It've been quite a while haven't it? Spank my lazy ass for not blogging, please.
Anyway, it's been 24 business days and my dvd have not freaking arrive! Someone tell me that i've been conned though i don't quite believe that i am. I mean the seller has 7141 feedbacks over a year of which 99.1% is positive. I mean, who the hell would be so free to constantly create new accounts and spam himself with positive feedbacks just to con a few bucks out of someone else. That's incredibly crazy and evil. Could be postage that's lagging. Aye.. there's such a long story behind the dvd (on how i was told it is out of stock locally but eventually managed to get my hands on it from one of the shops
here) and i'm least excited over the damn dvd anymore. Yes, the worst things always have to happen on me. Praise the lord.

I realised i've been quite problematic recently. First it was my constant need to quench my thirst which led me to think that i've kidney problem, and now the back of my knee (where the red arrows point) hurts like f-k whenever i stand up from either squatting or sitting for long hours. It's been like this for weeks.
Oh i just realise i'm very hum ji. Okay i didn't just realise that today. I took vitamin C pill today because my head feels heavy for the entire day and my body feels like it's burning, internally that is. Wa lao. I feel like a sissy.
Ahh! And i always have problem focusing my vision. See! I'm such a problematic kid. ahaha.
Sat down and watched House of Harmony with my dad, mom and younger sister. As usual someone would give a comment then there'll be a small harmless argument. That totally reminded me why i hate sitting down and do things together as a family. Maybe i'm just not a people person. I never really liked to eat together as a family, to watch television together, and many other things that a a family normally do. I prefer being alone, in solitude.
I don't entirely hate doing things with my family. I like the times when my siblings and i kill those big flying ants that normally appear after a heavy rain. I like the way we'd scream in horror when they crawl on us. I like the way we'd sing "if there's a bug in the neighborhood, who would you call? Pest busters!!" (sing to the tune of ghost busters) I like the way we smirk when we kill one it and the disgusted face we carry on our faces while looking at the aftermath.