Thursday, April 27, 2006
Do ghost really exist?
How do they exactly look like? Some people claim that they can see ghost. It's fascinating to hear their experiences but whenever i asked the question on how ghost looks like, i either get no answers or i have many different types of answers. This makes the whole thing about 'ghost do exist' so fake.
I got a variety of answers on how a ghost looks like:
1) Just a black or white shadow
2) Looks just like humans
3) They look like how they died - i thought this might explain why there are so many description on how ghost looks like
some just kept quite and won't reveal... probably they didn't know cause they were talking cock.
I thought there was this heaven and hell thingy... so why are there wandering ghost? I thought when you die you either go to one of these places? That's what every religion says right?
Buddhism - If you are good you go to heaven, If you are bad you go to hell
Christians - If you are a believer you go to heaven, if not hell you go
Ok, i know it's only 2 religion but it's okay. 2 facts can support well enough.
ahh!! Probably all these wandering ghost are free thinkers. hehe
I was thinking... if just before i die and i declare that i believe in Him then i'll be going to heaven right? He won't mind how much i've sinned right? Cos i've made my confession and He by right should forgive me... so i can go to heaven. Yes? No?
What if i believe in Buddhism as well as Christianity? Who makes the final decision where i'll be going after i die??
I suddenly thought of my dead grandma(dad's side).
According to my father my grandma appeared in his dream and wanted a car. With a specific model and series.. Dead people really can 'tuo mong'? Then if my grandma happened to ask for her daugther or son or grandchildren... what's gonna happen?
Anyway, there is this 2 things u throw on the floor... or issit coin? Then watever permutation means u can leave. Previous years my dad had to keep throwing it over and over again, this year was fast. Only needed one throw. Then i turned and told my mom cheekily that grandma couldn't wait to test drive her mercs. hahahaha
I don't really like 'qing ming' festival... i find it pointless. I thought as long as the one that died live in your heart would suffice. Pray for what??? In the end also end up asking for good health of family members, good year ahead etc... Like kinda defeat the purpose of it. I thought it was meant to pray to show respect, but it always turn out to be other things. Plain stupid.
Worst thing is the hot sun and smoke. I was telling my mom that if we don't leave that place shortly, the next time she goes to lim chu kang she can come and pray me also. hahahahahaha
Aye, in short i'm just very unconvinced unless i see a real ghost. Can any
one ghost prove me wrong? =D
Anyway my supervisor and collegues bought me to Crystal Jade for farewell lunch. It was a nice lunch with hilarious jokes on lots of bitching and gossips. As usual, it's super duper long lunch hours again. Muahahaha
I didn't know that when you win something you had to pay taxes for it. Even TOTO or 4D. Remember those games shows "Wheel of fortune", and "The price is right" etc... Those winners actually had to be taxed on for their winnings! My collegue was telling us that his friend works in the game show thingy, and backstage there are tons of prizes uncollected cos these people must pay for tax. Can u imagine??
Someone won a car, then all the audience will be "woah!!" "whee!!"... then whistling and appluasing like mad... and the winner will start crying and the family members or friends will go up the stage and hug them... laugh... jump in joy... then touch the car... BUT after the show, they walk home w/o the car. HAHAHAHA... funny man.. looks plain stupid. Ahh.. maybe they will take a picture or something. I always thought they really go home with those prizes. Wahahahaha.. Next time i win a prize i want it in cold hard cash only. lmao.
5:25 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, April 21, 2006
i like this zhang hui mei song alot. hehe
10:57 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
i took a short walk around my office and i realise that 3/4 the people from my dept are already gone. Only marcomm people left doing advertisements. Ahh! I want to go home this instance!
5:00 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
shit happens
2:00 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
yea right
Is it just me or what? Lucky shit i saw it coming and made my decision beforehand. But seriously i don't think i can accept that kind of shit.
and if u are thinking what i'm talking about, it's got nothing to do with work.
5:38 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Today's weather is built for sleeping! And i'm proud that i've slept almost the whole day today. Feeling very energetic right now. I don't wish to go back to office tml... i feel like having a holiday now. Then i can sleep all i like and do all the things i like to do. I think i've a thing for unhealthy food today... i bought 1 tub of ice cream, some pringles and my fav chocolate... my mom thought it was a celebration or something. ahaha
10:40 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
i'm bored..and there's no tv program..and zm is in school :(
2:19 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
my new look... will nyp will kick me out of school?

grr !!! now i don't have to Q up.

1:31 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
m0nday bluez

my current specs. very reflective. it's supposed to be red but it turned out bronze. ^^

hmmm... my brand new specs.. which i don't know if i still like it or not. *fickle fickle* It's damn ex a frame. I'm just wasting $$$$$. zzzz

my new love

Do i look nerdy? do I? Do i??

the frame i chose for my sister. cool eh? like iguana. hahahahahaha..
*when i grow up i want to open a specs shop. hurhur
1:01 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, April 16, 2006
the specs hunt
Went on a last minute "excursion" with wenD. Heh.. Guess who we met on our way to the specs shop? Steven Lim. Yucks. And he approached us. wenD was kinda excited... ahahah. BUT that's not important... important thing is..... omg.. infactuation with another specs!!
Auntie Annie let me bring this home to try + show my mom. hehe

two colors~

Yes fickle. But i think this looks nicer....... :p

look at the cool design on the side!! Yikes!! i realise my finger looks swollen. oh shit!
woot!!! i want to change!
Maybe i shld take picture of me wearing it. Heh.. going to slp anyway. tata =D
11:37 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, April 15, 2006
a week's post
Lucky wenD, get to enjoy her long weekend in Tioman. 3D2N totally free.. Heh.. Being very bored and kpo.. i decided to company her home and kpo her packing her bag.

Getting Started...

fiddling with her bra...... hahahahaHAHAHA

urgH.. wat else to bring huh??? headache headache..
Found this in her room..

Nivea new series of deodorant with korean lyrics on it. Get yours now in your nearest supermarket!
I realise wenD very 'pro' in packing. 3D2N and she only want to bring 1 set of clothes for each day.

Anyway... enjoy ur holiday there though ur MM isn't there. Almost wasted my $$ to buy ****** for u. LOl!
Oh yea.. construction inside the Sennett Estate is completed..

Look at the pretty flooring they done.
I didn't take picture of the new lampost. They changed it to some nicer design and also built a 'bus stop' stand which is meant to shelter passerby if it happened to rain. Not a very ideal shelter in my opinion.
Mango Time.....and disgusting drink

So sweet. yucks. Too sweet. This is eaten by me... so much 'flesh' left.

And this... eaten by my mom, a hardcore mango lover... Only the skin left. lol.. So sweet and she managed to eat all of it. I gave her mine.

It says no sugar added on the packaging. But it's so damn sweet. Very doubtful of what's written on the packaging. yucks. Imagine when there's sugar added. =/
Hamster..... di da di da di di do do... Ultimate boredom and i took pictures of my sister's hamstar..

Eating oat biscuit.

This pose is so cute!!! I make a good photographer. Btw will hamsters be blind by camera flash??
my new specs.....

NEwest design, that's what auntie Annie says. Titatium material.. super light, just like my badminton racket. hahah.. Aiya... but i kinda don't like it now. When i first saw it i like it alot. When i went to collect it, i don't like it already. Then on and off sometimes i like it, sometimes i don't. Fickle is the only word to describe me.
Premiums give away...again..

Eh... got this sometime ago. Disgusting bag. They call it lunch bag. Whatever. Looks like pinic mat to me.
wenD.. this was the umberalla i was talking about

so frickin' BIG!!! I won't bring it out on the streets.. nevER!!!
@ work...

My desk.. HEh.. neat right? Joanne... this is the drawer(bottom left of pic)!! All your zara vouchers and my GV movie money is inside. So when u gonna.....??? Hehehe..
Peek of what's inside the drawer:

Joanne's favourite

My favourite

Cannot say too much here.. but these movie tickets created quite a bit of trouble. There are just some cheapo people in this world. Sigh.

Half of what's left after distribution..

Quite free.. so i decided to take a nicer picture..

i mode file that i read during my first 3 days. Marketing stuff that i don't like. hahaha

Goodie bags for promotion i'm in charge of...

HubTV cushion

phone pouch

i-mode advertisements..... I Like I Mode
4:02 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, April 13, 2006
many things i want to blog.. but i'm lazy. ^^
7:18 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, April 10, 2006

she said "Noted"

But it didn't seems to be the case.

2:14 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Just for laughs (long names)
A little Red Indian boy asked his father, the big chief and witch doctor of the tribe, "Papa, why is it that we always have long names,while the white men have shorter names - Bill, Ted or Sam, for example?"
His father replied, "Look, son, our names represent a symbol, a sign, or a poem for our culture --not like the white men, who repeat their names from generation to generation. Also, it is part of our makeup that in spite of everything, we survive."
"For example, your sister's name is Small Romantic Moon Over The Lake, because on the night she was born, there was a beautiful moon reflected in the lake."
"Then there's your brother, Big White Horse of the Prairies, because he was born on a day that the big white horse who gallops over the prairies of the world appeared near our camp and is a symbol of our capacity to live and the life force of our people."
"It's very simple and easy to understand."
"Do you have any other questions, Little Broken Condom Made in China?"
10:26 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, April 06, 2006
funny italian english across this last time.. still tickles me now
5:12 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
WTF IS THE KEY !!!!!!!!
8:34 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
random stuff
Haven't been putting much thoughts into this blog. Well, allow me do it now.
This morning i woke up with a big smile. That someone who put a smile on my face unbelievably isn't someone who i'm exceptionally close to in school. Strange, but she made me smile with that nice sweet msg. At least i know you left with me being part of your memories! Thanks Angeline!

Lets talk about work. My God.... i realise my english suck like hell. Suddenly my supervisor placed me in the loop for one of the e-mail circulating among the top level management. Could hardly understand the english they are using. To make matter worst, 1001 product names are in there. Total alienation i tell you. Urgh.. it took me 3 times of re-reading to understand wtf is going on. is now my best friend.
Probably an hour and ten minutes more to six. Can't wait. Work on hand not entirely cleared yet, but that can be leaved for tomorrow. I hate it when i'm lazy to pick my brains and i'm given work to do. Why won't they give me work when my brain cells are all active?? humfph!
ps: Shiying, my collegue is playing that JJ song that u like. Not once, not twice but many many times. Bet you wished you were seating at my desk instead! Haha
I think Excel and PowerPoint really helps one to organise their thoughts neatly and systematically. Been working on these two programs for most of my projects. Quite fun, but it was really hard for me in the beginning. I'm not a organised person to start with! Hehe.. Now i'm more organised, in a way. But then again, if i had the choice i'd never touch Excel. It's the number 1 program i dread working on most next to Access. I rather work on frontpage or html.
Ah!! Lets talk about yesterday, the damn day. Left office at 6.43pm. The stupid bus delayed till 7.15pm. Made me wait like an idiot. Damn!
*side track a little... no idea why my MSN got disconnected. Re-connecting by itself now. Must be some stupid bug. Talking about MSN boils my blood. Weeks ago MSN got hit by a bug or some kind.. whenever i talked to my friends it would show "Your message could not be viewed by all recipients."

Fuck it!
Back to the stupid bus. Was supposed to meet my brather(shit, i'm so used to typing it this way) brother. And that reminds me of my lost key. Sigh =(
Lost my desk drawer keys. I don't know where i misplaced it. I remember i placed it in my bag yesterday while rushing off. Not sure where it got misplaced. If i lost it in Toa Payoh, i'm so dead cause they don't have a spare key. And the only way to open the drawer, according to my collegue, is to force it open. Geez... If i lost it at home, then wish me luck in retreiving it. Luckily no customers came to redeem their goodie bags and vouchers. If not my dear drawer have to be forced open.
It's 4th April already. Sigh. Don't idea how many of us is looking forward to 28th. But i can say that i'm not. Oh yea, i think i got no value as a student. Always rejected by the darn school. Or was i too slow?

Yesh!! Another 30 minutes to 6. Think i'm typing real slow with my frozen fingers. lol! The bloody air con is so cooold!! *shivers*
Hmm.. how many of you actually type your blog contents on a notepad first before pasting it in blogger? I blog this most all the time. (It'll be retarded if my blog content is only 2 lines and i do it this way

) I hate typing in blogger because of all the distraction. I like typing in notepad. No distraction, just that small window for you to pen down all your thoughts. I like it. Another thing, blogger font size is too big for my liking. Firstly no privacy. Secondly, i hate big fonts. Notepad font rocks. Small and cute.

empty brain... nothing to pen down..
Lets talk about Pizza Hut at SP.

Forgot when i had it. Sometime last week. Probably the 5th time i felt like puking after eating. Bloated. And that reminds of my sad childhood and my evil mother!! Muahaha.. will come to that soon. Pizza at SP is... hmm... cheap? haha... And it took a long time to arrive at my table....

Lousy service standard.
Now.. my sad childhood and my evil mother. Was telling my brother about this yesterday. Think i was only 14years old? My God... the most memorable meal in my life ever. Why? Cause that was the first time i puked right after a meal. Thanks to my mom for ordering food equivalent that only 6 people can finish when there's only the both of us. And she made me eat 80% of it. Poor me. At 14 how big could my stomach be man.. How could she.... haha! The moment i left the place, i puked at the back alley. I think i scared to shit out of my mom. Heh heh! But anyway i never blamed her for that "fun" experience.

Drop by Auntie Annie's place at Lucky Plaza last Friday to check my eyes. Good news is that my degree didn't increase. Bad news is that it didn't decreased. Ai! If not for IPP, i bet it would have decreased like the other time. I MUST WORK HARD ON REDUCING MY DEGREE !!! Auntie Annie's place was fun. Like a playground to me (Yes i'm childish). Trying and more trying of all different design of spectacles. Ok. More about Auntie Annie instead.
She's so far the best and most honest optometrist i ever seen. Before her, i went to other optometrist and my degree would just shoot up everything. That's because they were never truthful or skilled enough to make me a perfect pair of specs that suits my eyesight. After i went to Auntie Annie's place my eyesight never increase so drastically.. in fact my degree started to stablise and gradually decreased!(not this time though) Hehe... To all my spectacled friends: "You must blink your eyes more often! Blinking is exercising your eyes!! Don't use too much computer. Don't read lying down. Don't read in darkness. BLINK!" haha.. my lessons learnt. Oh ya, must eat something also to help the eyesight. Don't know what's that.. gotta check with my mom again. haha. wow.. this whole chunk looks like a customer testimony. LOL!!
Great! 5.59pm. Time to pack up! byebye
5:59 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn