Tuesday, January 31, 2006
weird dog
something's very very wrong with milo.. kept shivering in fear this 2 days. crawled under a cupboard.. dunno wat's wrong with him =/
4:52 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, January 27, 2006
Cow Analagies - Damn Funny. Must Read
A Tale of Two CowsTRADITIONAL CAPITALISM. You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.
AN AMERICAN CORPORATION. You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprised when the cow drops dead.
A FRENCH CORPORATION. You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows.
A JAPANESE CORPORATION. You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create clever cow cartoon images called 'Cowkimon' and market them worldwide.
A GERMAN CORPORATION. You have two cows. You reengineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk themselves.
A BRITISH CORPORATION. You have two cows. Both are mad.
AN ITALIAN CORPORATION. You have two cows, but you don't know where they are. You break for lunch.
A SWISS CORPORATION. You have 5000 cows, none of which belong to you. You charge others for storing them.
A CHINESE CORPORATION. You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim full employment and high bovine productivity. You have the newsman who reported on the numbers arrested.
AN INDIAN CORPORATION. You have two cows. You worship them.
A MALAYSIAN CORPORATION. You have two cows. You signed a 40-year contract to supply milk at 0.06 per lit. Then midway you raised the price to 0.60 or you cut supply. When the buyer agrees to the new price, you change your mind again and now want 1.20. The buyer decided you can keep the milk and they go look for milk that comes from recycled cows. Your two cows retire together with the PM.
A SINGAPOREAN CORPORATION. You have two cows: One "cow-peh" and one "cow-bu".
yay~ it's gonna be StarHub for my IPP.
Gong Xi Gong Xi
Gong Xi wo ~~~~
8:26 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
3 similar cuts, 1 electic shock one the same right hand in just 3 days.
am i lucky or what?
9:48 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
fucking hypocrites
fuck off
11:02 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
The University of Blogging
Presents to sunjiaxin
An Honorary Bachelor of Community Promotion
Majoring in Comment Spam
Blogging DegreeFrom
12:58 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, January 22, 2006
ahh... cleaning up the foyer can be such a chore!!! every muscle in my body is aching like hell right now. =( Darn Chinese New Year with some darn customs and darn beliefs and darn supersitions. Boo to that !!! The only thing nice about CNY is FOOD! YEs, FOOD and ang pows !! but m0re of the f00d!! not the books definitely. wAhahaha~
urgh.. let me bitch about the cleaning up part. I realised i collected SO much junk since the 6mths break after 0 levels. So many tanks to dispose now. urgH. Cleaned up the 2tier 4ft tank. Sparkling clean now. hehe.. BUt the worst thing today is that the darn water pipe BURST !!! spray all over and i got a free bath out in the open of my foyer. luckily there's no perverts in my neighbourhood. =p
Hmm.. wat else i did... racked my brain over where to put the pond so it'll look nice. So it was shifting and shifting and shifting for the whole 1 n 1/2 hours. And the darn kennel. Cleaned the whole thing inside out. It's DAMN heavy, just the roof alone. And all milo did was to sit there and watch me. *#@&$!^$&^$&^#@&%$@&%^(#!&$
oh well. off to bed i guess!
*ps hope u find ur file lj.
1:43 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Slept till 3.30pm today. What a pig i am! But it feels great though, esp when u don't really get to sleep for the whole week. Woke up too late to shop for new year stuff =S Practically no mood for that at all. This year's new year seems to arrive a little too fast. Or was it because everyone's mood was affected by the numerous events that happened over the past year? Hmm.. hopefully this year will turn out great!
Anyway, wenD came over to my house just now. Thanks for your company and the chocolate muffin! Been ages since i ate chocolate stuff :( Hmm.. the question u asked me just now provoked alot of feelings and thoughts in me. See la~ u made me think about sad things. Is that why u came over to my house for?!?!?!? hahaha.. just kiddinG! Anyway, u really made me think hard about it. And you're not the only one that asked me that qns. Should be the 3rd time someone asked me that i think. Oh well, enough of that. Go update ur blog, it's getting too dry!
syA, last week i went to Kallang! Surprising, i remembered my way there. But walking into Kallang alone feels totally different from walking with you. Walking alone is boring, compare to walking with you. All the heart to heart talk, gossips, discussions and debates. And walking along the carpark made me thought of something! The explosion, and people rushing us to walk to safety. Terrible incident! And the "horror" story u told me about a particular block in kallang. eeKS!
The making of the Memoirs of a Geisha on CNA now. cyA~
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.-- Walter Winchell
9:33 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
have fun with ur birthdatE!!
Try this! Its very interesting!!
first: Your birthday month
January- I wrestled
February- I slapped
March- I murdered
April- I looked at
May- I had sex with
June- I slept with
July- I laughed at
August- I stabbed
September- I shot
October- I made love to
November- I masturbated with
December- I crapped
Now pick the day of your birth
1. A prostitute
2. An Asian
3. A Woman with HIV
4. A drunken black man
5. Santa Clause
6. A playboy bunny
7. A married mom
8. My stuffed bunny
9. Your mom
10. A playboy bunny
11. A football player
12. The devil
13. My lettermans Jacket
14. My teacher
15. The Rock
16. A DVD player
17. A pencil sharpener
18. The phone
19. My computer
20. A pornstar
21. The tape measurer
22. The Lamp
23. The pope
24. Governor Schwarzenegger
25. Mr. Incredible
26. A transvestite
27. A goat
28. Your hot sister
29. George Bush
30. A tape recorder
31. The printer
Now the THIRD letter of your LAST name
A- Because I like chocolate
B- Because I was bored
C- Because my pants were on too tight
D- Because I am a homosexual
E- Because I had a frying pan
F- Because I didnt get any presents for
G- Because I like eggs
H- Because the world will end tomorrow
I- Because I slit my wrists
J- Because I dont have a bf/gf
K- Because I like football
L- Because I love slumber parties
M- Because I was masturbating
N- Because my heart is two sizes too small
O- Because fruit cakes fly
P- Because Im lonely
Q- Because my parents fight a lot
R- Because Im horny
S- Because I Can
T- Because I hate school
U- Because I was drunk
V- Because I wanted to
W- Because it calms me
X- Because I like brownies
Y- Because I like to spoon
Z- Because I need to masturbate
arr!!! mine was :
I masturbated with George Bush Because I like brownies =/
don't worry dudes.. i won't do that even if i love brownies. lol!
now what have u got? =p
1:50 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, January 20, 2006
yesterday i was telling sy that i haven't bought adidas products for a looooong time
and today, i got myself an adidas jacket. sO did sy =) Muhaha
went all the way to MOE with sy.. the darn security made me wait outside :(
anyway, it's sooo the interview went great. ask sy abt it. sounds like a lot of fun to me! haha
Fish & Co soon ok sy? when u fix that throat of urs. =p
and guess wat~~ my mom told me that Starhub is a buona vista!!
if u get to MOE, i get to Starhub = lunch together!! Don't eat in their cafe la~ it sucks. HAHAHAHA
wenD.. u bitch! thnxs for ur concern abt my leg. lol =D
come to my hse soon~! hehe
*ps: zee, not sure if u see this, anyway take care and enjoy ur work :)
11:59 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
i'm a big asshole who can't get datelines right
5:18 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, January 15, 2006
it suddenly dawn on me that i don't have much time left
4:23 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, January 13, 2006
i realised i'm the 7000th visitor of my blog. Muhahaha
anyway WENDY!!!!!!!
u got ur watch? ur cookies? haha~
thxs for today =D
Today never rain. =(
i prefer rainy days
10:15 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, January 12, 2006
this is what we call a.. Compassion, Gracious, Caring society ??
*roll eyes*
1:00 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
chU showing "littering" in singapore.
didn't realise east coast is so dirty.. with all those litters..
*shake head*
11:59 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
The Pain
last 2 chapters!!!
Chapter 8: The ProblemsAs I thought, things don't really end up the way I wanted. Soon after we embarked on the journey, things start to fall apart real quickly.
It all begin when she starts to go out with " friends " every weekends, at first I assumed it's fairly common. But as time goes by, she's been spending lesser time with me ever since we start going out. Slowly I realized I only met her twice a month and each time we met, 1 hour max and she said she's tired and wanted to go home.
Who knows later she went out with her friends behind my back. I called her and she hurriedly end the call...
" Hello, I just reached home. " I told her...
" I’m outside now with my friends, call you back later. " She replied.
" But I thought you are tired? " I enquired.
" No time to explain. "
That's what she said when she suddenly end my call...
The time on my watch read 10pm. But I waited till 2am and there's no call from her.
I finally called her and she happily answer my call, when she realized it's me. She hung up on me again.
Frustrated, I sms her some minor warnings.
" If your friends are more important than me, why not you go be with them and I will give you back your freedom. If I'm really that a lousy bf, just said so and I will excused myself. There's no need to treat me like this. "
She replied,
" Why? I can't have fun? Who are you to restrict me? Even my parents also never do such a thing. Not happy, you don't bother me. "
With that sms, I off my handphone and went to sleep.
Chapter 9: The PainThe next day, I never received any calls or sms from her. Well since she opt not to contact me, then it’s fine with me.
After deliberating for 1 whole afternoon, I decided to resolved this matter as soon as possible. As it's my off day, I was online and surfing net when I spotted her nick coming online. At that instance I'm quite pissed, she got time to go online but no time to at least give me a sms.
" You so free ah? " I shot in anger.
" What free? I'm working now." She replied.
" Working still can msn? " I asked.
" So what? You not happy is it? Fine lor." She shot back.
With that she went offline but I know she blocked me from her msn.
Smiling, I knew what should be the next move.
" Since you are so busy with work and friends are so important to you. May I suggest that you just dump me can? I'm tired of everything, just dump me and go do your own things. I don't love you anymore. Anyway, don't treat your new boyfriend as how you treated me, it's really unfair."
As I wrote this message, I felt so happy. Finally a good riddance to such a problematic problem. But I was wrong, the pain that suddenly shot through my heart as I sent her the message nearly suffocated me as I felt my whole body going through a spasm of coldness. I literally freeze up as I read the "Message sent" on my handphone.
She tried calling me but I reject her calls. No point calling me after I made my decision. Slowly her calls stopped and she never sms me. With that I got " dumped " just the way I wanted it to end.
But every story needs a good happy ending. Well, Annie got herself in a mess a few months after that sms and right now she's a mother of 1. At least she found a good husband. Well that would be another story I guess.
+++ The End +++
7:09 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, January 09, 2006
campus superstar
what i like about campus superstar are the 2 judges !!!!!!
Judge 1:

to be kind... he looks like a cartoon character in looney tunes. whenever the camera shoots his face, i'll laugh my ass off. HE look damn funny!!! hahahahaha
Judge 2:

My God.. her eyes are BIG. This picture doesn't shows though. It scares me until i pee-ed in my pants. =( and i think she look somewhat like this:

ok... but they make good judges. =)
11:37 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, January 08, 2006
all the nice shows now...
1. Geiko Girl ( Channel News Asia)
2. 102 Dalmations (Channel 5)
3. Charity show ( Channel U)
which to watch?? =/
8:14 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
long post..
Thursday 05/01/2006Went to Wendy's house to slack.. and play with her hamster. Her hamster did an amazing thing and we wanted to film it down.. too bad, only caught me "torturing" the master. Wahahaha... ANyway wendy.. ur hamster won't really bite ppl wat... so don't negelect it.
WEndy gave me this!
Testimonial from Wendy "Don't look down on it because it is NTUC brand. It's very nice" LOL
Anyway, i havent tried it yet. so i cannot support ur statement. haha Friday 06/01/2006 Hmm.. saw this on the bus. I think it's nice.
Shiying.. i'll pass u the Memoirs of a Geisha on monday =)
Saturday 07/01/2006
Too busy celebrating Mummy's birthday fogot to post something impt:
HAPPY **th BIRTHDAY MUMMY !! muahahaThe Cake.
It's dunno wat chocolate cake. i only know it's super thick in chocolate.
sinful sinful sinful..
and MY mom looks weird in the pictures with her hair tied up. HAHA!
the birthday song....
and the birthday wish..
AND!!! i love mummy's birthday cos i get to buy new things for MYSELF. haha.. i wish everyday is mummy's birthday. hehe
Bought a new shoe yest.

actually i wanted to buy another converse shoe(shiying the one i told u abt the design).. but i like this alot too..and i don't know why i ended up with this. haha.. anyway mummy said she'll get me the converse shoe after new year. So nvm la~ haha
and i bought a pants.. =)
Oh ya... Shiying! DId you watched ChU's news yesterday night? The news reporter had a crown brooch on her! When i see her, i think of u. lol!! Here.. abit blurr though

Okay.. here is it.. The Pain. With sneak preview of MOnday's chapter too! enjoy =)
Chapter 6: The QuestionAs she feast on her salad, I can't helped but keep looking at her as she ate. Startled, she ask me why I'm looking at her. But I'm not sure why.
After we had our meal, we went to Esplanade and stroll down the pathway. Suddenly she hold my hand and hug me giving me a big shock.
Time just simply stoodstill as I hold her in my arms, somehow the warmth from her body is making me feeling uneasy.
As she look up at me, I saw tears in her eyes.
" Why are you crying? " I asked...
" Nothing.. " She replied and hug me tighter.
With that, we just remained in the same position and we are ignorant of our surroundings...
Slowly she start to push me away and walk over to the railings facing the sea.
As I stood beside her, I could hear her sobbing.
As she turned and look at me, I could see that tears kept flowing down her eyes like a stream of rushing waterfall onslaught on her rosy cheeks.
Startled, I went over and gave her a tissue.
" You think enough meh ? " She asked inbetween her sobs...
" Well if it's not enough, you can have my shirt. " I genuinely answered...
With a laugh, she dried up her tears and look at me.
" Will you be my boyfriend?" She suddenly asked...
Chapter 7: The BlissTaken aback by her comment, I wasn't sure of what to said to her and I simply nod my head. She cried and hug me again.
Guess I had feelings for her eversince I met her that day. Sounds very weird but sometimes when fate struck you, it will simply just overwhelmed you with this odd tingling feeling in your heart.
We continue to stroll around the Esplanade holding hands and chit chat all the way till it's time to go home.
As we walk towards Marina Square to board the bus to send her home, we kept on talking about how things progressed so fast and whether is it really Destiny at work. Well, when Fate comes knocking, it's best that you either open the door or simply ignore it till you are ready.
At that time, I wasn't ready for a relationship as my current job doesn't allow me to have any free time to actually go out on dates. But nevertheless I decide to give it a try.
As we board the bus, she comment that she's feeling a little sleepy. And from Marina Square to her place, she placed her head on my shoulder as she slept throughout the journey.
The slight breathing from her remind me of how an infant sleep, like an angel resting on the clouds above and sweet melody serenade around her. Annie is the gal whom I have fallen for now.
After a short while, we reached her place and I walk her to the doorstep. After wishing her goodnight, she gave me a peck on my cheek.
" You know something? " Annie asked.
" Yes? " I enquired.
" I'm really blessed to have you as my boyfriend." She replied happily.
Will things turned out as well as we expected? Who knows what may lie ahead as we both embarked on a new journey together.
" Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be condemned. "
Song of Solomon 8:7
3:26 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, January 07, 2006
the pain
Chapter 3: The Beginning" Hey, why you so bad ah ? " She replied when I answered the phone with a hello.
" Huh? What do you mean by bad ? " I answered.
As she rattled on her misgivings on my heck care attitude, I'm baffled to the extent that I didn't even know what she meant by me being so bad.
" If you treat every girls the same as how you treated me, how will you be able to get a girlfriend? " She demanded an answer on the spot.
" I'm not even interested in finding a girlfriend. " I replied non-chalantly...
" What ? " You sure ? She enquired...
" Yes " I replied impatiently...
With that she remained silent for quite a long time. Afterwhich with a simple good night she hung up the phone.
Sometimes I really wonder why her reaction is so strange. Nevertheless I brushed off this thought and went to sleep.
But I can't sleep, as I tossed around on my bead, I felt that something is amiss. Looking at the clock, the time is 2am in the morning. Really can't sleep as her reaction is still running a marathon on my thoughts, everything of her just kept flashing back towards my memories. I find it weird that I can still remember her looks and everything she said.
Suddenly my handphone had a sms coming in. I went to check whom is the sender. It's her.
" Hey you sleeping ? " Read the message.
" Nope. " I replied...
" Eh? How come so late havn’t sleep? " She replied...
" Thinking of you. "
With that last sms, she stopped replying and I drift off to sleep...
Chapter 4: The Next DayThe next morning I received a sms from her.
It reads, " Good morning, have you woke up? Sorry for not replying your last sms as I drifted off to sleep. Well, your sms sounds kinda weird but it's ok. Thinking of you now actually. Gosh I’m blushing now. Cya later online. "
Sounds weirder isn't it? Her sms left me flabbergasted the whole day. But heck, I got better things to do than to worry about her sms.
Is it me or just my imagination? Am I really thinking of her all the time and she's doing likewise? Negatively I brushed off this feeling as I'm in no mood to think of worthless stuffs.
Arghh.. I'm feeling frustrated over such a non important issue.
" Beep, Beep. " My hp rang...
Another sms... She again...
" Oei, why never sms me? " Annie sms again.
" I'm working leh. " I replied.
" Oops sorry, nothing much… Suddenly miss you, don't know why. Hahahhahaha " She replied.
" Eh, abit risky leh. " I replied asap...
" Why? " Came her reply.
" I'm afraid of falling for you. "
With that she gave me the silence treatment again.
Chapter 5: The DateAfter my last sms, I think I might have gone overboard. But do I care? Her reaction is abit weird as regard to my sms. But I didn't really know that things might turned out quite unexpectedly to the sense of me getting involved in a deep crappy situation.
Soon she sms me again asking me to go out, reluctantly I agreed and I truly regret it badly. She brought me to go shopping and I have to be her fashion adviser as if I’m really good in ladies dressing. Hahahahhaha.
Nevertheless, she really tried on a lot of clothes and kept asking for my comments. Hmm…. as a matter of fact, waiting outside the dressing room in a ladies clothing store is super duper nerve wrecking experience...
Imagine the countless pair of eyes staring at you as if you are some kind of alien intruding in the privacy space of an upper class species otherwise known as Woman.
I wish I'm an ostrich and I could dig a hole and hid my blushing face away from all the piercing eyes of the eagle eyed ladies in the department store.
But somehow it's very interesting to see a gal changed into so many clothes and parade infront of you. Yes it may sound stupid but can't be helped, I shouldn't have agreed to meet her.
Alas we almost covered all the department stores in Orchard and finally had a chance to sit down and have a decent meal.
As we ate, she kept smiling at me. Curious, I gave her a blank look. She suddenly burst out in laughter and said,
" Gosh, you really look cute when you are blur, your blur blur look is damn cute you know. " She acclaimed excitedly
" Don't know, am I really that blur ? " I enquired...
" Yes, actually just now I'm quite touched that you are willing to spend your time waiting for me outside the changing room and subject yourself to unwanted attention and stares." She happily revealed while enjoying her salad.
" It's ok, as long you are happy." I replied non chatlantly...
With that, she blushed and happily continue feasting on her salad.
12:45 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
The Pain
Chapter 2 : The gatheringAlong the way, I felt it's quite awkard to sit beside a stranger whom I barely knew. But while we didn't talk, we kept looking at each other and smiled...
Weird right? Later I found out that she's also not sure what to talk thus she's just waiting for me to start the conversation.
At the gathering I wanted to find my friends but she held my hands and pull me to sit beside her. So can't be helped, I got to sit beside her for 2 hours. Felt very odd sitting beside her. But nevertheless I brush off that feeling and concentrate on the talk.
Soon after the talk is finished, I decided to go home early. I waved good bye to her and went home. On the way home, she sms me " Thanks for accompany me, sorry I didn't talk much to you just now "
Weird... We don't really have anything to talk about just now.
Nevertheless I never reply her as my mind is sleepy after enduring a day's work and 2hrs of non-stop talk.
" Ring Ring... " My hp rang...
" Eh ? " I looked at my hp puzzled...
It's her, how come she call me ? Weird....
" Hello, are u okay ? " She asked...
" Okay ah, why ? " I answered...
" Why you never reply me ? " She enquired...
" Well, I don't know what to reply, so I didn't." I answered back.
With that she wish me good night and tell me she will call me back later when she reach home...
Abit weird but heck... I'm sleepy...
To be continued....
10:32 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Short story series by Tadpole81
The Pain
Chapter 1 : The day we met." Hi, intro? "
The most common question asked in IRC. Nevertheless I decide to reply to the person.
Funny, how come people will still want me to intro when I'm not even looking to chat up with anyone online.
Eh? A gal ? I thought to myself. Odd leh... Hahhahahaha
So that's when I got to know her, Annie..
" Ring.. Ring Ring.. " my handphone rang.. I answered and got a shock.
" Hi, I'm Annie, yah just wanted to informed you that I will be meeting you tomorrow for the gathering. "
That voice.. really caused me to lose concentration.. A heavenly voice talking to me over the phone.. Very interesting indeed. Wonder how she looks like..
But then... nice voice doesn't mean very good looking... God is very fair in this area.. No one is perfect.
And I supposed that's true. Else if everyone is so perfect, maybe the world will be a better place now.
As I waited for her at the mrt station, I noticed someone walking towards me. That smile on her face lit up the surroundings. Wow...
" Are you Anthony ? " That gal asked...
" So you must be Annie ? " I replied...
" Yah, nice to meet u finally " She smiled...
" Yah, finally putting a face to a nick is awesome. " I answered back with a smile.
And thus we hopped onto a cab and head towards the gathering...
To be continued...
12:23 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
life is all about plans
12:11 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, January 02, 2006
homeward bound
oh no !!
can't believe ch5 showing homeward bound now!!
yay!! n boo !!
right show at the wrong timing
watched it many times already but still
love this show!
4:28 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
feeling damn useless right now..
my brain can't even phrase a simple sentence properly.
hopefully after blogging i can think much better =)
Feeling vomitty right now
yes vomitty
i can't believe that the darn ulcer in my mouth has gone away. How i wish uclers are like splinters, then u can jus pluck them out, apply some medication, and you're fine the next day!
fever + ulcers + lip crack + backache = pathetic
i bet no one has spent the new year worser than me!
maybe i can get an award for being the first sick child of 2006?
won't that be nice? hehe
but i like being sick at times.. that's when u can act like a baby
with all the whinning, making ur mom sleep with you on your bed, and ur mom attending to you everything u moan alittle, and all the dumb requests, and shouting out: "MUMMY !!!" - as many times as u want w/o pissing off ur mom,
aiya.. it's already Monday, 2nd Janaury 2006
that means i got less than 24 hours to finish alot of things.
1:39 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, January 01, 2006
new year fever
fancy having fever on new year
up & down
up & down
8:25 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn