Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Just woke up from my sleep on the arm chair. Couldn't believe i actually fell asleep while watching tv. Super tired even right now.
9:20 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, August 29, 2005
Was late for school today. Reached at 8.34am. But there's more to of the supervisor was there and i had to sign in myself. Meaning no one signed in for me @ 8.30am as usual. damn. Was very pai seh when i signed in..esp with him sitting in front of me looking at me signing in. =/
Very tired right now...the very moment i sat down, i started to work on lijuan's mmd. Thank God it's completed...except for 2 scenes. Another of my half-completed piece of work. But still i'm glad i kept my promise by helping her with her flash. Hopefully her supervisor sees the hardwork in it. =D
Thinking of it, i can hardly remember when i've taken my eyes off the monitor since the start of mmd project. Staring into the frames..they seemed to be part of my life now. Not something i really want though.
MY eyelids are very very heavy now.. i want to sleep but i can't.. it's against the rule.. oh well..
Gotta hand up the e-resume by 4pm today but i really have no mood to polish it. I see everyone working on their resume but it still doesn't motivates me to do better than them. I don't wish to do anything but to rest. Guess the chance of getting into the client's project is slim.
3:24 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, August 28, 2005
what a weekend!
Have been
so busy since i've been up this morning... or rather afternoon (12.13pm).
MMD.. MMD.. MDD.. it's taking up so much of my time!
So many things to think about,
So many things to complete,
So many things to take into consideration,
So many things to finalise,
So many things to understand...
So many "so many things to..." I need to catch my breath!
Very afraid i
left something out on Monday... so i came out with this:

rare eh? I've never done this except for examination period.
Now i understand why it isn't fun to take on too many responsibility.
Right now i'm more relaxed... But still i need to come out with
something good for
miss pretty flower's MMD. Something really good because she's gonna be the 2nd presenter. Better come out with something that will leave a lasting impression.. i better do a good job since i
promised to help her with it. Better do... better do...
Looked through all the perfume website...
why ain't the inspiration here yet?30mins to zhen qing. I better come out with something!!!!
Someone give me a bottle of elixir of creativity please!!oh yea, angeline sms-ed me this morning.. was very surprised and touched. Miss you too~ =D
4:07 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Blogging right now @ 3.10am.
can't get to sleep because i miss him too much.
wendy must have got a shock when she reads this. TEEHEEHEEE... gotcha gotcha gotcha!!
can't sleep cause i slept from 6.30 to 12.30. 6hrs in total. wide awake now.
can't blog either but i got to.. so that
miss pretty flower can read sth in order to kill her boredom. SIGH. Why am i downgrading myself into cheap entertainment?
done with mmd some time ago..helped out some of them. Tomorrow gonna help
lijuan juanz (lol. nice right? or u prefer miss pretty flower? HAHA) with her mmd. Oei.. i know u are reading this. Please rmb to bring the vcd ok? thnxs!!
Today...was a boring day. Nothing to do at all. But i was damn tired at the end of the day. Guess it's all the accumulated tiredness. Sigh.
and the time now is 3.24am.
juanz (why mus have z behind huh?) going off at 3.30am. So i'm not gonna post until 3.31am.
我很想你聽見了嗎? woo~
yea... 我很想你...你..你..你..
i bet juanz read this post at 3.31am. HEHEHEHE
3:31 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, August 25, 2005
hmm... today some Jap students came over to NYP for some kind of excursion. And of cos.. NYP show case their very own Zoological Gardens - TEP stopovers.
Some of the EM had to be tour guides. They came over to our stop - ELDC - too. They are like little kids.. always smiling and stuff.. hahaa
Went down to EM room early in the morning to look for a pretty lady that just like a flower. LOL! Jus in case u say i forget about you huh! Muhahaha
ELDC - was tiring today. had to do e-resume by 2pm. Something i don't wanna do but no choice. Sigh. Classical would have been less tiring wouldn't it. Anyway, i really wish i can go the client project.. if not i can't imagine how i'm gonna push my marks up in classical. =S
many things i wanna say.. but i'm too tired to. Been sleeping very late these few days. Sigh. I'm getting unhealthy day by day.
exactly 4 more months to CHRISTMAS!! Muhahaha
jingle bells ~~jingle bells ~~jingle all the way ~~
12:30 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
3rd day at the new stopover.. was quite fun esp the slacking part. hehehe
flash..................spoils my eyesight.
but I still think it's fun. =D
my mmd.......seems abit ugly to me now.
I think... my liking for things are exteremly short span.
went bowling at grassroot club today. It seemed like a long time since i went there.. long long time.. haven't been there for at least 9weeks when i am stucked in cc2. But i love cc2 still. Neat, clean and cosy.
And i miss some of the people there --> andy, peggie, caiying, lai na ...
classical days are coming nearer and nearer... and i kinda don't wish for it to come.. not now.
Might be attending more live auction in school for this 8 weeks since.. (dun wan to say. later wendy disturb me again!) is in there.
12:59 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, August 18, 2005
indecisive bitch
sigh.. working on the logo for mmd. Almost killed my brain cells. Sometimes I really wonder why I didn't inherit my parents artistic genes. Both of them used to be art directors. But look at their childern... all defects. LOL!!!
doing and doing.. quite a few design(some of them are really a piece of shit. I couldn't believe I came out with such shit! lol) but I chose one out of them to improvise.
BUt still... i can't frickin' decide.

now shall i use 1? 2? 3? 4? or 5?
yada yada yada
11:58 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Somehow my existence was no longer as important
Something went wrong, definitely.
It just didn't feel right.
But i really don't know where the problem lies.
I am nothing but a mere existence.
11:36 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, August 14, 2005
bloody wasted 3hrs of my time and electricity.
stared the at summary report but did nothing. Nothing at all. WTF man. Gay ass.
should have played games. ARggh!!
i'm one hella bloody useless piece of shit!
9:53 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Today .... was just another day ....
except .... lijuan came over to watch zhen qing + eat balls.
Today i watched her screamed in fear. Something i never saw her doing. lol
Right now, anything round scares me.
Was frantically searching for one of my personal selling receipt. Can't believe i'm actually getting so uptight over a 40cent receipt. yes.
40 cents. WTF man. I've become so cheapo. But heck, this 40cents receipt means a hell lot to me. lol
eh..... I'M SO FRICKIN' BORED CAN... THERE IS NOTHING TO DO !!!Well there's pretty much of
important stuff to do actually.
1) summary report
2) personal selling report
3) mmd
4) km
But heck! School work turns me off. I'm gonna do them only when i feel like it.
No more motivation, no more drive, no more meaning for me to do well in my work.
Currently there are 39 people online in my msn contacts.
NONE of them i wanna talk to. Pathetic. Well actually there's 1. But i just don't wanna talk to him right now.
12:13 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, August 13, 2005
i don't know why, but i'm beginning to appreciate chinese songs. I think the credit goes to Ng Jun Min.
Thank You! lol
But english songs still rock my life. hehe
Things in life are always unpredictable.
i choose to love you in silence, because in silence i fear no rejection.
11:54 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, August 11, 2005
a thousand words spoken by pictures

dinner was yummy ~

Blood Drive at NYP sometime ago...

i don't know what held me back
8:10 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
NDPDon't really know what to talk about this man. More like a torelance test for me... sitting under the blazing sun, doing some dumb stuff. LOL. SOmehow, the actual day wasn't as fun as the rehearsal. Hmm.. but the fireworks was pretty. And i mean pretty! Heh =D
As for today.... went back to school to help out in the report. Mainly went back to company shiying.. as well as to check that gabriel never cut his hair. LOL! Left sch at 3 plus. Went PS with lijuan after that. Ate ice cream. A sin i always commit when i'm with her. God, it's really not me who wants to eat the ice cream.. it's lijuan. *hehehe*
Went back.. knocked out. Plain tired.
Lots of food at home today --> photoshoot. Happy~!! But i didn't eat much.
I don't know why, but i'm in a super good mood today. Even better now because of... *ahem* Wahaha
10:52 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, August 08, 2005
It seemed like I've lost interest in life.
I wasn't the same old me anymore. All the interest, the will to fight on, the optimissim has faded away. Vanished to be exact.
I thought things got better when I was in poly.
I thought it would only get better.
But it wasn't the case.
I am defeated. I've lost. I'm lost.
Tried to feel happy like my mom ask me to do so. I tried. It wasn't easy.
Tried to prevent another outbrust. I tried. It wasn't easy.
Tried to take it in my stride. I tried. It wasn't easy.
Tried to take things easily. I tired. It wasn't easy.
Tried to forget. I tried. It wasn't easy.
I was exposed to the cold cruel world. I wasn't prepared for it. I learnt painstakingly. It hurt. Badly.
Tears had dried but the wounds hasn't healed. Hidden beneath the cold front being put up, deep down inside invisible to the naked eyes, it's crying. A wound that would never heal. A wound that only time would make it numb from the pain.
I was left dangling.
I've fallen behind.
I've lost my faith.
I've fallen from grace.
My dreams I couldn't find, I'm lost inside.
Lijuan was telling me that you can always win when you are playing games. Yea, that's game. Only in games. If only I could win everytime in life. If only I could.
I thought I had let it go. I thought I had already moved on, or rather that I had moved on. It seemed like I was deceiving myself all the long.
Sometimes it feels no one understands.
8:59 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, August 07, 2005
chocolate factory

i dream of myself indulging in this world all day all night.
1:04 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, August 06, 2005
misunderstood and misjudged
Don't crap about understanding me
You never understood me
not even once
not even a small part of me
Don't make an baseless judgement on me,
simply because you thought you understood me.
You never understood
the way I worked.
You never understood
the way I am.
You never understood
the real me.
Speak for yourself when you say something negative on others.
You fit that negative comment more than that someone else.
Think about it.
I ain't the way you think I am
if only you really tried to understand me.
Don't jump in conclusion
You never understood me.
Things will never be alright because you never understood me.
3:53 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn