In cold solitude I stood, watching you from afar As you walked into someone else’s arms As you flaunt your new love to everyone It felt like my soul was crying A part of me was dying And now you’re calling me up on the phone With all the tears and apologies Begging me to take you home Little did you know That my heart died that very day you left You killed me, who had loved you so
I step out of the house at 7am. The maids washing the cars got a shock. Usually they don't see me till late afternoon. And today.. 7am!!Even milo was surprised to see me. Usually he has to wake me up. Haa... Perhaps they thought i'm gonna wash the car too.
Anyway, i decided to breathe some fresh air. Feeling so unhealthy to cope at home staring at raindrops from my window. I walked out to buy newspaper and breakfast for my family. My legs are aching like hell but i needed to get out.
7.15am and the road lamps are still on. It's like damn bright already. Wasting national resources!
I practically walked the whole neighbour cos i can't find a stall that sells bee hoon. In the end i decided to walk all the way in to that famous fried bee hoon stall. And i tell ya, carrying 6 packets of fried bee hoon with a pair of aching legs is like .. i leave that to your imagination. Oh did i mention that i love fried bee hoon to bits?
Bought the papers this morning and read the news, saw the pictures. I don't know but i just felt sorry for him. Like my soul was crying for him. Not that i support him or whatsoever, but... it's just saddening to see someone die. What was on his mind? He looked brave though. And his family... i'm feeling sorry for them too. Sigh. If i was there i'd probably cry. But not because i'm sad but because i'm afraid. lol. whatever!
$485.50 for this ..... fragile looking heli?!?!?! wtf are u thinking mr chiang wen bin?!?
now you're telling me u're living in -ve income. serve you right. who ask u to play with that dumb heli. every time a part spoils u spend at least $2.10 ++ to replace it. if you do the calculations:
1 month spoil 10 times : $21 ++ if your friends crash more often you might be spending near $50/mth imagine ur engine spoil.. i dunno how much u gonna replace it.
and pls don't buy the 1k heli !!! The money can be used for shopping and eating !!! =(
tired is the only word to describe the current situation over my side. it's been a long day. just got home not long. 12.30 and the streets are cold. pathetic. anyway, sent jean, avel and adeline off just now. bet they're gonna have a great time over there.
i was telling wenD just now that many things happened over the 2 weeks. Though it's only 2 short weeks. I categorized them for easy reference.
1. most traumatized day 2. most pissed off day 3. most achievement day (it has nth to do with projects, it's just something else...secret)
at first i thought it was nice but when i unintentionally found out the origin of it, i was like ... ... oh well nvm. i should give you the benefit of doubt.
chiang wen bin i'm freaking pissed with you!!! where the hell are you??!! you better appear in 5 secs or i'll ignore your crap in future!!! *$%*%)@$&*Y%^@(*
The day you left I didn't know what to say or do To make things right again I was quite lost back then Tears fell like rain I bet you didn't know But it was okay For the pain gets lesser each day And tears no longer fell like rain
pretty pretty! i wouldn't mind to travel to NY just to see them. anyway they should development the land. NY is so big, go somewhere else. Development and Nature don't match. I don't think they can ever create a balance there.
apparently it's nothing. pretty dumb post, i know.
I've so so so so many things to do. and i haven't done any. i'm feeling very lazy these days. Apart from projects, i didn't get my posb card, IC, ez-link, hp replaced. Landyard too. AND FUCK! my thumbdrive =((
i want to get my hands on N95. It's 5 mega pixel. It's a slide phone, 2-way slide apparently. And it spells gorgeous. Not forgetting it's gonna cause a big hole in the pocket. O.M.G
This year you probably want to know whether or not i've been naughty or nice. Well here is the news: I've been naughty. But it was worth it. So don't bring me any presents you big fat judgmental bastard.
me: merry christmas cwb: too early? me: who cares? cwb: lol.. den HAPPY NEW YEAR me: HAPPY HARI RAYA PUSSA cwb: HAPPY BIRTHDAY me: MERRY XMAS 2010 cwb: .... HAPPY MILLENNIUM!!! me: HAPPY DEATH ANNIVERSAY cwb: win liao cwb: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
topic: animals task: take 1 turn to say 1 animal, ending letter of the animal will be the starting letter for the next animal to be mentioned.
then it was my brother's turn to think of another animal that start with E. elephant, eagle was already mentioned. then we were all thinking hard of another animal that starts with E. and my "brilliant" sister shouted: 'oh i know alrdy!!!' that made us think harder.
In the end guess what. she said: "entelope" --> WTF !!!! hahahahaha
Haiz... yes, let's start with a sigh. It's been a pretty rough day for me. Those who knows know. It wasn't bad at first.. it was all good till... =( retribution for not turning up for project meeting i guess. ha!
sometimes it feels like i've been missing out on a lot of things. i won't specifically say what cos it's personal. anyhow, let's just say i'm depressed - for now. but it's ok cos i know there's always this bunch of peeps who never fails to make me feel better.
those that tried to make me smile - thanks. esp shiying for making me laugh so much there might be winkles. keep it up on mastering ur skills, chang er. hahahaha
i left you dull and uninteresting. and now i'm back to make you smile again.
it's been a long and tiring week. the moment i step into the house i found myself dozing off in bed. now i'm refreshed, let's do some back tracking:
Sunday 10/12/06 First time in my life i witnessed something like this: 150++ - 200++ Harley Davidson bikes on the high way. Practically chalked up the 2nd and 3rd lanes. I think it's probably a outing or event for their members. But it's really shocking to see so many bikes at one go.. i thought there was gonna be a demonstration or something. Not all riders are Singaporeans, there are quite a few Americans. You know those type u see on tv? The fat mustached kind that wears a bandanna on their head? Yes those kind. And most of the bikers are look like gays. I took a video of it but it's not clear =/
trip to bugis i forgot why i went there. and i forgot who i went with. i think it's adeline and gang. anyway i really like this: i don't mind if they put that at my place =p
gays are humans too. they fall sick.
at first i wasn't sure. then all his actions and way of speech made me very sure. ok i must say that i don't have a thing against gay. gays make very good friends - that's what's i heard! Plus gays can be quite cute to look at too! 1 example is bee wan's friend that i met yesterday. muhaha
medications to clear for the term break
i left the med alone cos it makes me drowsy and stuff like that. Gonna use this term break to heal my coughing totally. It's really irritating to be coughing in public and people starts staring at you like you've contracted some terminal disease. Plus i really have a problem controlling what i eat. Being sick doesn't equate to depriving yourself of food you like to eat. (:
bbq flavoured hello panda? taste better than medicine.
last day of school i bought Christmas stencils and snow spray =D i practice 1 on my brother's cupboard in case it turns out ugly (due to technical problems). it's hell lots of work to spray 1 stencil ok. but i'm still gonna spray it on all my window sliding doors. cheerios!
went shopping and lunch was bad. speed of delivery was horrible. wa lao waited so long till i almost fainted. gimme the food !!!!!!
oh ya bee wan is really strange!! she folds the wrapper after she's done with eating(left). i just throw it there(right). i'm normal and she's abnormal. when i asked her why, she said it looks neater. erm... -_-||
And term break is here again just when Santa Claus is coming to town! I'm just about to adapt to schooling and now i'm thrown back to relaxation. but it feels good.
i'm gonna use my break to do some reflections. yes!! i'm gonna figure out why i'm called stupid. 3 times in a row by the same person.
being called stupid is fine with me. but not when the person who calls u that is very slooow and blur. Bee wan said i'm stupid 3 times!!! 3 times!! That's the biggest setback i ever had man!
today i had to most unhealthy lunch ever since school started. they brought me to yishun or laksa and dessert. fats in disguise. arh!!! but i was nice - both food and the company ^^
i was checking out GV and they are gonna show borat!! omg. i watched this during the term break, it's a good show if u think outrageous views on race and sex is funny. and of course dumbness. haha.. man, this guy is shit!
one of the best part would be the church scene. haha.. it went:
borat: does god love me? priest: god loves u borat: does god love my retarded brother, (dunno wat name)? priest: yes god loves ur brother borat: does god love my neighbour (dunno wat name) ? priest: yes god love your neighbour borat:(astonished) nobody loves my neighbour!!
thanks for scanning all that tutorials for me to mug at. even though i'm hardly spending my time productively.
and who said it's highly unlikely for me to be a star one day?? Later you see in in Forbes magazine i tell u. Then i'll use my $ to buy alot of water to drown u, u waterholic. My contingency plan if i don't get into Forbes is to be another kind of star.. guess what it is!!! *grinz* it's porn star!!! wahahahaha..
"but some1 not hardworkin" --> wa lao. NC.
yea thurs is coming!! that means it's time to shop for more pretty pretty specs and of cos eat more sushi. oh no.. that waistline is growing. haha!!
i shall leave the vid in my blog so everyone can see ur doody face.
and it goes on and on again man, i'm sick of it who wouldn't be? some said it could never be fixed, some said it could be if i tried hard enough. i'll try to fix u. i promise.
no one dies a virgin. cos' everyone gets fucked up by life somehow.
1st thing 1st thanks for this morning. i 'died' in bed and i'm soooo sorry. God speaks: u shall be rewarded in the future good samaritan.
eh i didn't scan the photos. My dad used his high-end camera to take shots of it. So it's not the scanner that is good. It's the camera!! wahaha
And. I read ur blog with the intention of reading 1 post only. Actually i was mentally prepared for none. Then i did the magical scroll down movement, and wala! i saw alot of posts!!! Omg. does that mean that i haven't been checking ur blog out for ages? hehe.
u know why.. cos it's true that u always don't bother to blog your 'exciting stories' regularly. Like when u watched Just for Laughs on Tvmobile and get choke on ur saliva while controlling ur laughter in the bus. waahaha
and ... his pictures all over. flooding the bandwidth. sigh. If i was to become a star 1 day, will u be crazy over me and post my pictures all over ur blog? will u?? *angelic blink*
lastly, ur "good investment" is worth while la. but i really thought u were crazy when u first told me u bought it. heh! all that $... milo could have had at least 1 month food supply! Ok, shall not say. If not u start to comment on my spending habit. hfumph.
/rmb my sushi neh ~~~ and if we can, let's try the thing i never tried b4. don't ever say it out, cos i'll be pai seh. =p
I was reading up on all the articles abt Taiwan's political state and i came across something hilarious:
"Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Hsieh Hsin-ni (謝欣霓) and several of her colleagues filed a lawsuit with the Black Gold Investigation Center on Aug. 4 accusing Ma of using his special allowance fund to pay for a physical exam and fees to adopt a dog known as Ma Hsiao-jeou (馬小九)."
seriously what's wrong with them. they fight over a dog too. hahaha.. and oh, what a name for the dog.
Lesson takeaway: Never underestimate the childishness of your opponent.
what time is it? it's tiger time! it's tiger time!
well, something familiar here. i bet everyone - young and old - have at least heard this a dozen time in their life. Well i had. And it even pisses me off at times if i get this reply when i ask for the time. But i admit i that it to, not now anymore. Ok, maybe not totally but not that frequent. Like once in a blue moon. haa!
Recently Tiger Beer has a new advert going on yea? I'm not a drinker, but their advert never fail to catch my attention. Everytime the advert is aired i'll stop whatever i'm doing to watch it. I guess it's probably 1 of the few (very few) adverts that i pay such 'special' attention to.
I have my doubts whether it's a local production. I mean.. hey, look at all our adverts. Let's just say they look 'pale' when compared to overseas adverts. But this one, Tiger's advert, is really good. It's very well planned and innovative i would say. Nice job!
And oh, to add on.. Tiger Beer uses yummy models in their website too. (i'm not sure if the girl is yummy though) Maybe it's an advertising tactic. Hehe!!
heh big fat pig! look here!! i told you i'll defame u here u imbecile.
*points finger repetitively at your nose*
u still owe me loads of things. to those that can be packaged, u can start wrapping them and prepare to put them under my x'mas tree. as for others, i'll collect from u again. don't run away huh.
I must confess that i haven't been good this year. I've done alot of bad things:
1. stole a sip from my mom's coffee 2. denied eating the last cookie 3. made my dog eat poo 4. made a 2 year old kid cried 5. told a lie on how my goldfish died (actually it died because i made it swim out of water)
So i rate myself: angelic rating: 30% devil rating: 70%
But Santa, i still want you to creep in at night to put presents under the x'mas tree.
Oh! Do remember to drop some nice candies in my stocking. This year i had it placed on the right hand side of my bed.
I was watching Doha 2006 on TVmobile on my way home. SG vs Jap for badminton. The footwork, smacking of feathers.. All the clean and swift - almost. It all seemed so familiar. I miss those days when all i do after school was to hit the court and smack feathers. Hours and hours of training in school and at home. No books. I love that kind of feeling.
wa lao eh... just now i wanted to do laundry and 1 fucking roach flew onto my arm. HOW UNLUCKY CAN I GET?!?! knn. and of cos i threw all the clothes in the air, slap my arms, did my roach scream n dance. =x i think my heartbeat max at the moment. i hate it when they touch me. so dirty. and i have to wash and scrub the place they touch me for at least 15 mins. =(
my ambition is to set up a pest termination company solely for roaches only. slogan: fuck roaches! down with roaches! kill!! kill!! kill!! psst! psst! psst!