Sunday, October 30, 2005
certified brain dead at 11.35pm
i feel like giving up
i can feel my inner self screaming
11:35 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, October 29, 2005
almost slipped my mind
made oreo cheesecake today..together with mummy, brother, carol and sister.
The process was fun. hehe
The worst part was to wait for 3hrs so that the cake can be ready to be consumed.
Plus we cannot open the fridge to check it out. haha
Anyway, ate the cake.. it's nice but i think it's abit too sweet for me.
BUt they seemed to like it alot.
well i guess everyone's tastebud is different. =p
yay~~ next sat would be chocolate fudge
11:17 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
kor kor is so sweet.. making me loads of drinks
Orange juice --> honey drink --> another mystery drink yet to be discovered.
i won't feel thirsty no more! hehe
10:46 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
i love Milo!
6:55 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
L-O-V-E Love
YESH!!! YESH!!! YESH!!!I've got the song!!!Thank You LIJUAN!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!Guys.. check out the song at my playlist! HEHE
7:45 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
nice ad song
The ad plays only this portion of the song:
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one i see
V is very very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore
LOVE is all that i can give to you
LOVE is more than just a game for two
did some searching and i finally found the artist and the full lyrics:
Artist : Nat King Cole
Song: L-O-V-E Love
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
ahh.. nice song.. will download it this weekend.
10:52 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Tiring day although the lessons wasn't taxing at all.
Had 1hr of SVSM
another boring lesson.
i think all lessons in the 1st week are boring..
except for MM since we've already started lect.
Had 4hrs break straight after lesson.
"zzz" thinking about what to do during the 4hrs.
Was looking forward to law lect..
ended up feeling cheated when the it only lasted 15mins.
the whole lecture is totally useless.. waste of time..
i could have read it myself in CMS or something..
But that's good... i get to come home early to sleep
Watching CNA right now.
Some monks are talking about true happiness. Why people are always unsatisfied and unhappy? Because of anger, greed and ignorance. I think i'm gonna blog down some of the things they mentioned.. and next time when i look back at my posts, i'll see this post and do some self reflections =)Ignorance They mention that human always mix up their needs and wants. Our needs are actually very simple and out wants are complexed. Because WE cannot differentiate these 2, we mix up them out resulting in unnecessary stress. This is the basic ignorance of what WE see as a object of desire. WE think that WE are here to get alot of stuff, power, money. But that is all not true.
One of the psychologist mention about a true case about his friend, man in his late 40s. He was hosiptalised and the psychologist went to visit him.
The man said: "i want to stop."
And so the psychologist asked him: "what do you mean?"
The man said: "I earned my 1st million in my 30s. And now i have already earned 14million. But i realise i've lost alot of things."
The man though had earned alot of money, because of his frequent travelling he had lost his close ties with his family, his health, and his true happiness.
Didn't catch what much of what they said.
Anyway, they mention about people trying to make tons of money so they can buy things that they desire. Things that WE think we need in order to be happy.
One of the monk stated an example. His friend lived in a semi-detach with a beautiful garden and a big pond. But his friend wasn't happy.
The monk asked him: "why? you have gotten what you have always hoped for! a big house with a beautiful garden and a big pond..and all those luxury"
His friend replied: "I'm not happy because i'm working my life away to pay for and maintain all these!"
*I suppose our greed comes from our ignorance. That WE cannot differentiate between our needs and wants. And so we spend our whole life pursuing for more and more luxury.
Anyway never hear anything about the anger part.. i guess i missed it.
haa.. okay, that's for all now.
9:32 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, October 17, 2005
since i'm online..i'll blog!
Yesterday - Sunday (16.10.2005)Went for Leo's event at Toa Payoh CC. Didn't really help out much though.. went to the library and walked around Toa Payoh Central. Went to Pet Safari with wend and ka. At first we thought "wa simei..gonna take us 2hrs of travel time". ACtually it's only about 40mins travel time from Toa Payoh. lol.. thank God we didn't let distance stop us from the visit.
Anyway havent been to Pet Safari for ages since Shaun brought me there. Quite a few changes in the shop layout.. chances that i think wasn't for the better. lol. Few puppies there for sale... all are adorable. If i could bring them all home. That's if.. haha.. okay picture time!

the face was flat bcos it always run and knock it's face on the glass panel. LOL! kiddin' la..
Lijuan.. i saw a puppy of the same breed as my last time dog..the one the story very long one. lol. Exactly the same color, but the puppy don't have full collar. Very cute, but nv take picture cos it kept facing the other side. lol.
Today - Monday (17.10.2005)
Once again i'm back to the books. No more TEP for me.
Didn't really like it at school.
Too many students. Too crowded. Too noisy.
Back at TEP period, it was so peaceful.. it felt like i had the whole school to myself.
Plus no waiting time to use the lift.
Today i had to wait for 3-5mins for the lift and ended up taking the stairs. -.-
Shopping arcade was exceptionally crowded today.
So was the shelter walkway.
One word - sucks.
Sucks not because i have to study, because i don't like the crowd. Haa
Adjusting from TEP's lifestyle to classical's lifestyle wasn't easy but manageable.
Had a hard time concentrating on sitting down during lecturer.
Wanted so much to walk around and visit Cheers.
Plus i had moving around with a given time.
Compared to TEP, classical is damn hectic.
If i was in TEP, i could take all my time to walk from north canteen to south canteen then back to north canteen again.
Today, i only had 10mins to travel from one class to another.. Plus i wanted to go down to Cheers. LOL!
10mins. How pathetic.
Had ICT, Business Finance, Marketing Management lessons today.
ICT was total crap.
Didn't really know what the lecturer was talking about.
he was yaking away about some softwares.. some machines which he meant PCs... some terms..
Total alienation to me.
Business Finance was just as bad.
But it wasn't crap though
The teacher looks fierce.. which i didn't like of course.
She was laying out the ground rules...
"I want you to do ur tutorials because i will ask u to ans the qns"
"You should read up before lectures"
erm.. i think that's abit too much for me.
Asking me to do tutorials is already bad enough..
and you're even asking me to read up before the lecture.
You gotta be kidding! lol
Her lesson was just as boring. Haha!
Marketing Management the killer subject for me.
Because it's marketing.
And i don't like marketing.
And i don't score in marketing.
Resulting in me hating marketing.
Gosh.. i should do away with this mindset or i'm not even gonna get a C+ for this module..
Anyway, this was the most interesting lessons i had for the day.
Something which i didn't except.
I thought i would be stoning throughout the lect and tutorial.
The lecturer was my tutor for the module.
He's a funny guy.
Perhaps that's why his lessons was interesting.
Actually i didn't intend to come online today. Was super tired and i wanted to rest. But i lost my pouch at home and i had a hard time finding it. So, i decided to come online and bitch to lijuan about it. Haha.. And i found it in.................. my bong bag. Urgh.. i couldn't even remember placing it inside. I suppose sub consciously i thought i'm still carrying that bag for school. Haha. Anyway am glad i manage to retrieve it.waiting for my show now... hehe
10:00 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, October 14, 2005
just had a perfect dinner thnxs to brother n his gf, carol.
thnxs guys =D
the food was fabulous~
i wasn't there but i guess this was how it went:

ahh.. let me show u my skills

there u got it! all nicely layed out..

now u roll it like this..

ahh.. how do i cut this!?!

let the pro show you how.. lol

my mom can't wait to take pictures with sushi. lol
okay... now it's time to eat!!

nice soup~

i'm bloated. =))
oh yea.. made cookies last week.
shiying this is the "shit" i mentioned.
jefferson the mini "shit-shaped" cookie u ate came from this big "shit"!
But this is a tasty "shit".. lol
u can ask shiying, wendy, jeff, kok meng and miss esther ho.. Hehe

i realise i'm pretty good at art. lol!
8:54 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
today was quite a nice day
get to see sy today. =p
had breakfast which was... um.. sy u know it.. lol
weather was good. lol!
went shopping at bugis
bought a bag with sy
ehh sy, my mom saw me with the new bag
"wa..xiao jie..lai bag huh? where u got it frm?"
ps Don't forget what u promised me! hehe sigh
why are we in different lecture?
such disappointment..
they goes our only chance to see each other once week
our chance to crap during lect
honestly, i hate the other course BM is paired with
not really hate
just don't like it
maybe like jean says.. they should swop us with SW
then we can all be together!
don't understand why now days i get so tired easily
*the perceived value of certain things/issues changes over time
6:49 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
just came back from bugis.
my legs are breaking
3:23 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, October 13, 2005
good day
bad ending
i can feel the pain in my eye again
shiying cya tml!!
miss ya loads =D
7:41 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
was wondering what happened to my counter...
now i know..
4:31 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Finally there's time to take a breather and to blog.
Wanted very much to blog these few days but have been too tired to do so.
Been quite busy with finalising my e-resume and project.
And i'm glad to say they're finally done!
pheW!2 more days before i offically complete TEP.
i've always looked forward to this day since the start of TEP
but right now...
i'm having mixed feelings, esp when i'm having doubts if i can cope with the classical lifestyle.
hmmm... =/What i really hate about TEP is the unfair marking system.
What i really like about TEP is the new friends i made.
Frankly speaking, i don't think i'm gonna miss the new friends i got to know in TEP.
No doubt they've been great pals these while
*jean, *mich, *mel, *kok meng, *eugene, *jun ming, *kay yam, *harold, *lancaster, *jefferson, *andy, *qing shun, *xiu hao, *ren qiang, *wendy --> you guys have been great!
but i'm sure we will still see each other in school
besides we're gonna be in the same lecture for National Education
So yup.. that wouldn't be a problem.
and as for *wan qiu, *ying hui, *nat, *bee wan --> see ya in class! hehe
4:21 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, October 08, 2005
was watching zhen qing then i noticed someone coming online... and she is........
4:45 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
eh.. at least i made it a pt to wake up early and do my report
8:40 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
f-king COCKroaches
urgh. pissed with them for interrupting me when i'm doing my report.
i was so engrossed, thinking hard how to type that sentence. and this f-king cockroach was beside me. WTF man. scare the shit out of me.
damn. now i'm left with learning exp, achievements and suggestions.
dont dare to carry on
2:07 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
going to start my report now.
wish me luck!!
12:20 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, October 07, 2005
have a safe trip! =D
have fun there but don't forget ur reports!!
see ya soon =))
12:24 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, October 06, 2005
FUCK! the whole post i wrote is gone.
damn bloody unlucky.
i don't know what the fucking hell happened to my MSword.
whenever i do line spacing, the text gets cut off.
fucking gay!
i tried working on a new file, the fucking problem still exist. damnit la. even after i restart the whole bloody com. bitch!
my blood is boiling at 1000 degree celsius. damn bloody pissed off. urgghhhhh
how to get my fucking report done like this.
10:28 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
went back to school today.. and out with sy after school.
aiya, fill in the details later. no time. lol!
i should spend my time doing something more constructive then this:
7:28 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
everything is so gay
everything that needs to be done is not done.
how much worst can life get?
11:59 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
jus came back from TTS. was there with my mom to ma? not my grandmother though. aiya.. lazy to explain the connection. impt thing is that she's looking good. =)
saw a NYP nurse doing her duty. she seem really professional and friendly.. the way she talk to the patient and the patient's family member, the smile on her face.. hmm..
went ice skating today..


wend trying to make a turn


me again
went shopping at jurong pt. almost bought an adidas sweater but too big. wend says it looks like i stole my bro's sweater n wear. lol. too bad they dont have stock for the design anymore. sigh. anyway at least i bought some other things there. so it's not a trip wasted. haha
10:19 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
it's wrong of me to think that way. but i can't help it.
when will i really step out of this shadow?
sigh.. this is not helping =/
12:05 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
my god...
i've been doing nothing for my attachment summary report. wtf man..
i don't know what i've been doing all these while online.
nothing! nothing! argghH~~
5:48 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
i hurt my knee!
i'm sooo freaking clumsy )=
3:01 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
okie dokie!
picture time!!
4 of us..


lijuan and me

shiying and me

wendy and me

we were trying to take the picture of the merlion not ourselves. trust me. *winks*

see. i wasn't lying =D
2:05 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, October 03, 2005
3rd oct
watched tim burton's corpse bride today.
it's a nice show. <--kay yam see that? it's a
nice show not lame show!!when shopping at bugis area. =D
*lazy to type in detailsthen it was the esplanade.. hehe
*this part nth to write abt.. only can wait for the pictures.. heheokay. dead beat now. i want to slp!!
11:59 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, October 02, 2005
i shld be asleep right now... the weather... perfect!
but the
strong wind woke me up..
and my eye hurts.. wonder if it is from the sleeping or sleeping late last night. =/
and now my left side of the head hurts. -.-
wake up = do report or flash. )=
12:32 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, October 01, 2005
oh wend
wo ai shi ni~
8:40 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
before i start working on my flash... let me blog.. oh yea..
last friday marks the start of my freedom! mUhahaha.. and jean that means u're gonna get real "busy" already! lol!!
Dumb stuff i did on friday:
- Got myself really bloated from the heavy breakfast. Close to vomitting. Shiying next time we eat again oK? LOL!- slept in eldc. the air con was just right for sleeping after a heavy meal! no wonder i'm getting fatter.. -.-- wend's events team was having a farewell party for the DBI students.. and i was the gate crasher. lol! anyway, took some pictures. hehe
left to right: me, wend, vanynce

left to right: me, wend, vanynce

i'm already in da mood for christmas~

do i look like a christmas treE? a slanting one...

wend why u don't like this? i think u look cute la! haha.. took it some time ago in eldc..

i know i posted this before.. but i really love the duck la~ make me feel like a child again. hehe.
Today's children day!!!
wahahahaa ~~
where's my prezzie?oi! don't pretend you never read this part of the post and closed the window ar~hahahahahahaahhaha
12:19 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn