Monday, January 29, 2007
cure for the heart
Just now as the 10pm show War and Beauty ended.....
my dad went:
"huh this(yuying) is medicine meh? can walk.." me(instantly):
"of cos la.. REN SHENG(ginseng) LEH...."
11:10 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
is she cute?

Now who agrees that she is cute?
Of course she is cute!!
AND if u agree that she's cute...
that means that you think i'm cute!
seriously i think we look alike

mouth: both our mouth looks the same
cheeks: we got a lot of baby fats on our cheeks
eyes: we've got small eyes too
nose: omg really like a copy
eyebrows: cannot really see here, but i think her's is a little thicker than mine
hair: my fringe longer only.. and slightly different style
conclusion: WE ARE CUTE
hmm looking back at pictures when i'm a kid. suddenly reminds me of my ex-neighbour who has just moved away. According to my mom this ex-neighbour of mine totally resembles me when i was young. Quite true. She has the same kind of attitude, expression, eyes, and tactic to sabotage her brother. Every now and then i would see her shouting at her brother and beating him. So like me! oops.
5:40 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, January 28, 2007
2007 Project Superstar can do more
Anyone saw the project superstar grand finale advertisement?
It says :
"2006 Project Superstar winner Tan Weilian can SING. 2007's Project Superstar 2007 Darren and Diya not only can SING, they can DANCE, they will MESMERISE you, and they are VERSATILE."
Hey!! That's not it! *wails in protest*
THEY CAN SEE!!! Now why didn't they mention that. Hmmm...
8:28 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Acrophobia and randomness

I really look like some
monkey kampong tree climber. Tree climbing is really fun but i have a mild case of Acrophobia (fear of heights). Symptoms typically include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and overall feelings of dread, although everyone experiences phobia of heights in their own way and may have different symptoms.
Perhaps the result of my fertile imagination is the main reason why i have Acrophobia. You can say that imaging things is one of my favourite past time. When i come across a situation (it might not necessarily happen to me), i'd almost instantly imagine what would the outcome be if
this or
that happens.
Say for instance, when i ride a lift i would imagine the lift breaking down. But that's not it. I would think further, like what if one of the mechanism breaks or loosen... and the whole lift would go downwards - explodes - and everyone dies.
Another scenario would be a roller coaster ride. Similarly some technical issues and then the whole roller coaster would explode or fly off. On the non-technical side, i would imagine myself, just myself only, flying off the damn seat... or get hit by something hard during the ride... like some metal poles sticking out from somewhere. That's the reason why i never dared to ride a roller coaster. I've been on one before but it isn't those that turn a lot. It's scary.
I remembered i had a school excursion to OUB Centre - one of Singapore's tallest building. From the top of the building you could see the merlion and malaysia. When i was up there i only stood at the center of the whole roof. I didn't want to walk around because i fear falling off the building. I don't know why i think this way, i couldn't help it. Maybe you'd think that i sound retarded, but seriously i can't help it. Close friends would know how imaginative i am especially when i always go "
wa lao.. can you imagine... ..."

Finally the weekend has arrived, and sadly it's ending soon. For the entire week i'm been super tired out. When i got home yesterday i slept from 5.30pm to Sunday 1.30pm. That's about a whopping 20 hours. When i woke up i was still tired la.. and my entire right arm was numb prolly because i laid on it and didn't turn.
After the SAT test yesterday i was telling shiying "Just when you thought that all the tests are done here comes the projects!!" Damn. Isn't there like a time for us to rest and recharge? I think right after all these projects are exams. No breaks in between for a good rest. *&$*#&%*%
Camwhoring with milo is fun because he's a vain dog. He's pretty camera shy and would avoid picture taking if he thinks he isn't looking his best that day. One strange thing about him is that either he appears super cute or super retarded in pictures. There's never a in-between kind of thing for him. Haa.

Oh ya, i had a weird dream about helicopters. I don't know why i had this dream. Maybe because wen bin always talk to me about helicopters. Can't really remember the dream but it's at the mall and it's about some competition and stuff.. *shrugs*
Anyway i think this helicopter looks very cool. According to the professor it's called Trex. In detail it is called Trex 450xl. Whatever that means, it looks much better than those flimsy helicopters you used to own. HAhaha.. This looks impressive and solid la. Oh ya.. how come all the helicopters can have a full body? It's like only the front part that is covered.. and the back is
(shit what is that word) exposed
(yea exposed!). Makes the entire product look so incomplete. Is it for air ventilation or something?? - enlighten me please.
4:19 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Thursday, January 25, 2007
true colors

There's nothing more to ask for than someone you can show your true colours to...
I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
Show me a smile then,
Don't be unhappy, can't remember
When I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there
And I'll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
10:38 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
drama mama n papa
One day...

mama was walking alone...

so was papa...
suddenly they saw each other from afar...

so papa ran to mama, and mama ran to papa

keep running

keep running

shit.. NG. retake again. get camera rolling pls...
9:42 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
the night is still young .... not
Normally 1am is considered early for me but not today. Kinda lethargic to do anything for the day. I'm lying on my bed while blogging, i'm feel real lazy. Oh anyway.. today's race against time was...exciting as usual. I don't know if i'm weird of what, but i like the feeling of studying test at the last minute. I like the excitement in it and jac says i'm pervertic.
Anyway, i watched the PSS show just now.... and the judge said there are 3Ms (can't rmb what exactly are they) to singing. I went "what the f__k!?" The first thing that came to my mind was CISCO... they have this 3M or M3 thingy -- Man, Machine, Methods.
Great! my ex-neighbour is done bathing, now we can talk till we both fall asleep.
Damn lee noi class at 8am tml. I don't like classes that start at 8am cause tt means i have to wake up at 6am. It's damn tiring. And that explains why i always miss wed classes. And why i'm so gonna get de-barred for a few modules. (close to.. i calculate and thank god i had enough MCs to cover my ass).
Oh suddenly i thought of vanessa and her lao sai-ing. how long was it since i last lao sai..... hmm..
and u know what, actually i purposely post a wordy entry so that wend can't get much enjoyment from her next visit here. she's always viewing the pictures only. and she pay GREAT attention to details of the pictures. like my erected dog photo. lol.
1:14 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, January 22, 2007
behind the lens, i hide
"Pretend you are alright even if you're not. You don't want them to throw you into institutionalization do you?"
Probably right.. so what now? Just hide and pretend like everything is rainbow and butterflies? Damn.. oh i forgot i've been doing that all these while. Ha! So much that i thought it was all real. Oh i ought to give myself a pat on the back for doing sucha great work.

Today, or rather yesterday, was a competition between my mom and dad for the title "Best Cook". And the winner? There wasn't really a winner cause u know.. it puts the kids in a spot to say who wins. It's like death for both choices.
Anyway i made my dad teach me more about photography. I know he's happy, cause it's not like everyday that i show interest in his profession. I would be going "oh please don't tell me bout it" - that's the norm. But not today, or rather anymore. Somehow i'm keen to learn... maybe paving another route for myself. I mean .. hey everyone needs a contingency plan!
I can hear people shouting: "Cut the crap and show some pictures." Well then, enjoy.

4:28 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, January 15, 2007
adeline & i

smile and say hi!
u know.. when u don't see each other for a long time u tend to act retarded.

kinder bueno over there are white in color.
it seemed like a long time since we've last saw each other. so many things to talk about.
6:45 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
fortune's fool

Why do everything turn out bad in the end? What a way to kick start a new year indeed. Fate played me and it played me well. I don't know why the sudden change in me. I'm surprised myself. I can't help reproaching myself. For everything, everything that has happened. I'm ashamed. Very ashamed. To lose that something i value so dearly.. it's heart wrenching. On the bus thoughts just keep pushing their way into my mind. What am i when i can't even hold on to that. And losing made it worst. For a moment i wished you were there to listen. But i guess it's quite impossible when we are so far apart, mentally.
I don't know what else i should believe in.
5:09 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Sunday, January 14, 2007
thumbs down

who on earth is this adeline koh. ignorant fool. there's no difference. oh unless u came out from ur dad's asshole. period.
10:50 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
the talking begins..

Let me introduce my new "convertible-coffin" pencil case. Pretty ain't it?
I figured it's not worth to buy a pencil case since i'm graduating soon. So i decided to steal my mom's Espirit sunglass box and convert it into a my pencil case. She can jolly well take another one from her company. Muhahaha..

ooo that reminds me, maybe i can ask her to get a Adidas one for me. *grinz*
It really looks like a convertible sports + coffin. Can't help to think that way. I was telling Jacqueline how coffiny my pencil case look and she told me not to anyhow speak of coffins. -__- Sounds like some 80 year old grandma!! Coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin coffin hfmph!
It's been raining again and it's affecting me. When it rains i can't concentrate doing things like studying. But i like it when it rains. When it rains i can't get out of bed. Whenever it rains my bed has this super magnetic force that makes me get stuck in bed. Oo oo.. i can feel the force again...

Another fair picture of myself caught eating ice-cream on a rainy day. Geez.. i really look white like tau huay. Oh i love tau huay. I eat it at least once everyday and i can eat like 2 bowls at a go (:
And someone else just called me "bai bai nen nen" again!! I was stretching out my arms and my ex-neighbour started pressing my arm and said: "wa u've muscles and u're so bai bai nen nen" Urgh. I don't like to be called that cause it is as if someone said "hey u bai zhan ji" :( But fair is good. Next time when i get married i don't need to use SK-II. lol!
Anyway back to the topic, I like to eat cold stuff on a rainy day. It kinda freezes u both inside and outside. Speaking of which i simply love chocolate ice-cream. It's like double satisfaction. Whee~ what an wonderful invention!
I decided to do a SAT paper just now and i took out my A-maths book for reference. SAT is only a frickin' week away and there's no time to study especially with all the f_cking projects and tests and me doing stupid things like blogging. The scoring of the paper works this way:
- For every
correct answer you're awarded with 1 pt
- For every question
omitted you don't receive any pt.
- For every
wrong answer you lose a fraction of a pt.
So my brother figured out that for every question you answered correctly you can allow 4 mistakes. So hopefully you are luckily to pick the correct answer from the questions you don't know. This way u score another question right so that means u can afford another 4 mistakes in the paper. Hmmm some thinking there.

Geez.. this old torn and tattered book. I don't know how many thousand times i've flipped it. I don't really like this book cos it's so thick and heavy. It's arm breaking to carry it to school 2-3 times a week.
Looking at my textbook it reminds me of my A-maths teacher and tutor. My A-maths teacher is nice.. if memory serves me right her name is Miss Loy. She's tall, and she have short hair, a mole under her left eye, and she's fair skin too. Ahhh i see that we have something in common. haha.. Well she's really nice and patient. I remember how i would tell her not to stand beside me during test cause it stresses me, and how she would give me hints to whether i was answering the test question correctly.
My tutor was a family friend. She used to tutor my brother too. She's fat and fair skin too. Hmm.. we do have
a lot of things in common. =/ Anyway, i remember how she would freak out teaching me logarithms. Logarithms is like alien to me. At first i was determined to understand logarithms but then i simply cannot understand. I think she got quite annoyed because i always say
"huh" after she explain a logarithm question to me. We both gave up in the end. lol

English : Dictionary as Maths : Calculator
Looks like some IQ question huh. Anyway calculators used in examinations have to be approved. It used to be that stupid bald old man B_dri signature. I tore it and made the EFMA teacher, Miss Chew
(right?), replaced a new sticker with her signature. Why? Cause i love her. Hahaha.. i think she's nice and funny too.
Anyway i think her signature is too simple and easy to forge. Ooo.. talking of forging signature.. a crime which i'm sure a lot of us have committed. I did. Not once, not twice but at least 4 times. Yes I'm bad. Stop questioning me why i got an A for Civics & Morale Education. One of my friends said CME is actually a test to find out who are the real hypocrites in life. Which i think it's quite true. Hey no one on earth can ever be so morale okay. It's all fake.
Anyway i forged my mom's signature cos it was easy and i always watched the way she sign her name. So from there i practiced and practiced and finally signed on her behalf on my test paper. Mostly of them were Chinese papers. But i got caught not because my teacher found out, but my mom saw the test paper lying around. I shan't explain what happen after that. All you need to know is that there were some crackling sound from the cane and tears flowed. .=). =(

You know actually it's chocolate that keeps me going. I think the unanimous mindset is that chocolates are sinful and girls should all keep away from it. But research has shown that chocolates may keep high blood pressure down, your blood flowing and your heart healthy. Hello?! That's good you know? So what are you waiting for? Go grab a damn chocolate bar and munch on it now!
Not forgetting that chocolate gives you an energy lift. Chocolate works wonder i tell you. They have this supernatural power where they can make me smile by just looking at them. *starts searching for choc*=))

Just yesterday i downloaded Michael Jackson's song titled
Heal the World. It's a old song. I used to listen to it while watching his music video on LD. Yes laser disc.. now u know how long ago it is. It's nice and meaningful song. I like the tune and the flow of music. The music video is great too. Shows the people from army and all the innocent poor children. Awww... michael jackson really loves children don't he?
Don't get me wrong, it's not that i believe what the stinky press says about him being a pedophile. You see, we should never take what press says as it is. Here's how i give weightage to things the press says:
a) articles on accidents : believe 60% of it
b) articles on celebrities: believe 30% of it
c) articles on garmen: believe 10% of it. even lesser if the garmen controls it.
To sum up, press is never accurate. I don't caring what those press says about MJ. I think he has a beautiful heart and he writes nice songs. And he's rich to be able to build Neverland!! Erm actually when i was young i would fantasize about visiting his Neverland! If i strike lottery 10 times i would build 1 for myself. lol.
Neyway, i embedded his song below so everyone can hear it. Click play!!
Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better
world for our children and our children's children. So that they know
it's a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better
There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow.
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
If you want to know why
There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving.
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, make a better world.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race.
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel
You are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations turn
Their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
Refrain (2x)
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
- Michael Jackson
1:52 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Monday, January 08, 2007
just another day

For weeks it was left on the top of the shelve. Safe and looking good. That unfortunate night i had to lay my hands on it. And as i uncover the box my little red car fell out. Shit! Why did i forgot that the car was not 'locked' on the display box? Probably due to the inadequate rest.
It was my fault - definitely. My sheer carelessness has caused the windscreen came off making the car look so imperfect. Damn myself for touching it. Thank god the windscreen didn't shatter though. Slowly i placed the windscreen back on the car and proceeded to safe lock the bottom of the car on the display box. Sigh. For awhile i sat there admiring my little red car. It still looked so perfect in that display box. The 'defect' was least noticeable. No one would probably know such imperfection lies within it.
How i wish i could return to the days when i was just 16. No doubt there is school to attend, but school work was way less challenging and there aren't any projects to work at. When i was 16, life was a breeze. Almost. The only thing to fret about was just the big 'O' levels. 3 years down the road i'm racking my brains over some dumb projects. I certainly didn't see that coming!

How envious i am of my sister. There i am in front of the computer, pulling my hair out while figuring what i should do and she's standing in front of the mirror admiring her face.
Annoyed so i took this scandalous picture of her. I need to show the world that idiots exist! I had to! *sudden upsurge of righteousness* I'm just kidding. Maybe...
And shut up! I'm not jealous.
My sister is almost the direct opposite of me. Well, i'm smart but she's not. I rock and she rot. Probably the only thing we have in common is that we share the same set of parent. Get the gist?
My sister is really a pain in the ass. Sometimes i wish some alien would bring her away. The worst thing someone can ever tell me is that my sister and i look alike. Over the years i have received many comments that this. And it irritates me to the max. I'd give my standard reply: "
wtf! (omit if talking to senior or strangers)
Hello?! Are you blind? (change to 'sure' if talking to senior or strangers)?"

What? Maybe we look alike cause we both have black hair. *shrugs* Look alike is like NEVER in my dictionary. I'm just... way cuter than her. People who say we look alike has poor judgmental skills and they should all hang themselves and die.
Maybe i should make it a taboo for people to say we both share a close resemblance. Whoever whose next to say that will get a bitch slap from me.
Aye! What a day it has been. Rumor has it that my poly mates A and B are together. Now we don't really want nor are we interested to listen to them denying the 'fact' that they are an item. Well lo and behold! I caught them both together today. Hmmm it seems like nowadays i'm bumping into a lot of juicy gossips. What kind of luck it this called? Haha. Ok let's not digress from the main point.
When i saw A and B it wasn't just them standing together. Well initially it was but as i approached them, A did a big action that somehow or rather confirm the rumor. I bet you are dying to know what it is but i ain't telling. Beg me.
As i look through my photo album i came across a picture. A picture that made me realise how come my parents are asking me to eat more because i look pale. And why wenD keep saying that i am "
bai bai neng neng".

Erm. I still remember how i used to hate those fair skin kids in school. Okay they are not fair skin, they are pale. Reason was because i felt that they look as if they are malnutrition. This picture makes me look 70% like what i claim to hate. But i'm definitely not malnutrition judging from the amount of food i consume. lol
I wonder if i am the only one. But i notice that there might just be a stage when we feel that different skin tone is beautiful. When i was younger i thought tan was cool. And now i rather be fair, but not too fair.
Fair is nice too. I remember this badminton mate of mine during secondary school. She's an Indonesian and she came over Singapore to study. She's fair and she has rosy cheek. Rosy cheeks that are 100% natural. *hint hint* I aspire to be like her. I think all girls should have rosy cheeks. Cause it makes us look healthy and cute. lol. *starts searching for tomatoes*
6:02 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
i just learned from yu hui that report writing
NOT due tomorrow but on tuesday!
*jumps in joy and start waving my poms poms*
suddenly the executive summary.doc disappeared from my taskbar.
1:15 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
1 more thing
i forgot to add... do i look like a know-how tool to u? don't bother to answer cos the answer is no. trying looking elsewhere.
/some people just don't get it.
1:10 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
to those who concerned...

My project as at 1.00am.
1:04 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
why am i doing useless things when i have work to do?!
don't ask me. i can't figure it out too.
i'm in dead shit.
and there is a probability of me skipping school tomorrow.
12:36 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Saturday, January 06, 2007
what the...
I m not interested in spending time dating. I just want an arranged marriage. I went for many outings, nothing worked.Thing is I want to be housewife. I don't intend to work.
- Trina Tan, 33
Apparently she approached the New Paper because she had a hard time finding a partner. According to her, they(New Paper) ran an introduction story on her and there were some response from some guys. She couldn't receive the responses cause the reporter wanted a story on her exs* which i couldnt agree to.
Opens my eyes wide and read again.
Gasp! Wtf. I feel sorry for her but even more sorry for her future husband to be.
7:44 PM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Oi, when i can get start

It seems almost impossible to get started with work when everything around me is a form of distraction. Projects are so boring that i wouldn't even want to look at it.
So i decided to pick my my new book and do some reading. *winks* Yes yes it's a korean phrasebook. No i am not a hard core korean fan - oh no, i can sense some disappointment in wenD - but i think it's interesting to pick up a little bit of korean.
Anyway reading the book is like reading chinese. I don't understand a shit. So just when i am about to soak into the mood for project something pops up.

17 participants from stomp! We were discussing who is that Mr. M lurking around. My my... how to concentrate like this? Concentrating on the conversation is hard enough when you have 17 people all speaking at the same time.
For a moment i'm busy accepting friend's request on msn. Whee.. my msn list has grown again. I'm not sure if it's a good thing, but it gets kinda frustrating when i've to scroll up and down to check people out.
As i contemplate whether to close the window or not, someone said something hilarious. I really love these stompers! *grinz*
Everytime i open up my mozilla, it's this page. Research never takes another step further!! I've tons to read up on but i'm feeling so so lazy.

Did you know that procrastination is actually a very dangerous thing? Procrastination can be a persistent and debilitating disorder in some people, causing significant psychological disability and dysfunction. These individuals may actually be suffering from an underlying mental health problem such as depression or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
Here's what they have to say about academic procrastination:
"While academic procrastination is not a special type of procrastination, procrastination is thought to be particularly prevalent in the academic setting, where students are required to meet deadlines for assignments and tests in an environment full of events and activities which compete for the students' time and attention. More specifically, a 1992 study showed that "52% of surveyed students indicated having a moderate to high need for help concerning procrastination"[4]. "
"Some students struggle with procrastination due to a lack of time management or study skills, stress, or feeling overwhelmed with their work."Yes i am overwhelmed with the amount of work at hand! Burn them all! Burn them all!! Report writing really sucks big time. The first time i feel so lost when writing an executive summary. *rolleyes*
And i think too much sleeping can harm/kill the brain cells. I slept like godknowshowmanyhours and right now i can't think. And the most shitty thing is twinkle bell is pouring the
sleeping dust over me!! Hey, i don't need that i need a dose of diligence!
3:06 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
Friday, January 05, 2007
piss off rating: high
So what am i exactly annoyed at?

Hi, i own this blog and whatever content that is in here. That includes the tag board! Oh yea, i own the tag board and i can't frickin' tag a reply. That's so WOW!
It's damn annoying to know that someone has tag you and you can't reply.

Urgh !!! Either i see what's above or what's on the right! Damn it. I tried so many things.. editing the html, refreshing the page 23842093 times, slamming the lappie, pull my hair out..but nothing works.
Now someone tell me i'm not the only one. This is so damn frustrating.
9:43 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn
the battle
For seconds, minutes, and hours i tried my best to concentrate on report writing. But damn, my mind simply drifted. It feels as if i have no control over my limbs as i tried to stop myself from pressing the Blogger tab.

Damn those projects. And oh, not forgetting those tests too. *Whines pathetically* Now where is superman when i need him most?
7.49am and i'm feeling hungry now. There's no edible food at home that i can call a decent breakfast. Decent breakfast = pipping hot porridge or fried bee hoon. *slurps* If don't even dare to lay my hands on those food at home if not i might end up bingeing. Oh oh!! I hate bread for breakfast. I can't swallow.
Sticking my head out, i took a peep before stepping on the icy cold titles of the kitchen. My usual practice - to scan the surroundings for enemies. Ah ha! I knew it! Right there was my most hatred enemy loitering.
With skipping heart as fast as milli seconds run, i approached my enemy with utmost caution. I stared at my enemy with eagle eyes as i drew my deadliest weapon of mass destruction. Sensing a little trouble, my enemy starts making quick small movements. Shifting itself to the best position it starts to look out for any signal or danger that lurks around.

Carefully and slowly i took aim. With confidence i gave my shot. With months of training, nothing should go wrong in a moment like this! In such a situation only one survives. It's either IT or ME.
I did the evil smile as i watched my enemy twitched in agony. I watched it struggle for a few seconds before giving it another taste of my mass destruction - boiling water. This time it twitched with more violence. It looked like it was trying to fight back.
No! You don't fight back with me. Here's another round of boiling water for you! This time it gradually stopped its protest, as if it has accepted its fate, and falls into a deep sleep. One that it would never wake up from.

Too late puny brain! You got pwned!
Now probably dead and on the way to hell, I gave my enemy another dose of mass destruction just for satisfaction sake. From a safe distance I squatted down and looked at my dead enemy. I spent at least 20 seconds glaring at my enemy that laid so still, there was a need to confirm it's death.
I muttered to myself: "You suck!" With contentment i left the war zone.
That battle that lasted a few seconds seemed like forever. But it was worth it to watch my enemy crumble and fall. One down and many more to go. One day the world will be cockroach free...
What a victorious battle of the day! Ownage!
8:27 AM
i spilled milk on the lawn