Thursday, June 30, 2005
God Damn It. That's what the title means. =)
crmcc2 is one hell of a place to be in. Honestly it sucks 72832536 times more than ARDC.
been so busy and restricted down there. that explains why i've not blog for ages. Well, i didn't blog partly because of my laziness. lol.
I HATE! I HATE! I HATE! I HATE THEM!!Was on my way home.. and as usual, these bitches were occupying the pavement like they owned it or something. Like EXCUSE ME! HELLO!?!? U merely study near there. I LIVE THERE. Ass.
And the worst thing is, when they saw a stray dog.. they will go:
"eee... what's that? Is it a dog?"(with alot of eee-ing and ah-ing background)
"yea it's a dog man"and they will all start to get so excited over it.
**Like DUH! It's a dog of course! IT doesn't look like a GAINT HAMSTER does it?**
and when the dogs starts to walk near them they'll start screaming.
**Geez, u can't kill a dog just by screaming.**
I guess they are not that smart afterall.
9:59 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
bus rides
How many times have you heard your friends or yourself talking about the terrible bus ride you had earlier on? Plenty isn’t it? Evidently, the driver and the passengers affect your bus ride. No arguments please.
So let us take a look at the different kind of drivers first.
The slow coach – the driver’s motto in life would most probably be “slow and steady wins the race”. He tries his best to stop at almost every traffic light, slowing down when approaching the traffic lights in hope that it’ll turn red. When approaching the bus stop, the speed slows down in a smooth momentum, letting you feel like you are traveling on a Mercs Benz. Yes no doubt he is doing a great job as a responsible driver, ensuring your safety. However, you really hate this driver especially when you are rushing against time. But what can you do? Nothing much except to curse under your breathe.
The reckless driver – he is the kind of man you have mixed feelings about. You love him and hate him at the same time. This driver is in more hurry than anyone else in the entire universe, never stopping his vehicle for more than a minute. When the traffic light turns yellow, he steps on his accelerator hard and try to make it through. When he knows he will fail to do so he shoves his left foot on the brake, making the bus come to an entire halt with passengers swaying back and fro. Sometimes you feel like you are on a roller coaster out of control. You love him because he will never fail to let you reach your destination on time and, usually he lets you reach earlier. But you hate him because he is putting your safety at risk and the jerky bus ride he provides you.
Well, lets just say tat you just can’t have the best of both worlds.
Here is a more interesting part, the different kind of passengers.
Wailing babies – these passengers puts me off totally. Trust me, whether you like babies or not, you will really get pissed if the baby keeps wailing at the top of their voice. Being a not-baby-kind-of-person, it is only natural of me to want to walk over and stuff the baby with an apple to shut him/her up. But I cannot possibly do that. All I can do is to glare at the parent in hope that he/she will be ashamed and shut their baby up.
Smokers – the most hated public figure. These people are your usual uncle or ah bengs who seems to have unlimited resource to spend on worthless cigarettes. Once there was this man who boarded the bus. He walked pass me and boy o’ boy.. he smelt smoked. I cannot help but to think that he ate a whole packet of burning cigarettes.
Boys – they are the incorrigible bunch. They never fail to play their hand held gadget while on the ride to their desired destination. Not forgetting the fact that they shake violent when playing and shouting “YES!!” or “Arr!! NO!” every now and then. But these boys can be quite entertaining when they start swinging their arms in excitement hitting their weary looking mother, giving them a shock.
Shrieking children – these kids are a hell bunch of terror, they yell as if they are pulling each others hair off. These children start off by giggling on stop in their seats. Not long after (usually less than 5 minutes) you will find the entire bus filled with screams. Most of the time you wish you could have the courage to walk over and give them a tight slap to shut them up. But face it. You can’t. You are afraid of the consequences. So the next time you board a bus, have your ear plug on.
Sleeping monsters – they are the easiest person to spot. Special characteristics: nodding heads, snoring, dripping salvia. It can be quite irritating if you happen to sit beside on of these monsters. Nothing much to say about them unless they happen to sleep walk!
To put it across simply, bus rides now days are just horrible.
9:30 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, June 18, 2005
and so i typed....
Great! I am so bored to death right now and when I want to do blog to kill time, the freaking blogspot server is down. Damnit! This is like the 137852029484 time it had happened to me. Am I just plain unlucky or what? Now I’ve to type my entire post out in my favourite program, Notepad. Sigh.
Was having dinner with my siblings last night. Been quite some time since we sat down together to have dinner. Now that everyone’s busy with their own work and stuff, it’s really hard to find time for each other. And also the fact that my
faggot brother has got his love of his life – which only means that I’m not going to get as much attention I used to get last time. Yea, the only time he pays
extra attention to me is when I’m occupying the computer and he need to use it so much just so that he can send lovely-dovey messages to his girlfriend over the MSN. And my totally
ignorant sister whose mindset I really can’t comprehend.
Back to the dinner, my brother was asking my sister whether she knows why Earth takes 365days to rotate around the Sun. She didn’t know that the reason behind this was because Earth lies on the 3rd axis of the galaxy. So I commented that it would only take a very short while
(maybe a month or lesser) for Mercury to rotate around the Sun since it’s on the 1st axis. Guess what my sister said. “Then sleep like that ar?”
(and she starts to blink her eyes once, each blink representing 8hrs of sleep). Well, all I can say is that her stupidity has never ceases to amaze me. Throughout the whole dinner I think I choked on my rice more than I swallowed my rice.

A rough idea what went on during dinner
Now days, you can hardly have a conversation with someone over the internet without having to block out the extra words people typed out. I really don’t understand why people want to add those
“x” and
“z” behind the words they type. It doesn’t make their words look cuter; neither does it makes them look cuter. Worst thing is some of them don’t only put 1
“x” or
“z”. They put a whole array of them which goes like this:
“Yepzzzzzzzzzzz”. Does it look cute? If a
“yes” was the first word that came across your mind please kindly slap yourself hard on the
left side of your face. I mean I don’t mind if you do that sometimes out of boredom. But it becomes a habit it’s rather
(or should I say damn) irritating. Besides, why type like that when you have to use an extra ounce of energy to type some useless alphabets and make yourself look like a fool?
And there are those people wHo LiKeS tO tYpE sMs-Es LiKe ThIs. Is It rEaLLY tHaT FuN? What’s point typing like this? What’s the freaking point? I still don’t understand. Why go through the hassle and type like that when it only gets on people’s nerves
(at least it gets on my nerves)? Then some people might be thinking
“Yea right. Typing like this makes me special and unique. What’s your problem with that?” You want to know what’s my problem with that? Well I think you are so uniquely dumb to type like that because I’m just going to delete your dumb message without second thoughts after reading.
Then there are the
very special people in the chatrooms. If you ever realize when you go into chatrooms
(irc for instance) using a
not-so-feminine nick, you’ll realize no one knows your presence there. But try typing out in the main window:
“I’m a girl. Chat anyone?” You’ll get loads of private messages coming in to you. So much that it hangs your entire chat program. If you don’t wish to go through the hassle of telling everyone you’re a girl, jus sign in with a feminine nick like:
IAmAGirl/Ger/Gal (whatever version you want), and wait for the preverts to come knocking. (actually you don't have to wait long. they act fast)Now see the advantages of being a girl? You get attention. But then, don’t hold high hopes on finding a person who can hold a proper conversation. Unless you think that singlish like:
“mi dunno. You leh” OR weird abbreviations like:
“mi tk u 4 evythg”, is acceptable proper conversation. And then they always start asking how old are you, your height and weight
(so that he can buy 4d with the numbers), where you live, your picture
(to assure him that you are a new victim of his or you are not some fat ugly monster he is talking to) and all those crap. Besides all those who messaged you only have one thing in their mind: to eat you and to dump you subsequently. Frankly speaking, out of the hundreds in the chatroom none qualifies for a proper conversation with proper English I mean chatrooms are filled with perverts who got nothing better to do after their meals each day.
It’s true. Try and conduct this test yourself:
Go into a chatroom. Use a feminine name and then start talking like a total slut to whoever messaged you. If he asked for your picture send him a fat and ugly picture you got off the net. Sees if he still wants to chat with you. I bet with my head he won’t talk to you. He might even block you. Hah! Then talk with guy. If he asked for your picture send him a pretty and appealing picture you got off the net. I bet he’ll be sucking up to you the rest of the conversation trying to get into your good books and subsequently ask for your contact.
Now, if you ever thought of trying it out. I really think you need to check your IQ. The results are so obvious you need not carry out the test. Get a life. Go read a book or do something more meaningful.
4:58 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, June 17, 2005
WEndy thnxs alot for the gif file. Great job! love ya !! muhahaahaa

more photos we took in ardc..

the zzZZZzz monster. from day 1 to now, all he does is sleep.

what's distracting her?
NOthing better to do..results in...

Testing sy's new phone:

Snap shot during CRM stopover briefing:

TEP harms your health:

To the furture ARDC stopover students, please try and learn from us. Although you are being put into the worst situation(
boring long hours in center with no work to do), please try and make the best out of it
(taking some stupid lame pictures to kill time).
11:56 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
oo la la...oo la la..oola oola leh...oola oola.. oola leh...
Everything ended in ARDC with our final presentation. Glad and looking forward to my new stopover - CRM CC2. =)
Today was like photo taking session. Everyone snapping pictures of themselves with their buddies. Guess we took somewhere near 200 pictures? Not including those we deleted.
Anyway let the pictures do the talking!

it's dark and errie..

that's where they like to lock prisoners up

the place i lived in. where my torturing ordeal began..

from left to right:
liqin, wendy, mich, lijuan, steven(the staff who always mend the IBRC counter), me, shiying.

from left to right:
Raymond Wong(the lecturer who was cursed by me upside down), wendy, liqin, mich, me, lijuan, Jennifer Tan(lecturer. i like her 'cause i think she's nice)

look at our butts!

their lameness has outshined me.. =(

shiying always has the killer look on her face. i bet she was a murderer in her past life. And i was one of her victim.

we have some slight problems with our knees. pls bear with us. =D

there, my two buddies. know why there's a space on the right? cos it's meant for me. LOL!
(shiying did i do a good job in covering up for your poor photogrpahy skills? =p )

jovin(a nice and sweet girl. one of my attachment mate) and shiying

monster.. monster

take me! no me! not u! me !! me!! mE!! ME!!!!!

she was .... *faint*

*ahem* i do DO my work you know?

we work! yes we do!

merl(National floorball player. woohoo~) and shiying(Nation's maid. hehe.. jus kidding.)

merl and me --> both daisy's friends. lol. what a small world!

now you see it...

now you don't!

prettay prettay picture!

3 in 1. We come as a package. Take it or leave it.

again. us. again. sigh.
"again!! change people leh!!" screams the user behind the computer.


lijuan & liqin(the pervert who always lift my skirt)

TRYING to be working. lol!

eugene(the BIG JOKER) & me!

we are serious at times..

but most of the time we are not!

puffer fish just bit her hence she's pufferwoman! (jus like spiderman)


yes! foursome!

sexy legs with a not so sexy pose. wakaka

it's a culture there to show off our legs. LOL!

mel and merl. what's the diff anyway?

jovin & mel

jovin & lijuan

merl & lijuan

this was for lunch! now watch that saliva of yours!

7mth was brought forward. did ya know that? If you don't, well now you DO!

stunt of the day: sticking up the straw up her nostrils


all she knows is eat

she eats again.


let's drink!

mich munch munch~

jovin with hre pizza

finally her wish came true. she always wanted a hat like this.

lijuan's drunk drinking 100plus

liqin. trying to stuff the whole piece of pizza into her mouth. jus kidding!

i didn't dared to use fire. so i used pizza.

my hat!

see the bread crumbs ? muhahaha

what's so funny mich? *look at liqin~*


shiying with her big big hat

after lunch. just look at their "tummy"
Damn tired already. Cannot post anymore. Waiting for mich to send me the remaining pictures. till then~
9:32 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn