Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Ahh... i just love entertaining lijuan and myself on msn.
Made our panda names using emoticons. Seems like i'm doing it just to kill time and have fun. But.. but... there's a story behind all of these.
Last semester, had EOC ica and my topic was on Olympics. Lijuan, Frawely and I made a team. Was really fun. Preparing for the ica. Coming up with loads of hilarious ideas. Lijuan was best at that. She's the daring one.
Remember the time when u came my house and made the torch? And the mask... and everything. So much fun!! Felt like i was back in primary school doing art and craft with my best buddy. lol! My, i miss those days! =D
Enough said. You know what i mean. Time for pictures!! Everyone's favourite part. hehe. Here goes.......

my best partner in crime. hehe

that's of cos me, the mastermind of lameness!
Presenting the Phantoms of the Opera! lol

GUess who's who. Hahaa.. no prize though. =p
So...... the Phantoms unmasked:

Arrr... it feels good to look back at times. (=
*ps To those who are concern about the welfare of the pandas. Please do not worry. They are safely shipped back to China, Beijing.
11:39 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
sea turtles !!!
Sea turtles is one of the creatures i adore most. Last night about 11.30pm, daddy came in
and announced that there's a sea turtle that's about to lay eggs on shore in East Coast. Well
being me, naturally i got excited. I was all ready to set off for East Coast. But mummy's got
a bad tummy. Daddy has got to work tomorrow. So yea... disappointment. I couldn't sleep
that night. My whole mind was pre-occupied by the thought of the sea turtle. On my, how i
wished i was there to witness everything. It'll be an amazing experience. Wanted to ask
Lijuan to company me, but remembered she's got school. Same for Reo. ArrRRrr..
Anyway, back to the topic. I remembered watching documentaries on these lovely creatures.
Was totally amazed by them. In fact, they say that turtles will shed tears after they lay their
eggs and are about to leave. Isn't that so touching? Makes me wanna cry too. But some
other researchers say that this is a common misconception. The real reason they gave was
that the sand got into the eyes of the turtle. -__- Hate those people who said that. Really..
why can't they just leave things that way? Sea turtles have feelings too, they'll feel sad too.
Yea.. so i'm just gonna keep believing that they cried for their unborn babies. If it was me, i
would be pretty sad too. Leaving thousands of my unborn child behind, wondering if they
would survive.
But one sad thing, which i derived from the documentaries too.They say that street lamps,
bar/restaurant decor lights or car headlights, shows these babies turtles the wrong way
home. Because when these babies hatch, they follow the sunlight at the horizon of the sea
as a guide back into the deep blue sea. And with all the extra misleading lights, the turtles
will go the wrong direction. Resulting in many dying on the road(squashed by passing cars)
or taken away by big birds as their meal. =( I don't understand why.. but it's always us
humans causing harm to other living things in this world. Just so that we can benefit from
some things that may not be deemed necessary. For instance, bars or restaurants by the
sea are unnecessary. All these are just additional enjoyment to us. We can do well without
them. I mean... what does this mere satisfaction attained from this entertainment compared
to a brand new lease of life? And this new life brings wonder to the world. Shouldn't we try
and make the world a beautiful place? A better place for you and for me and for all the lovely
creatures in the entire universe. They sure have equal rights of exsistence! Boy, i'm getting
all psyched up in this whole turtle issue. But that's just me i guess. My heart just goes out
to these magnificant creatures that cannot defend for themselves. =]
Made a pact with Lijuan that either we go and witness the hatching of the babies, or next
year, when mummy turtle comes to lay eggs again. Hope we will be able to experience it
then! For now, all i can do is to say my prayers for these little babies. Hopefully life down in
the deep sea would be quite happening in a matter of time. Haha! =D
10:32 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, May 30, 2005
On the 1st day of block leave...
...i woke up very early~ la la la la ~ la la la la
(sing to the tune of 12 Days of Christmas)
Ahhh... Finally i got to use the computer.. been 45mins since i got home and my sister was occupying the computer. Grrr... so played the piano again. wooHoo! Music completes my life!! Whenever i see the piano my hands itch. lol. For instance went to harbourfront's safe superstore. There were pianos there... dying to play one full song. Ha, thank God i got a piano at home and my brother's out. If not i might need to fight over it with him.
So, today i'm supposed to be out on a shopping trip with shiying. But she can't make it. So yea... kidna disappointed. Couldn't get to watch Madagascar too. Boo! But i got to see lijuan and wendy though. Went back to school on my block leave! Geez... but well, at least i had breakfast with them. =)
Yep, followed lijuan out on her mystery shopping. That explains why i was at harbourfront. Hah! Travelling from Yio Chu Kang to Habourfront was a...........................long journey. Actually not very long if i got to a seat on the train. Lijuan brought Breadtalk at the mall there. She said "i'll buy
some back". And she took like 5pcs of bread? So much for some. Bread monster. Oh ya, who wants to go sentosa?!?!?!?!?!?!? Omg.. Lijuan, my sister opened the windows player with her songs. And you won't believe it, i'm listening to the song you told me you liked this morning. The one in your friend's blog. Lucky you! 'Cause the song is on the way to your gmail. Remember to check it! =p
Oh ya, this morning. Hmmm... as usual, took bus 13 to school. At bus stop in amk area, saw this middle age man.. most prob 50+ years old. He was stand under the tree with two
big red plastic bags on each hand. I was like "geez, is he mad or something? Why ain't he walking?" Then i realised he was waiting for the green man to light up, but he didn't want to wait at the traffic light, under the sun. I'll take back the word "mad" i used to describe him. Boy O boy, he was smart! After awhile he start to walk slowly to the traffic light, and when he reach the border of the road the green man lit up. Just in time! Man, he must have done a lot of trail and error to obtain this acuracy. He reminds me of those typical drivers who stop under a overhead bridge and not behind the white line when the red light's on. Hah! Applause for the man!
Well........guess today's pretty wasted.
5:54 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Didn't used the computer for the whole day till now. Exercising some self-control. =)
Rained heavily this afternoon. Loud ear piercing thunders... scare the hell out of milo. Hahaha.. I like it when it rains. Listen to the rythmn of the raindrops...watch 'em fall and glide down your window plane. Besides, it's creates the best weather for hibernating.
Ahhhh... spent my whole day reading story book and practising my piano. Gonna master two new songs soon.
Went granny's house in the evening by myself. Took a bus there. The driver was crazy. Honest. He was speed driving and horning at every 5mins. Then he would suddenly brake. Grr... there were quite a number of senior citizen on board. Damn driver.
Gonna start my shopping tomorrow. Shiying, i'll need your help then. =D For now, it's back to projects again.
10:24 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, May 28, 2005
don't fool me like a fool
What a day it has been today! Woke up late.. had brunch and watched Phantom of the Opera and Hide and Seek at home. Both very nice movie...missed kindred spirit though. But it really helped to kill time. Practiced my piano for about an hour or so... pretty good.
That farking pilot is one big asshole. Wanted to do analysis for Crepes & Cream and i emailed him right after shiying did. And he came online 40mins later. I told him about the change and he said cannot cause he had done it and completed. Like fark! He wasn't online when sy sent the mail.. besides i sent him an email about the change in no more than 5mins time. He could have seen it and replied me. Wasted my time analysing the graphs. Made sy ask him to send her his work.. and he gave lame excuses like he want to check if it is on track and all those shit. SON OF A BITCH.
Gonna watch Madagascar this coming monday. Hope there won't be any changes to the plan. Guess there won't be anymore outings other than this. would be tied down by training and project work. Sigh. So much for my block leave. Great thing is that my stay in ARDC is ending soon! Woohoo!
10:57 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, May 27, 2005
i want.......
Once again, i'm blogging without a purpose. It's more like blogging as a favour. Arrrr !!!!
Let's get to the point. Here are the pictures you want to see tlj. humph!

the machine goes...

on and ...

on and ....

forced to take these pictures. I hate neoprints. I don't know why.. but i just feel stupid smiling under a machine. Lijuan says girls must like to take neoprints... oh my... don't you know that i've got a sex change and i've got raging male hormones?!?! Wakaka..
I've a phobia whenever i'm out with my friends, particulary SHIYING, and see a neoprint machine. Arrgh!!! i know i'm gonna get flamed for saying all these.
Okay bring in more lame stuffs pls...

i'm sponsored by Adidas. Oh i wish!
*ps in the bag lies an Adidas water bottle! hehe.. finally another add on to my collection. woohoo!

oh i love you................ not.

i was afraid, i was petrified... so i rode a donkey...and...

after i drank potion guts.. i rode a horse. whee~
Been a pretty bad day today considering the fact that my sister pissed me off early in the morning. Geez.. i believe my health is deteriorating with all this anger eruption. Thank God need not present this morning.. wouldn't have remembered my script. Thanks Shiying!!! MuackZ!
Arrrrr... Great Singapore Sales has started but i guess it wouldn't be that GREAT.. cos i'll be tied down by project work. Damn. The school gave us LOTS of work to do at the last 2 weeks of my stay in ARDC. What a bunch of sickos. My whole block leave next week will be used up just like that. What a waste. =(
One thing i realised about NYP. They are frickin' good at making the students generate revenue for them. Damnit. You wouldn't believe me.. but i'm reduced to selling dumplings and cardial pen. My goodness. I want to be a big boss of some big organisation. At least somewhere up in the coporate ladder. Not some big boss of a pushcart selling seow ba chang. *bangs the wall* Personal selling.. damn i hate this! *bangs the wall even harder*
tlj pls tag me once u read my blog. i know you'll be thinking tag what. lol!! don't waste my effort. And i won't be seeing you for 2 weeks. ='(
11:58 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, May 26, 2005
sigh.. didn't want to blog actually.. but ..... nvm.
Dead tired and very lost. Final project is quite tiring. Lots of stuffs to complete... And most importantly need to produce a good work. Worst thing is....received another ica for BM0083 which is due wk8. Now's already ending of wk6. sigh... Block leave is on wk7 which is next week. Hopefully i can get a good break from school.
Super tired right now...my eye's is semi-opened. Perhaps it's because i've been keying in data into spss. Kinda happy i completed doing spss in just 2 hours. Thought i would need a longer time. Wanted to do the graphs.. but needed my group member to be present... so guess it'll be done only on tomorrow.
Saw ka, jx, joan, carrie and kk today. Heard from ka and jx that classical life is tough. Actually i don't really feel the impact of it yet. Maybe they lost momentum of school life... so kinda hard to cope now.. i guess things would get better as time goes by. cheer up guys =)
9:52 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Just came back from badminton training. Pretty good session expect that i sprained my ankle... so didn't comeplete the 2 out of 3hrs of training. Was too late to sign up for the Cheers competition. urghh!! Would be good exposure if i took part.
Went for field trip today to do survey for TEP. Went Bishan and Orchard... Pretty tiring........but fun 'cause need not stay in ARDC for 5hrs. Time sure pass quickly like this! Tml would be going to another few places. Hopefully can get my adidas water bottle tml. Lijuan.. i'll buy for for you too ok?
Can't wait for the Great Singapore Sales....... Arrr.. lots of things to buy. Hmmmmm..... can't blog anymore.. fav show on tv. Cya guys!
10:13 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, May 22, 2005
inevitable contact with the pilot
Ahh.... for the first time in history i was in a conversation with the pilot again.
Did a little collaboration with shiying, unblocked him... and added him into a group conversation.
Before we can start conversation..i mus unblock him...

so.. there the pilot is.

so... i guess he DOES know he ain't really welcomed.

lol... even eguene can't stand him
After the conversation:

Necessary actions were taken.
Why does my poor friend have endless work to do? =(
9:57 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, May 21, 2005
the truth hurts
Why there is a need for different types of people to exist?
Some of us are intelligent, witty, etc. Some of us are immature, dumb, etc.
So why God made us that way? Simple. Intelligent people rule the world. While immature, dumb people get ruled by intelligent people.
I wouldn't classify people with high education level as intelligent people. One simple reason; some of them have frickin' immature mindset. They do stupid things. And most of them are wusses. Why i say that? Because they don't have the guts to own up to the crude/ugly/dumb things they do. As a result, they use fake identity to do their crude/ugly/dumb acts. To me, they are just shallow people seeking attention.
These people are plastics. They never show their true self. They prefer to hide under a smokescreen and carry out their dumb acts. Retards is what i would call them. They ought to be
very ashamed of themselves.
I don't have a thing against immature, dumb people. Really. And i'm not that intelligent anyway. But at least, i'm upright and my conscience is clear.
So yea. Education doesn't really matter. They way you carry yourself is much more important. Without a proper image, everything is nothing.
9:05 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
23 in 1
23 songs into 1. Quite nice. ;)
7:42 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, May 20, 2005
i love you this much

yea!! i

u this much!! Like this picture alot. And i mean alot.
Finally the long weekend have arrived !!!!!!!!!!!!! Whee~ So happy that won't be any early morning calls for the next 3 days, and no more early nights!! woohoooo!!! This week has been rather terrible.. lots of things going on. Anyway, all cleared. Anything else can wait. Let's enjoy the weekend first!! =D
Can't wait for the great singapore sales to come. First time in history would i say that. lol! Have quite a number of things in mind to buy. Hopefully my lazy bones doesn't stop me from shopping then.
OKay.. let's see some pictures...

cyA !
8:22 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
what a day........
What a day it has been. Super time wasting. Didn't leave IBRC for the whole day expect during my lunch break. Was super bored staying in the room. Think i'll fall sick soon coping myself in a room all day. =(
Pretty pissed of today. Yesterday my supervisor told us that our group was always mia... and some of us have attitude problem. Sigh..... There's no justice in this world. No equality. To think we have been saying our nation pledge for all these years.. yet i don't see any justice nor equality.
My group was placed under close observation as told. Pretty obvious that R.W was the one complaining. What an arse. But what really pisses me off is that his group was actually mia too!!! For instance last week they went Taka for the whole day.. and came back for the freshies grand finale only after i called them to. Worst, because they didn't know who i was.. so they lied that they were at the library. I wanted to tell J.T that they went Taka.. but i thought i should not be so mean. Guess it doesn't pay to be kind. Then yesterday, R.W group went mia again.. they went to play badminton. wth. If my group can't leave the room for long hours, why can his? No logic. If he want to implement a rule, he has to apply it to everyone in ARDC. Not just team 1. It ain't fair. Obviously, his like baised. To think that he is the head of ARDC. What a shitface. And today, his group went out again! This time to tanglin. And my poor team has to stay in the room.. and rot. His group can go out and enjoy and mine can't? &@$^#*&^@#!$* Then at 4+ 5, i got to know that R.W was on urgent leave. Freak! If i knew i would have went out! Damnit! Urgh, i just have to tolerate this for another 2 days. Then go for a long weekend, and hopefully never return to NYP again.
Arr.... was kinda upset this morning over an incident. A stupid incident. Aiya Lijuan i should apologise to you for throwing my temper. Ended up you have to come and please me. So sorry. I shall be good now.. and leave u guys good memories. lolx
Oh yea, my brother is getting cranky now days. Keep playing Mozart - Turkish March on the piano. I wanted to practice my piano also.. and he was like.. "Wa lao, i use com u wanna snatch. I use piano u also wanna snatch. One day i will snatch ur bra and wear. Be careful!!" And he walks off. -__-||
Wonder what has got into him now. Keep talking on the phone non stop. Worst than a girl. Oh i almost forgot, he's gay. haha
7:53 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Blogging in school now.. there's practically nothing to do at all.
Was caught twice by the same person in charge just now. LOL ! First time for playing the music too loud, second time for playing computer game. Argh, just how unlucky one can get! Thank God she's know for being super lenient.
Not much people here in ARDC. Only busy people here are the admin. Bah! Oh yea, the weather is super bad. So hot! hot!!! Walked lijuan out to the mrt station... walked back and i sweat like hell. Geez, hate the weather now days. But i think somehow mankind plays a role in creating this kind of weather. With all the burning and cutting down of trees.. i think we're all gonna die one day at our own hands. Cool~ imagine yourself digging a deep hole, knowing that is your grave.. where you will lie for eternity... oh well at least for a long long time until all the maggots, bacteria eats you up. Nah just kidding. You'll be burned that's all. No chance for decomposing.
Bought Pokka essencia jap green tea from Cheers just now. Taste like shit! Saw lijuan drinking it yesterday and i thought it's nice. Arrr... curiousity DOES kill the cat. Took another sip of the drink, it really really sucked. Gonna throw the drink away right now.
Jesus, what am i gonna do after blogging?!?!?! Nothing to do... not project definately! Since there is no presentation this friday, i can slack.. then pull my socks up next thurs. Oooo... that reminds me coming monday is a holiday!! Can't wait!
Thinking of what to have for lunch. Sy suggested pizze hut. AMK. The thought of going to AMK puts me off. Boo~ lijuan won't be joining us for lunch today. DAmn.. hate those site visits. Goodness, it's only 10.50am now. Arr !!!!!
Let's talk about this bloody tep thingy. Totally time wasting. Actually i've been enjoying the first 2 weeks of it. It's like holiday for me. But then, now it's like prison. ARrr..waiting for 6pm to reach everyday. All work no play makes jack a dull boy. But all play no work makes jack a stupid boy. Hahahaha.... aiya, ka you shouldn't be envious of us, because we are really rotting here. At least for classical you can get to learn something. Can't imagine how i am gonna get accustomed to the classical module after slacking for 6 mths.
Shiying is beside me now. Distracting me. Can't blog!! Kidding.. shall continue to kill time. Hehe...
Oh yea, didn't bring my badminton racket with me today. Intending to skip training. Actually was gonna bring it this morning but i suddenly changed my mind. Why am i so fickle!??! Geez.... Re considering whether i should go for badminton later. But no racket. No attire. Boo !!! So lousy !! lousy me !! Hahaha... i think i've become the laziness person ever on earth.
One more thing.. i'm gonna rant on my blog now. Skip this if you don't wanna hear, or rather read.
Last night after tv, saw my mom folding clothes in my room. Guess what, my kick ass sister was sleeping. She could actually sleep knowing that my mom was folding clothes? I mean what the hell is that?! DOesn't she feel guilty? Not even a little reomorse? Man i tell you, having a daughter like her is as good as none. BItch! If i have a daughter like her i'll disown her. Who cares about what blood ties. I don't like burdens.
There's many many things that i hate about my sister. I don't know why. but i simply hate her. Okay, i admit there were times when we are close.. but that happens only like once in a blue moon. And that happens only when i'm in a good mood, and i give in to her. She's like so brainless.. and hanging out with her makes me feel stupid. I'm not putting her down or what... but i seriously think she needs to grow up and grow smart. Somehow, my gut feelings tell me that the black sheep of my family would be my sister. She's like so... going onto the wrong track. I want to tell my mother to keep a close eye on her.. but it's hard. Esp when mummy needs to work. I don't want to supervise my sister because i've already given up hope on her. I just don't wish trouble to come. I don't like cleaning up after people. I don't want to be seen related to a problematic child. Am i bad or what to think this way? I don't know. That's just me. Maybe she ain't that bad afterall
uRgh.. change topic. Or maybe even stop blogging. 11.17am now. 27 mins have past. Lunch time at 12noon.. and i've not come up with ideas where to eat. EeeKs! Oh yea, gonna go jogging with wendy in school tomorrow. Maybe i should go back to writing peotry or stories like the past. At least i get to practice my english. Kinda miss those secondary school days when we have english, literature and history lessons. Think those were the best time i had in school.. doing something you liked. Maybe i should visit my literature teacher some day. Mong wanna join? Go RI together.. since it's like in between my house and school. Visit your old flame.. hee.. kidding! =p
Ahh... think i should really go and thank him. For telling me i'll get an A for lit --> putting pressure on me --> make me strive hard to prove him right --> and get an A --> nicer result slip althought i cannot make it to NP. lolx
Heard from shiying that's it raining now. See, that's the kind of weather Singapore should have a day long. Oh yea, later there will be some secondary students coming over to ARDC.. and we are to stay here and like pretend we are doing our work. Guess that's what NYP's best at. Putting up a smoke screen. hoho... gonna show the students how to dl games and songs here.. Nah, kidding.
Wondering if i should take a look at my gantt chart and get cracking. But my lazy bones just wont move. Can someone recommend me a doctor to cure my illness? hehe.. Wish to continue blogging non stop but i shall stop here... if not the post if getting longer n longer. Hey before i go.. i realise there's no word limit!! Hah! Or have i wrote too little?
11:31 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
why it is hard to say goodbye
Is it really so hard to say goodbye? Why does it hurt to say goodbye? Emotions, something every man must face in this world.
Read from one of my friend's blog that her grandfather passed away. It made me remember the day my grandpa left us. It was heart-rending. Everytime i think of it, the vivid images would simply flash by so naturally. Every single second, every single thing that took placed was played back, like a movie without sound.
Sometimes i wondered to myself, why didn't i have enough courage to take one last look at grandpa? What exactly was i afraid of? He's my grandpa after all. Perhaps i was still young then. But it wasn't an excuse.
I was 14 when grandpa passed away. I was his favourite grandchild. I remembered him taking me down to the playground, buying me small treats and stuffs just to make me happy. Whenever i made a mistake and was about to be punished, he would stand up for me and protect me. He would always say that i'm still young and i'll learn once i grow up. He is my shield, my protector. Someone i wished had never left. Both of us loved to watch wrestling on tv. Though my parents always discourage me from watching, nothing is impossible with grandpa around. We would even bet which wrestler would win the match. Right now images of his warm smile slowly form in my head, like a jigsaw puzzle. If i could, i would return to that very moment and stay there forever. Bliss.
I heard from mom that grandpa had high expectations of me, my future. Maybe that was the reason why he is always my source of motivation to improve. I love my grandpa, but i guess he never knew. For i was not someone who is good at expressing oneself then.
Everytime i think of grandpa, guilt would strike me. Everytime. Till now i'm still puzzled why i couldn't muster the courage to look at him for one last time. He must have felt very dissapointed in me. I had to make some confessions. I didn't cry when at the wake not because i didn't feel anything at all. I was too afraid to show the weak me, to cry in front of everyone. I wanted to put up a strong front. It wasn't easy for me at all. When tears clogged up in your eyes and you had to control it, not letting any drop of it fall. Something stucked at your throat and you can't breathe properly. And your heart beats faster every second. It's really hard. I mean it. I didn't understand why i even tried to put up a strong front.
At the wake, i walked near the coffin. I tried my very best not to look at my grandpa lying inside. I was really afraid. I wanted very much to look at him, but i just couldn't. I didn't know why. But! I did looked at my grandpa eventually. But it wasn't intentional. I guess it was grandpa. He made me took a glance at him. I was super frightened when i saw him. My heart beated super fast and i ran out to the open... taking deep breathes. I guess grandpa really wanted me to take one last look at him. My reaction would have definately hurt his feelings. Till now i still feel the guilt. If he knew how sorry i am now, he would forgive me wouldn't him? If i could turn back the time, i will definately take one last look at him. Even if it meant sleepless nights.
I guess in everyone's brain lies a chip. A chip called memory. A chip that is irremovable/unerasable.
Today something not so good happen in ARDC. Guess i really need a change in environment. Wrote a appeal letter already, will send it over to NP asap.
Leaving. Is a act of departing. To me, it means putting everything down and move on. Sounds easy. But it's hard for both parties.. the one leaving and the one bidding farewell.
Anyway, nothing's been confirmed just as yet. So... it's all up to fate now. They might / might not accept me. Don't wish to pin any hopes in case i get disappointed again. But if i'm really to leave, there will be pals that i'll miss. Miss the crapping, the jokes, the outings, the hot gossips, miss irritating each other, miss taking bus with wendy, miss getting scolded by shiying, miss lijuan's chocolates.....miss buying breakfast for her... miss sharing food with 'em.
Right, shall stop now. Don't wish to continue anymore.
11:14 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, May 16, 2005
As expected, today is another boring day. Wasted my time in school doing nothing
AGAIN. But surprising today's time passed by super fast.
Rained heavily this morning. Super good time for sleeping, had to pull myself up. I love it when it rains in the morning. That means that i get to sleep longer hours and someone will ferry me to school. =D
Went for briefing early in the morning... can't remember how long i spent there, but it certainly helps to kill time. Can't really remember what i did the whole day. Arrgh... old age is catching up on me! lol
Alright, gonna look for blogskin for lijuan now.
ps. thanks Reo!! thanks a million for going down to jp and help me check the cap price!! Thanks!!!
7:25 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Supposedly to be yesterday's post. But kinda lazy and tired to blog. So yep, shall make it up today. =)
WOke up at 9am yesterday. My first reaction was "Gosh! What time is it now?" Luckily i was early... was to cook the pasta lijuan and i bought Jason. So Mummy offered to bring me to NTUC to do marketing. Actually i could have finish marketing in 30mins.. but with mummy... we took about 1.5 hrs. She was practically taking everything off the shelve.
The cooking part was fun. Haha...... i think my judgement has never improved. I made too much food when there is only 3 people eating. Mummy, lijuan and me. Let's recall what we had for lunch.... Minestrone soup with pasta , cheese tortellini, mushroom tortellini, and lots and lots of garlic bread. Too much food for us to finish... luckily hz got home... his rubbish bin characteristic still runs in his blood. He finished almost everything on the table. lol !
After that went to Marks n Spencer at PS with lijuan. Check out the items price and then.... ....... ........ shopping. Walked n walked around PS for quite sometime.. ate ice cream. Oh yea, went to carrefour and bought Uncle Toby's muesli bar !! Strawberry yoghurt. Gonna bring to school and let liqin try. Hehe..
Right, wanted to explore little india on our own... but changed our mind and went to Chinatown instead. I thought there will be alot of things to shop in Chinatown... and who knows... Arghh.. super auntie stuffs there. Went back at about 6pm. Yep.
OKay. Shall blog for today.
Hmmm.. Monday will be here in a few hours time. Sigh. Lost my ez-link card at home. Can't remember where i placed it. Damn. Wonder how i'm gonna go to school tml without it.
Don't wish to go to school. Would be another boring day.. wasting my time in school playing games. Worst thing.. i'll be seeing that PILOT again. I hate it. Gotta see him early in the morning. Spoils my day. Anyway this week's weekend would be good, i guess. 'cause Sunday is Vesak Day and that means no school on the next monday!! Hurray!!!
Don't want monday to come that soon too 'cause by monday i've to come up with a decision whether i want to change school. And i haven't sat down and think about it seriously. =(
For those who don't know, i've been considering to change to NP. Daddy says he will speak to them about exemption from modules i have taken. Wendy says that i will definately be exempted because her ITE mates are allowed to do that too. That'll be good cos i won't be wasting 1 year over here. Mummy's been supportive for me to change school.
Been asking around for advice but still i cannot come to a decision. NP was where i always wanted to be in the first place. Blame it on me that i didn't study hard enough for the "O"s and now i landed in NYP. Now i have the chance to change and i'm hesitating. Damnit! Really hate to make this kind of decisions. Arr... let's put that aside.
DOn't know what to do for the rest of the day. Blogging now to kill time. hehe... Tired of learning piano.. espcially when you just can't get it right. My brother is so weird.. blaming me for learning 3 songs at a go. I don't see a reason why not. Say when you study, you don't jus study 1 subject. LAlalala~
Super bored!! Lj's cleaning up the house = cannot come online and talk. Boo hoo! Wow! it's already 4.15pm now. 15mins more and Kindred Spirit will be on air. Muhahahaha........
What should i do now? Somebody tell me pls........ Oh my!~
4:16 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, May 13, 2005
Okay, kinda forced by lj to blog something. Thinking hard and i finally found something that i can blog about!! WooHoo~
Today's Friday the 13. =D Cool !! Didn't realise it until thurs.. when 2 little fellows sat behind me on the bus. I was with wen and guess what those kids said? ONe of them was asking the other what FOC means... and he refuse to let his friend know. They even tried to pronouce the word. Sounded like fork... which leads to f***. Anyway, they suddenly mention "TOMORROW IS FRIDAY THE 13!! CAN SCARE PPL !!" -__- I was really really controlling myself from bursting out in laughter.. so was wendy.. thank god i turn to her and laugh... if not i would had internal injury.
Anyway, today ain't a bad day for me at all. Maybe for some other big ass.. today has been a terrible day. Here's the story:
Antagonist: PILOT L (lamer, loser whatever. I'll leave it to your imagination)
Had presentation early in the morning today. PILOT L tried to be funny. On thurs morning during the group meeting, we have already decided that he would be presenting the introduction. And he said "yes". Oh i do have witnesses for this! No flaming here. Then on thurs night he sms-ed sy and told her that he won't be presenting because he has some SBM stuff to do. Freak you! You fly the biggest aeroplane ever in history!
YOu will never know how frickin' pissed off i was when sy told me that. I could feel the blood vessels of mine expanding rapidly... at the rate so fast it almost bursted. By right, i didn't have to present today because i presented my grp and did a solo presentation. But because of one f-king "big shot" pilot, i have to present. Actually, i don't mind it if it was someone else. Prejudice or what. I just hate him from day one and his moronic actions made my hatred grew even stronger.
Alright, you might be thinking how unreasonable i was. People had SBM stuff to do.. But u see, another member of mine, which holds a higher position in the club could even get an excuse and do the presentation. I don't see why a small tiny ikan bils cannot.
Ok, back to story. My plan was that he was not allowed to present at all. Even if he is present at the presentation. I would want him to sit there and relax.. shake his leg and watch. I don't want people to see him as part of my group. I want to bycott him. And i will.
So before the presentation i kept shooting him. Though i went one big round to shoot him, it was damn fun. I bet he knew i was shooting him but he didn't have the guts to talk back. If he did, probably my shoe would have landed on his face.
Sadly, that great ol pilot refused to sit back, came up and wanted to present.. and sy, the braver one.. and the one who usually start the bickering, told PILOT L that he need not present and i will do it.
Muhahaha.. i was smiling in my heart. I could see that he was a little stunned and left out. Serve him right. And so, the presentation went well without him. But some people, their skin's as thick as a buffalo who had jus rolled itself on the mud. That THICK. What an ass he was. He kept answering the QnA. And his answers were nothing but a load of CRAP. Spell with me C-R-A-P
I was trying my very best to roll my eyes whenever he starts talking. Obviously i failed to do that. It was a tough stunt. At least for me. I wanted very much to shut him up. I could see that non of the audience was listening to him. Can't he see for himself.. he's such an.........unwelcomed pest. Even if he's blind he should be able to feel it. MOreover he told me that he is very sensitive. Sensitive my arse! THICK SKIN DICK HEAD! OOps.. that sounds a'lil vulgar... but actually i'm very kind enough to just use such words on such a PILOT.
I hope i screwed his day completely. Geez, the old me is back and i'm loving it! Wahahaha.... nah, just kidding. I only do this to selected people. Right sya2? U know me best =D
Oh yea.. to add on... was forced to attend the freshies' grand finale.. only enjoyed 1/8 of it. That PILOT L was an ogl so he went up the stage to collect a cert. Normally people will cheer went ur fren/ogl goes up... so i was telling everyone to jeer at him. Am i bad? If so than that's just too bad. Too bad that he stepped on my toe. Too bad that i hate him. Whahaha... So of cos his freshie class cheered for him and i was pretty annoyed. So i turned back n shouted at the freshies "eh pat jiao ar?!?!?" Aiya....... i must be possessed at that moment to do such a brave thing. Hahaha.. Even Jean was laughing. NO worries, i wasn't heard because the noise there is deafening. BooO~
As for events that happened during the rest of the day, i've already told lj... so i think i might wanna skip that. Too tired to type so much. HAha..... I shall make a summary:
read wendy's les fren's blog, veyr interesting --> discussed about homosexuals with wen n liqin --> read some real life gay stories online --> got tired --> nap --> went to fast food with wen --> she ate mac, i ate the kfc sy bought for me --> went back upstairs --> got bored --> went grassroot club with sy for arcade --> spent 1.5hrs there --> meet ka, jx, herry there --> went back to sch with ka --> find dls for street fighters, king of fighters and little fighters --> dl street fighters online but cannot play, all thanks to the sch's firewall --> dl little fighters and played with wen --> went for grand finale --> home
Righty, my job's done.
11:46 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Ha... wanted to blog yesterday but i was too angry. So i dropped the idea in case i start to vent my anger through here. Thank God today that special person in my grp never step on my tail. Maybe because i was out the whole day so he didn't get the chance to. lol
Finally i did something productive during my days in ARDC. Went to help lijuan and christina out. Went Jasons to collect prices for certain goods. Think they will be computing the consumer price index. Quite fun but tiring. Shiying guessed it right. My legs cannot take it. Haha
Hey lijuan. i told my mom i went to Jasons and guess what she said?"Yay !! Jasons, i was trying to remember that place's name. Orchard Tower right? They sell alot of different kind of cheese there. And alot of ang mo shop there right? The things they sell there very expensive. Last time i always shop there after work"no wonder... now so poor. Hahahahahahaa *oops*Okay, back to topic... the part where we had to take down prices wasn't fun at all. Espcially when your back is aching. hoho... lots of bending to do. But the shopping part is fun. Bought food !! And i suddenly realise my intelligence hasn't supressed my mom's. =(
Lijuan, remember that pie thing i bought? i told my mom it's called cornish pie. Then she said "it's beef u know?" My jaw dropped. She knows !!! What the... those ppl there must be laughing at us la.. or maybe liqin.. for asking whether inside was corn or not. LOL!!
Okay, going out of track again. =p Anyway, bought some pasta back. And my mom knows what it is again. Aiyo... i think i got alot to learn from her. Can't wait for saturday when lijuan comes.. then we can cook it. Yummy!
My stay in ARDC let me meet alot of different kind of people.. Good, bad, self-centered, idiotic, moronic people. Name them all. Met alot of my future classmates there. I think i don't like all of them. Or should i say starting to not like them? Geez..Thank God half of my future classmates come from my previous class.
8:17 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, May 07, 2005


new specs!
We LOVE Eugene's specs!!!

look like....

hehehe.. so cute!~!
Thanks again sy!! For sending those pictures to me
10:41 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, May 06, 2005
Finally the week has ended! Oh man, recently my post starts with "Finally the weekend is here..." and stuffs like that. This really shows how boring school is now.
Though this week consist of only 4days of school... it's pass by real slooow. =(
Today is great except for the presentation session. Spoils my mood i shall skip the details totally. Don't wanna go bitching about it for the rest of this entry. lol!
Ahh.... took some pictures today again. Will upload once sy send them to me.. guess it won't be long cos sy is super efficient.
OMG wendy... i think i really love to take bus with you now. I've become very talkative. LOL!! And we're gonna take bus for 3yrs. WooHoo!
Arrgh!! Feeling damn hungry now. Where's my dinner !?!?!?!?!?
Oh ya, add links to two of my friend's blog. WenD and Michelle. Check 'em out! ;)
7:34 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
as promised
lots n lots of 'em! hehe. Enjoy!

me. eugene. wend. -- wen n me like having shoulder problem. All thanks to eugene, so reluctant to take picture at first. lol

eugene(getting better). sy. me

sy suppose to be punching eugene but he got out of screen. Guess what eugene said: "my head is f*king big lar." HAHAHAHAHA

Finally a smile from eugene. haha

me. lj. Look at her. hahaha.. so damn funny. lmao~

no words can be used to describe this picture.

me. sy. wend. Again, wendy insist one mad/retard pictures~lol

oh my ... jus look at eugene!! roflol


i told you ARDC is a boring place


les again~

banana's family photo

hahaha.. frickin' sissy snapshot
9:46 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
super bored
There ain't anything to do at all. Nothing to do in school. Same goes when i'm home. I'm practically living my life like i did 6mths before poly life started.
Wanted to blog only when shiying send me the pictures we(lijuan, shiying, wend, eugene n me) took. But guess i couldn't wait for that long. Need to do something badly to kill time.
Thank God i'm working on 1 project which will last me through the whole of the remaining days left in this stop over. One bad thing is lijuan got to do client's project. )= She's like so busy yet i'm dying of boredom. Can't disturb her also. Arrrr...
Anyway, today has been great. Filled with lots of laughter. And i mean LOTS of it. Erm, with eugene around what wouldn't be funny? lol !! Seriously i don't like this TEP program at all. Espcially when i'm posted to some crap centre. Went to school for the sake of gossiping, talking and joking around.
Righty, it's 9pm finally and my show's here. Will upload those pictures i mention as soon as i get hold of 'em. tata~
9:00 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, May 01, 2005

You are the Spirit of Hope. Whenever someone is
feeling down, they merely have to think of you
to make them happy again. You have the ability
to simply radiate happiness. You can make
friends quickly because your strong point is
your amazingly friendly nature which naturally
people want to be with. You think about the
best in everything, a total optimist, you won't
have any trouble getting a worthy person to
shae your life with!
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
The guy you want is probaly the popular guy in
your school. Which is great to me:) He's so
dreamy that you'll want him to notice you so
badly your do anything. Like in the cafateria
you'ld trip on something infront of him to make
your food spill all over you!!! Even if it's a
brand new shirt or your favourite skirt!!! Oh
well at least he'll notice you:)
Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
5:59 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn