Friday, February 25, 2005
the end
Had two presentations today. I thought i screwed eoc up. I should have wrote cue cards. Damm. Econs went well though. Anyway i'm not interested to explain the details. And i guess you won't be interested to read it either.
So, anyway before econs presentation(the teacher was late as usual) we had a photo taking session. Joan wanted to take a group picture 'cause we were all dressed up to the nines, with our blazers and everything. Then suddenly everybody's like so enthusiastic about it. Hurrying to be part of the picture. And sammy is one lucky man. Haha.. everyone's like dying to take a picture with him. Not only that he's so fortunate he has 3 ladies(joan, diyana and me) to help him wear his tie and blazer. All he has to do is to stand there. Haa... And so, the digi cam went clicking away till the batt is low. =) Feels like graduation.
Exams are around the corner. But not until i have had my eoc ica5 and i&wt frontpage ica. I think the frontpage test will be the cause of my downfall. I feel least prepared for the main exam but yet i wanna get over and done with it asap. Urgh... what contradiction within me. Life has been good to me so far. Able to pass my icas with fairly good results even not much effort been put into revision. Hope the exam would be a breeze. HOPE. I've been getting pretty much motivation talks from lijuan. Not much effect seen. Guess the lazy, non-studious me still resides in me all these years. I've calculated. We'll have 18 days left to spend time with each other, and thereafer we'll be going on our own seperate ways. Pretty sad. I don't like to make new friends. I hate socialising. And thank God, i was in the right frame of mind when doing the course selection. Placed CRM as my 4th choice.
So, after lesson had eoc ica5 meeting. Before frawley came, lijuan n i were having a little talk. *wink* Kinda feel sorry about that thing lijuan. But there's nothing i can do about it =( Anyhow, she shared her ideas for the ica. It was hilarious and i love it. Then frawley came in, more ideas and we were 1/2 discussing 1/2 laughing.
Oh ya, just downloaded the frontpage from CMS. Took a glance at all of them and i realise i don't understand a shit. I'm such a fool for not listening in class. Damm! Anyone out there wanna save me?
Pretty wordy entry. Will update pictures we took asap when i get hold of it. =)
Till then!~
8:35 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Oh i almost forgot. Add on to my previous post.
One thing i really enjoyed in the lab was drawing on lijuan's arm. Wahahahaha
I really love drawing on her arm. LOL. And she was sporty cause she let me draw as much as i want. =D
Here's one of my masterpieces:

ock = old chang kee.
11:48 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Joan reminded me that it's been a long time since i updated my blog. Been busy you see. So much projects to do, i don't even have time to blink my eyes.
Got back my accounts ica. Pretty satisfactory since not much hard work has been put in. Will do better for exams. Anyway tomorrow there will be 2 presentations for me, eoc and econs. Think i would more or less screw up one of them.
Oh ya, joan has been pestering me to get ipod mini. Really tempting. But i still think it's quite a hassle to bring one more extra item around. Anyway, ipod is great. Joan uploaded alot of nice songs in there. *drools*
And we(diyana, lijuan, shiying, wendy and i) took some pictures in the lab. Here goes:

This is one stupid picture. I forgot who suggest the finger thing. But we were supposed to do the numbering of B1, B2, B3 and B4. Hey, we should all wear yellow or pajamas next time and pose the same way!!
Left to right: shiying, jiaxin, wendy, lijuan

I think this picture is hilarious. Look at diyana(far left). She look darn funny. I couldn't stop laughing whenever i see this.

"It's a bird." "No, it's a plane." "No, it's superman!"
Nothing much to update actually. Boring life i have. Exams are near. I feel good and bad about it at the same time. That's all. Gonna practice my speech and get ready to go out. =D
5:35 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, February 19, 2005
This post is meant for someone really special. My buddy Lijuan!!
I don't know this is the how many time I've thanked you. But nvm, I'm gonna do it again. =)
Anyway this girl is amazing. She's really a good friend. Good friends are those who give unconditionally. Yea, she is one real good friend. So understanding and so kind.
Since last semester she's been helping me out a lot on my projects (I've been less dependent on her now though. But not completely! Haa..), reminding me to bring stuffs, due dates etc... listening to me whine (I don't know if she like to hear me whine. I guess not. But I can't help it. I feel that she's the only one I can whine too. It's a privileged you know?), helping me out during exam period (staying on the phone with me until I solve the problem), and tolerate my nonsense and dumbness (which I'm very grateful for). What more can I ask for?
She's my advisor too. Advise me on all sorts of stuff. I like the non-nonsensical talks we have. Talking about life, our own theories etc... She's really good at that. If you ever get to talk about such matters with her, you'll find her simply astounding. I love her :)
She's a great listener. Thanks alot.. for hearing me whine just now. I was really bothered by some matters.
Hey Lijuan, thanks for being there all the time. Whether I'm in trouble or I'm in a bad mood. Really very thankful for that. Even though sometimes we don't talk much, you presence makes things feel better. =)
XIE XIE NI !!!!!!!!!!
*I've got lots of things to say. But I really cannot stand the condition I'm in now. Gotta bathe. Byeee~
11:58 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Haven't been updating my blog for quite some time. Been busy you see. Anyway, I had my stats ica yesterday. I would say that the test went well. Quite confident of scoring. But yesterday wasn't a very nice day though. Had project meeting for eoc ica4. Was quite lost on what to do. So my group was progressing slowly under my guidance. Luckily everything is more or less completed. Kinda please with myself.
Alright, as for today's blog there's nothing much. Attended student leader seminar. PRetty boring but enriching. Actually i'm starting to realise that NYP is not that bad afterall. NOt that it is good. Just not as bad as i thought it is. Beside the atrocious toilet conditions, semi-infested with cockroaches and illogically operated escalator... NYP is not that bad.
Been working on my project since i got home. Time is frickin' tight. I still have econs ica4 and eoc ica5 to work on. Both presentations. *yucks* Seriously, i only have 1/2 an idea on econs project. I cannot believe that we are not allowed to use powerpoint. This is stupidity. Transparency will be so... eeew. As for eoc ica5, i think i've got a rough idea how i want it. IF applicable.
I hope this semester ends quickly. Can't wait to get done with the exams. Really really wish for a good break now.
6:31 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
My day in school was not that bad. Cleared 2 important ICAs. Relieved.
Had accounts ica early in the morning. The test went well. I think i should get minimum 90% correct. But i know i'll make careless mistake. Somehow, somewhere there will be a mistake. Maybe i'll get 80%? Whatever it is i'm still lucky 'cause i didn't practice much. For the test preparation i only tried to understand my mistakes and clear my doubts for some areas.
For eoc lesson got back results for ica3. Pretty satisfactory. Didn't expect much out of it either. It's just not my module. I hope we were still taking ews. Whatever~Shut up Jiaxin!
Then I&WT lesson was another ica. It went smoothly overall. But i was satisfied with my work. I think there are quite a few stupid mistakes. There goes the good grades. But it was alright too. I'm a girl. Not guy. Girls aren't suppose to be extremely good in this area. Hehe
Lijuan brought some new year goodies for me to eat. nice! =) thnxs! And don't get so upset. I don't know how to comfort u seriously. Having alot of troubles coping with school.. can't think much for anyone now. Argh.....i'm such a useless friend. Dammit.
Can't blog any further. Feeling super tired. Haven't got this kind of feeling since last semester. And it's hitting me real bad.
12:38 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, February 14, 2005
^^Happy Valentine's Day^^
Gotta keep this entry short.
NOthing much about lectures. Craping with lijuan, shiying and cheryl. Nice day overall.
Saw angeline today in school. Real glad to see her. So we talked a little and i hugged her before we parted. :) BEst wishes to you Angeline!
My gift. =D Courier to my house. While i was washing the dishes. Haha..
Sender? Secret.... hahahahahaha..

Very nice. I like it. Thanks alot.
Only 2 shots. Need to bury myself in the books already. Revision is BAD. ='(
8:52 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, February 13, 2005
And the base keep runnin' runnin', and runnin' runnin', and runnin' runnin', and runnin' runnin', and...
Let's start with a make up entry for yesterday. Ignore if you are not interested. It’s full of shit.
Had steamboat at my house yesterday. Invited the usual 3, joan and johnny too. Daddy invited uncle roger and someone(forgot his name). Sister invited elaine and evelyn. Those two again. I think they love my house. Always staying in my house past 12 or staying over.
Woke up at 8.30am to do marketing with mummy. I hate the market seriously. It's wet, smelly and full of bargaining aunties. So anyway, i was cleaning the house for like 3hrs non-stop.
So, the adults ate the steamboat first while jx, ka, joan and me waited for lijuan to come. When lijuan arrived the adults are still eating. So we played a little game. Joan taught us. Pretty fun. I mean VERY FUN. hahaha.. it's all abt sabotaging. At first the penalty was to eat the no. of love letters assigned. Then there i was getting myself into trouble. I never expect myself to have the smallest card. Haa.. so I got it. But I didn’t eat. Whatever.. Later on we changed the penalty to touching milo. Ahh.. yes you've guessed it right. The penalty is specially designed for lijuan. Wahahaha.. it's damm thrilling to see her get the smallest card. And so she had to touch MIlo. =D AND SHE DID! SHE DID IT! Hey lijuan, you are very brave. =) Just after 3 visits you have manage to curb 1/2 of your phobia of dogs. Come more often then maybe one day you'll be petting milo spontaneously.
Ok so, we move on to eat dinner. Yes.. I didn't eat much but i cooked for lijuan. I only like to cooking part of steamboat. I think i ate vegetables only and some meat. The hot dog was horrible. I never like processed food. Taste WEIRD. I don't know why i ate it in the first place. But kang an like it. Hahaha
After eating everyone was playing… cards and mahjong. I walk around looking at them play. I didn’t know everyone can play mahjong. Except lijuan and me. So we were stoning there.. luckily Elaine got a DVD on mean girls. So we watched it. The show is nice ‘cause everyone stop their game and watch. =) Hey kang an, I never watch DVD before ok. Can’t blame me for asking why there is only 1 disc and not pressing play twice. HUMPH!
Ate my second round of steamboat after the show. Lijuan, Johnny and sister joined. So Johnny, the magician, was showing off his tricks. Haha.. And poor guy, lijuan exposed 1/3 of them. But it’s nice. Amazed me.
Too many things happened. All in all it’s fun.
Alright, for today’s entry. Nothing. Haha.. kidding! Complete my management project today. *Phew* If not joan would kill me tomorrow. Hahaha.. Anyway the rest of my day was a total waste. Did nothing at all. I shouldn’t have taken leave. Way too off track. Hopeless me. Arghhh..
God bless lijuan’s brother. Hope he gets well soon =) Cheer up girl, he’ll be just fine.
8:50 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, February 11, 2005
kaBoom! arghh!! woof!
Ahh. Relatively nice day today~ Except for EOC lesson. Didn't really enjoy every bit of it. So i had stats tutorial.
Got back stats results today. Which was a total disaster. But it's my fault. For not studying hard enough. For not doing my tutorials. dammit. I'm really one heck of a lousy student. Having second thoughts of going to University.
Stayed back after school for don't know what reason. Anyway, i think i need to get in tune fast. Still in the off mode. My brain is getting a'lil rusty. Can't think much. I still have frickin' management powerpoint to complete and I'm way behind time. Things don't look good this time round. Like i said, lady luck doesn't stay forever. I've this bad premonition.. somehow or rather i just have this very strong feeling. This semester is going to a hell of a disaster for me. I think i can't catch up on alot of things. Why does things work this way? When i decide to do it well, it gets so hard.
Just now mummy told me that my stats results is good enough. Don't stress myself. The problem is that if others can do well, why can't i? I'm not stupid. I know. Just lazy. But i can't help it if it's in the genes. Hehe. Arggh... Maybe my parents right, studying makes me sad. I should go back to the past when i'm happier, away from the books. But what will lie in the future?
I used to think that the world is beautiful. That people are great, kind and truthful. Naive eh? No. It's partly because of the environment i'm brought up in and my character. Most kids spend their weekend shopping with their parents. They get so stucked in the concrete jungle. And somehow they enojy it. But this enjoyment won't last forever. Because once you take away this concrete jungle of theirs, they'll never survive in the nature. But not me. I never love the concrete jungle much. My parents bring me to farms, nature reserves etc when i'm young. And i like it alot. I get to experience alot of things, which are amazing. And somehow, this cultivate the "love the nature" thing in me. Maybe that is why I'm very much of an introvert. I never like to talk much but i enjoy listening to people(just like i listen to the forest). And from there, i make my judgement about them. You can know alot about a person just by the way they talk!
But i get to see the real truth since i entered poly. Lots of ugly truth i wished i never knew. People turning ugly just because of grades. People back-stabbing for don't know what sake. People fighting over lame stuff. People accusing. People putting on fake smiles. And that's not the end. Yucks! It's a total turn off.
If i can, i wish i can just live in my very own world. Where there are no ugly people around. When i say ugly, i don't mean the facial features of a person. I'm refering to their nature. Anyway, back to my own world. Yes, there i'll have friends that i like. Friends that i find true. Real friends. That gotta be a dog in this world now. Haha.. only a dog can be true to you. Loyal and faithful. A dog never lie. And they never argue. And they never once think that you are stupid. They do stupid acts with you. How much better can it get when you have a friend like this? Say when you scold him "you're a pig" and he doesn't fight back. I love it! haha.
Got this off friendster:
Spell your name and copy what each letter
signifies about your personality. Then, send
this to a whole bunch of people you know!
A - You can be very quiet when you have
something on your mind
B - You are always cautious when it comes to
meeting new people.
C - You definitely have a partier side in you,
dont be shy to show it.
D- you have trouble trusting people
E - You are a very exciting person.
F - Everyone loves you.
G - You have excellent ways of viewing
H - You are not judgemental.
I - You are always smiling & making others
J - Jealousy.
K - You like to try new things.
L - Love is something you deeply believe in.
M - Success comes easily to you.
N - You like to work, but you always want a
O - You are very open-minded.
P - You are very friendly and understanding.
Q - You are a hypocrite.
R - You are a social butterfly.
S - You are very broad-minded.
T - You have an attitude, a big one.
U - You feel like you have to equal up to
people's standards.
V - You have a very good physical and looks.
W - You like your privacy .
X - You never let people tell you what to do
Y - You cause a lot of trouble.
Z - You're always fighting with someone
So, let's see:
J - Jealousy. (I beg to differ)
I - You are always smiling & making others
A - You can be very quiet when you have
something on your mind
X - You never let people tell you what to do
I - You are always smiling & making others
N - You like to work, but you always want a
Hey!! It's super true. Really reflects me well. I think description A and N suits me best. =D
11:55 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Feeling mixed up right now.
I don't know what's going on in my mind.
Everything is rushing in.
My priorities, my studies, my results, my r/s.
And there i am, pushing them out.
I don't want to think.
I don't wish to think.
I don't want to understand.
I don't wish to understand.
I wish i'm emotionless.
I really wish i am.
But what is a human w/o emotions?
Would God create someone w/o emotions?
The answer is Yes.
If not, explain the war, the murders etc.
Why would man go around killing each other if they had emotions?
The answer is No.
So if He could create a man w/o emotions, why didn't he make me emotionless?
Why not me?
I wish i could put everything to an end.
Erase everything.
Wipe everything out of my mind.
But i can't.
Reason being i'm powerless.
God made me powerless.
Feeling much better now.
I'm a confused person at times.
Chill friends!
Enjoy your celebrations~
9:08 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Wa LA !!!
Wheeee~~~ Wendy i love you to the max. Thanks alot for giving me the exact artist and title of my new bgsound. =D I'm super delighted. Thanks a million ya? I owe ya one. =))
Yeaaaaa!! I'm totally head over heels in love with this song. This song is used for Citigems commercial. The one starring Joanne Peh and Fiona Xie. The commercial pictures the most beautiful bond two best buddies can ever have. I really like the commercial, as well as the song. The song makes it even more beautiful. =)
All yes, Happy New Year to all my friends out there. Have a cool and prosperous year ahead and may all your wishes come true. =)
1:17 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, February 07, 2005
hell yea!!!!!
Woohooo~ Today is simply GREAT.
Went to school for a short management lecture. Was sitting at the corner so i didn't really catch what she said. My mind was away~
After that went to catch Finding Neverland with Lijuan and Shiying. I like the show and you will like it too if you're still pretty much a child at heart. :)
The movie is nice, of course. And the people who i watch with are nice too. Let's see, Lijuan slept for a few mintues during the movie. And she was aruging that the person acting peter pan is an actress not an actor. It's peter pan my dear. PETER. The name does suggest something doesn't it? Hahaha... =X
Shiying was suffering from a serious lag. She was asking me questions about some event in the movie that has past for 20-30mins. Ok, the most interesting part. NO! the most memorable part is that Shiying left her hp in the cinema.. Haha... luckily you found it. =)
So after movie, went back to school for I&WT class. Class was... a little disrupting because i keep moving around the lab using every computer. You can't blame me for that. The computer are just too lousy. So i end up sitting where i first sat down. Ahh~ Everyone was playing games. No one was listening to Mr Goh. Poor guy. Sometimes i wonder if he's angry or has lost interest in teaching or something. So, i watch Shiying crashing her car. And we challenge each other to some fighting game. Man she is a good fighter. YOu really live up to your name for being the BIg sister in blastier. Wahahaha.. She beat my character hands down. My expression was like this when i played the game: T.T
Oh yea, got back my html assignment marks. Scored pretty well 99 out of 100 marks. I said pretty well because everyone was like 97, 98 marks. So 99 is just nothing great. The test is up next. I think i'll read up on the form that's all. Other than that i'm confident i can do it.
Running out of things to blog. I'm on leave currently. NOt doing much tutorials anymore. I still have my accts tutorial to complete, which is due tomorrow morning. And right now, i'm thinking of playing games. Haa.. Only looking forward to my steamboat on saturday. Alright before i go, let me share something i found on friendster's bulletin board. I like it. =)
Dear Friends
> In Singapore, living in Highly
Buildings (HDB), most
> people have already got used to
Paying And
Paying (PAP).
> Not only do you pay, you Pay Until
(PUB). If that's not
> enough, somebody still Purposely
Wants to Dig
(PWD) more from
> you. So what more can you do when
you are in the
Money Only
> Environment (MOE)?
> When you are sick, you might be able
to use your
Cash Prior to
> Funeral (CPF) fund, if you happen to
be admmited
to the Money
> Operating Hospital (MOH) one time. If
you are
out of luck, you
> may meet doctors who Never Use Heart
(NUH) to
treat you and you
> will be Sure to Give-up Hope (SGH) ..
> To help ease! the traffic, motorist have
to pay
Cash On Expressway
> (COE). If that doesnt help, they can
Eternally Raise
> Prices (ERP) on the roads. If you don't
own a
car, you can always
> make a Mad Rush to Train (MRT) or get
in a bus, Side By
> Side (SBS).
> Lastly, under all these pressure, there
are not
many places we
> can relax, not even the good old place
we used
to go because it
> has become So Expensive and Nothing
TO See
Actually (SENTOSA).
> At the end of the day, living in
Singapore is
quite frustrating. Even to
> the extend of hearing people
complianing Now
Everyone's Water At
> Toilet Eventually Recycled
> You tell me lah, should I be a quitter or
10:44 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, February 06, 2005
pooF !!
Piff! puff! poof!
Alakazam Alakazoom!
croak` croak` croak`
I'm a frog.
ahhh... Freak!!! Let me see what i've done today. HOUSEWORK!!! YAY!!! I'm MAria Sun!!! WooHooo!!! I simply love pissing myself off. You know what. Dammit. Mummy woke my up at 12noon to help her do housework. No one wakes Jiaxin up to do housework. Esp on a sunday! ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blasting my radio real loud, i couldn't hear myself talking least my mom's screaming. Today's is good. My sister is out the entire day. Peace at home. My ears feels good :)
Nothing much to blog about. You can see that i've no particular topic to talk about.
Got this off my friend's blog. Very interesting i thought.
9 reasons why Singapore is pathetic
Read number 8.
Singapore is famous for not being corrupt. It is true that if you are Lee Kuan Yew’s eldest son you can become brigadier general after just five years in the army, and six months later you can become a member of parliament, and soon after that you can become deputy prime minister. And if you are the eldest son’s wife, you can be put in charge of the state holding company (it holds key interests in 40% of the stock market by market cap). And if you’re Lee’s number-two son, you can run the main Telecoms company. But that’s not corruption, or nepotism. That’s “meritocracy”. (No, that's pathetic.)
Life as lyk's pet dog(as in a real dog with 4 paws and a tail) must be real good.
9:17 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
oh my frickin' god
me?!` yea, 60 years later ba ...
Shiying, you have black hair after 60yrs!!!?? And you have this kinda of skin after 60 years?!?!! Can you recommend me your facial cream and hair salon? PLease~ I'll buy you breakfast, lunch and dinner for that. =)
12:55 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, February 05, 2005
**cling clang cling clang**
Woke up early this morning,
Made my coffee like I always do. Then it hit me from nowhere, Everything I feel about me and you. The way you kiss me crazy, Baby you're so amazing. forced to get out of bed at 9.30am. Reason: To have a hair cut. Urgghh. You can imagine how irritated i was. It's a SATURDAY. It's meant for sleeping! Actually, everyday is MEANT for sleeping. =)
So, went to kovan and had my hair cut. Trimmed i mean. The lady cutting my hair was like gossiping non stop about don't know what. I only understand the part on bonuses and stuff. And quitting her job because of the mean boss and lousy pay. Pretty much for a morning story to start the day.
Then went to kovan mall to look for my Adidas shoes. DON'T HAVE!!! DON'T HAVE!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!! THERE IS NO DESIGN THAT I WANTED. WHY?! WHY?! TELL ME WHY!!
BUT BUT i'm not annoyed. Because i bought a ty bear. It's super cute!! Really, i mean super duper cute. And i love it ALOT. I wanted to get one for you lijuan. But there is only 1 left. So i went around the whole kovan mall and find.. still don't have. After that i went to compass point. Find here and there, find everywhere, still cannot find. Never mind. I'll get you a nicer one. Wahahaha... Please don't ask me why i wanna buy for you. I just feel like buying. And please don't tell me not to buy. Because i really feel like buying. =))
I'm gonna bring my ty bear to school! Humph!
Ok, back to compass point. I bought a converse shoe there. Then i went home alone. I couldn't shop anymore because.... no reason. It's just me. So, on the way home i saw a really cute guy on the train. But he ain't as cute as my bear. So never mind about him too. Went home and blast my radio real loud while trying to figure out how to tie the shoelace. I spend 45mins to an hour and i still can't fix it. I must be dumb or something.
Actually now i can't wait for new year. Really dread going back to school. Oh ya shiying keep me updated on your trip to chinatown and queensway!!
OK, let's play a game. Roll you mouse over to the top right of this window. Keep moving it until the cursor hits the cross button. OK! Well done!! Now left click once. Fun isn't it?
11:25 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, February 04, 2005
Arrgghh!! Had dinner outside. The fish shop was HORRIBLE. The soup tasted like water from the drain. Luckily i had late lunch before today.
Went for my second round CNY shopping at Bugis. Damm annoyed because i couldn't find a adidas shoe. I couldn't find it in the adidas shop there. ARrrgghh!!!!! I'm a angry person. I walked until my legs are aching like hell. At the end of the day i only got 1 jeans. Wasting my time. I should have stayed home and sleep. Hopefully i can get the shoes tml at hougang. blah! CNY is no fun.
I don't understand why we need to buy new things to use. So troublesome. I just want a new better brain. Nothing else.
Nothing nuch to blog about. School was.... fun. Angeline's last day in school. Was glad she liked the card lijuan and i got for her. Hey Angeline, if you're reading this, i just wanna say Gd luck yea? Next time you see me in the streets don't forget to call me. We can catch up on some things. =)
Apart from the blowing into her ear part, i had a little secret sharing conversation with lijuan. Eh lijuan, you haven't finish the list yet. If you cannot rmb the list ask me. I'll be more than happy to tell you. HUHU
Talking about adidas throughout stats tutorial. Shiying was like "Don't ask me la, i wanna talk about adidas now". Haha... For those who are not NYPians, Adidas is a new module for SBM students. Only selected students are able to take this module. =))
Then comes the shocking news from joan that alot of geniuses from another class chose SM as their 1st choice. Hmmmmmm.. I think i'll leave it to fate. Besides beggers can't be choosers.
Got back Econs ica today. I think i'm freakin' lucky to get 33.5 out of 50. I thought i would get 20plus. Wendy is the most outstanding banana of course. Anyway, shiying don't get angry. You're sick that's why you didn't get A. But only 1 mark. Chill ya~ When the exams come, you won't be sick and you'll score there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! Believe in yourself.
Blah! Sleeping time.
10:00 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Adidas r0ck my world~
I've expanded my collection of adidas!! YAY!!! 3 Cheers for me!!! Wheee!! But i've lots to catch up on you joan. lalala
Went for my last minute CNY shopping trip.
I bought black and white shirts. My mom says my dad would scream his head off.
But guess what. Daddy says it's nice!!! Wahaha... mordernisation heh? =))
Here is what i got:
I bought this 'cause i like the stlye of it. The vertical stripe at the side. I haven't seen anyone wearing this shirt on the streets yet.
This was the one carrie's friend was wearing, and i said i like it. Cheryl remember?? So lucky i manage to get hold of 1 piece.
And this is what i got for my sister SUPER-DUPER belated bd present. Nice too~~~ i like~~ =)
Daddy must have thought that i was crazy. Borrow his phone to take pictures of my clothes. Hehe... I think it's time i should change a phone with mmc card. But that can wait. I shall expand my Adidas collection first.
Oh ya, i found some bloody cute and lame pictures of my dog!!!
Despite my dog being a DOG, he's hounded by "gou zai dui". I thought he should be the one hounding people? The world IS changing isn't it?
Here are some of my findings:
What is he doing?!?!? Smelling his armpit or sth. Eeew~
I think he sense someone taking candid pictures of him.
Getting a little camera shy.
Yea... that is about all for today. Adidas~ Ooops.. i mean adios~
11:08 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
i'm in need of medical attention!
I should be sleep at this time. But i can't. I feel sick whenever i lie down. But i'm really really tired. I think i'm really falling sick. My whole damm body is achign and my throat has a funny feeling. I think i might come down with a flu or something. Maybe pneumonia just like my mom and bro. Arrr.. so the virus has defeated me. Maybe SARS! WooHoo!!! Dammit. I'm gonna be sick on CNY. Great isn't it.
Today's economics lesson was average. Understood some parts, still unsure on other areas, others i've got no idea. Luckily i went for lesson. Wanted to skip school today. So frickin' tired and for god-sake-who-knows-why-reason, my left knee cap was aching when i woke up. Couldn't even get out of bed. For a second i thought i'm gonna be paralysed bottom-left-half for the rest of my-already-pathetic-life. How much worst can it get? Dammit again.
Was supposed to have project meeting today. Thank God shiying complaint on my behalf although she sound a little fierce to me. Wahaha... Thank goodness joan cancelled it knowing i wasn't feeling so well. Thanks a million joan and so sorry to my team members for the inconvenience. Will put in 10times effort in my project. I promise. =)
What else? Lijuan found her new way of laughing. And i've mastered how to push people the "lijuan-style". Oh yea, had breakfast with daddy this morning. He was pestering me again to let him know who's coming over for steamboat. I don't see why he's more excited than i am. Ahhh.....
Last night i was thinking about the kind of friends i have. To me, the best kind of friend you can ever get is one that you can sit on the swing with together, in the porch, and not speak a word. But you leave the place feeling that you had just had the best conversation ever. Trust me, it really feels good. I've got such experience. It's really nice because you don't have to say anything, and your buddy knows how you feel/think etc, and he/she sits with you without complaining. And if you ever find such a friend you better cherish him/her. If not you are better off dead.
People who don't know me well always label me as the arrogant-stucked-up girl. One of my friend once told me, "Hey you know when i first saw you, you look like a rich arrogant girl who doesn't give a damm about anyone? I didn't know you could be so LAME". Well see, rich-arrogant-stucked-up girl is so MUCH different from a lamer. Well actually i don't mind how people judge me. Tell me about first impression. Although i don't really have any positive liking for NYP, i've found myself a bunch of people who are real good there. In my dictionary, Good people = sincere people. And of course i found a handful of gems. I'll call them gems 'cause it's like My precious~ *to be said in the LOTR way*
Wait a minute, let me smash the radio first before i continue. I simple cannot stand the CNY music anymore. I think those chinese radio stations are over-doing it. I hope CNY would just come and go asap. It's like not as cool as Christmas.
- CNY is when you put on fake smile to meet your very made-in-singapore uncle/aunties
- CNY is when you pretend to be happy to see your simply-brainless-screeching cousins/nephews.
- CNY is when you crowd around and look the wailing for don't-know-what-reason baby if there is any.
- CNY is when people pat you on your head, pinch your cheeks. And your long-time-no-see drama aunties will grab you can say, "Aiyo, you have grown so big!!!!!!". Then they will turn you around and around until you feel nauseated, and smile at you like they have won 1st prize in TOTO or 4-D.
I don't know why i don't like CNY. Maybe because when i watch tv, i couldn't hear a single thing from the tv set even when the volume is at 40. Perhaps.
5:14 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn