine you're 19 and you get angry because you can't fix a damn cage well. Like insulting my intelligence. Then those stupid kids will stand beside you and watch you fix. Kns.

Left: This is my best cage fixing partner at work.
Everytime i get fed up i just make him finish up fixing the cage. You can see, fixing cages is one of the most retarded things to do in the world.
We look like some mental patients fixing puzzles. Customers will walk by and stand there and watch you fix. Then you must pretend to be very patient while fixing the cage. Retarded.
That reminds me of Wendy suddenly. Maybe i would need a place in IMH soon. Oh btw, have you thrown a stone at one of the mental patient yet? lol
Talking about mental patients... shrugs. I don't know if i should use the word mental or weird to describe some customers.
Let's talk about luck. Some times lady luck seems to play favoritism. For instance, one of my colleague always strikes lottery. Then another will always miss the chance of striking lottery whenever he stops buying the number always bought over the past 20yrs. I mean WTF?!
But whatever it is, i'm happy whenever my colleague strike lottery. Cause that means free meal. Haha. Like seriously out of 6 working days, 3 days of my meal are paid for. They would either call for delivery or buy for me. Muhahaha
Anyway, recently my luck is going downhill man. Damn unlucky. All the asshole customers must come and pick on me. To the extend i feel like boxing on of them. What can be worst when idiots come stepping on your tail on the WRONG day? *screams in horror*

Left: My supervisor, the one who always strike lottery
He treasures his 4D ticket more than he treasure his $50 note. Seriously don't understand why he always win lottery. Some people are so lucky. Whereas some have to earn their keep.